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Tairis Oboro
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Tairis Oboro, a.k.a "Annihilator", is a male Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 3466883 for ID.

Born on 16th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon under protection of Nald'thal, the TradersNald'thal, the Traders.

Other known incarnations: male Roegadyn of Hellsguard.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Aegis of Elemental.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Deep in the heart of the Sagolii desert, dwells a small tribe of miqo'te. A family of hunters, small but very skilled. At the head of the tribe stood the Nunh, his axe glinting in the sun as he demonstrated his marital technique for the curious young cub watching eagerly.

"Follow me closely with your eyes son." He told his tiny observer, as he readied himself before a mighty boulder...

The Nunh let out a thunderous roar and in that moment split the boulder clean down the middle. "That is how it's done lad." The Nunh said as he returned to his stance. "Papa, how long until I can split the boulder?" The little ebon furred cub asked.

"Ha ha! Once you've grown into your own axe my boy." The Nunh smiles as a look of impatience grows on the young cub's face. "Dear, Tairis! Come now we have a feast waiting!" A young mother calls out, freshly returned from the hunt, her bow still in hand.

"Mother!" The cub springs to his feet and makes a mad dash for her. She lightly drops her bow and braces for the incoming ball of fur. The cub leapt happily into to her arms, "Ohh, did someone miss me?" She chuckled to herself. " You've yet to give me a bow lesson, will you show me now?" He asked fervently. " When the moon rises, I promise, but now we eat." She replied.

"How faired the hunting party, my star?" Asked the Nunh.
"Well enough that we will be eating drake meat for half a moon." Her reply made them all laugh as they returned to the tribe.

Later that evening... "Tairis! Tairis, awaken now!!" His mother pledded, "Tairis get up!!" The cub clumsily sits up, "m..mother?" He said as he wiped his face. "Hurry and get up, the Amalj'aa are approaching!" She exclaimed. The cub sprang up, "where's father?" He asked. "He will join us once he readies the defenses, and tells the others where to move." She quietly revels.

She leads her son into the tribal hall at the back of the village. "Stay to the shadows my boy." She instructed him. He quickly ducked into the tunnels, as his mother joins her sisters atop the archer points... It grows quite.... Then his father's voice rang out, "Begone frome our lands! You hold no claim here!" He follows the voice to a small peephole, and finds his father staring down the raiding party.

"Claim indeed, we will claim you for lord Ifrit!!" One Amalj'aa yelled as he charged the Nunh, but with a fixed gaze, and that same swing of the axe,the Nuhn struck down the raider, "Flee this place or you will follow your comrade in passing!" His father roared at the horde.

An Amalj'aa shaman steps forward "We will have you for lord Ifrit!!" A strange blue flame enveloped the raiders, the Nunh roars to the tribe mothers , "Take the young and flee!" The tribe mounts a defense of their home.

The battle is grueling, many are lost or taken, but the Nuhn and the young mother push their way through with their son in tow. They make for the coast, and then Ul'dah.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage74
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage90
White MageWhite Mage100