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Sunayo Carissime
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Sunayo Carissime, a.k.a "Of the 14th Chakra", is a female Au Ra of Raen clan, registered in the database on with 4470353 for ID. Had also been known under 5 other names: M'yr Sundancer, M'yrrinshe Rahz, Rhya Saint, Sunayo Sanchairudo, Telum Evangelica.

Born on 25th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon under protection of Menphina, the LoverMenphina, the Lover.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Mateus of Crystal.

Reached rank of Serpent CaptainSerpent Captain in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Name: Sunayo Carissime
Race: Au'ra
Hair Color: White with black highlights
Eye Color: One Green and one Blue
Height: 5, 5
Age: 35
Occupation: ex-Garlean super soldier/nation defender.


Not particularly proud of her history, Sunayo was considered something of a prodigy back in Kugane. Having been born blind, her parents abandoned her as an infant outside the Ruby Palace. Were it not for a passing blue kojin having adopted her she would have met her demise. Nothing came easy for Sunayo however she refused to simply surrender to her handicap. Over time she became a master martial artist and something of a protoge' to the Viceroy of the time whom eventually took over her tutelage to mold the blind au'ra girl from just child prodigy and into a weapon of nearly unbridled skill and power.

Twelve years of training, discipline and the occasional beating Sunayo's blindness was merely a surface nuisance that was curtailed by her incredible reflexes, strength and training. In those twelve years she served with distinction, believing the Garlean Empire was a just and formidable super power. That changed when her secret love affair with her fiance' Maryann was discovered and sent to die in the Bozjan Front. When Sunayo came of the age of 19 she went AWOL to discover her lovers fate only for Gauis van Baelsar to inform her that Maryann had long since died and that he to abandoned the Empire for its transgressions against his own adopted children. During this time Sunayo ventured to Ishgard to take part in the ending of the Dragonsong War.

Personality wise, Sunayo has not changed much. Yet again losing her sight did little to handicap her combat abilities, if anything they're more potent as a result of the auracite itself giving her mild telepathic abilities. Cold, calculating, enigmatic with a disciplined mindset she has walked away from the path of being another dog of war to a more righteous path. Having sought redemption for her past, she took on the borderline impossible task of saving her soul in the performance of great deeds. Despite wearing her guilt like a cloak, she refuses to surrender to despair. Will not strike down innocent people, even if its an order and has strong ties with Gridania even though its apparent her heart lies in the great city of Ishgard, whom she helped rebuild during the Firmaments restoration efforts. Though considered cold and unfeeling, Sunayo has proven on many occasions she's not an android, values honor above all else and will gladly throw herself into battle to defend her friends, family and nation. Even when greatly outnumbered.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage80
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage100