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Freya Lynae
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Freya Lynae, a.k.a "Green Eyes", is a female Lalafell of Plainsfolk clan, registered in the database on with 37572472 for ID.

Born on 22nd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon under protection of Menphina, the LoverMenphina, the Lover.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Mateus of Crystal.

Reached rank of Serpent CaptainSerpent Captain in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Freya Lynae had a happy childhood in the lush Golmore Jungle. She grew up surrounded by other Viera women, learning the traditions and customs of her people. Despite the fact that Viera males do not interact with the village, as they lived in groups in the woods to protect it, Freya never felt like she was missing out on anything. She was content with her life in the jungle, but she always had an insatiable curiosity about the world outside her village.

As a child, Freya would often listen to the stories of the select few outsiders who were allowed into the village from time to time. She was fascinated by their tales of far-off lands and exotic creatures.

When Freya grew older, she knew that she wanted to explore the world and learn about other races and cultures. One day, she decided to tell her mother about her desire to leave the village and see the world. Her mother was understanding and supportive, encouraging her daughter to follow her dreams.

However, the Elders of the village were less pleased with Freya's decision. Though they typically allowed Viera to leave if they desired, they imposed a strict rule that once someone left, they could never return. This was because the Viera had a sacred duty to protect the jungle and its inhabitants. If a Viera left the village, they were seen as abandoning their duty and breaking their bond with the jungle.

Despite the Elders' disapproval, Freya was determined to see and explore the world, learn about other cultures. She left her village and set out on her journey.

Freya's travels took her to many different places, where she encountered people of various races and backgrounds. She was fascinated by the different customs and traditions she saw, and she always made an effort to learn about them. Her innate desire to help others led her to the Conjurer's Guild in Gridania, where she began to learn the art of healing magic.

Over time, Freya became proficient in multiple healing arts and dedicated herself to using her skills to help those in need. She traveled from town to town, offering her services to anyone who required them. Her kind heart and healing touch earned her the respect and admiration of many, regardless of their race or background.

Despite her travels, Freya never forgot her roots. She often thought back to her time in Golmore Jungle and cherished the memories of her home and the lessons she had learned there. Even though she knew she could never return, she still felt a strong bond with the jungle and its inhabitants.

Freya's childhood had been generally good with no traumas or issues. She was simply a kind and compassionate individual who wanted to help others. Her travels and experiences only deepened her desire to make a difference in the world, and she continued to use her skills and her kind heart to make the world a better place, wherever her travels took her.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage80
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage100