Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official Lodestone with special parser.
Service has an official thread on Lodestone forum.
"(C) SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. All material used under license."
If you own this character account, and do not want to share the data, you can change private settings on Lodestone, and a private flag will be applied on next update, preventing any further updates, hiding all details of the profile and applying noindex tag to the page. Visiting the page every 24 hours can help prioritize the update, but generally it happens within minutes. Once it's applied, you will see appropriate message. Note, that you may need to force-refresh the page (clear browser cache) to see the change. This also does not imply instant removal of the page from Google search results, and link to profile may still be present on groups' pages (same as with Lodestone).
Fenrile Sekiseiinko is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 46479005 for ID.
Born on 31st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon under protection of Nophica, the Matron.
Other known incarnations:
male Hyur of Highlander.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Atomos of Elemental.
Reached rank of Serpent Captain in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
2023/01/01 STARTの冒険者です 2023/01/01 I am a START adventurer.
自由気ままにのんびり楽しく自分のペースでエオルゼでの生活を楽しんでいます♪ まだまだ分からないことだらけで勉強の日々… Jiyū kimama ni nonbiri tanoshiku jibun no pēsu de eoruze de no seikatsu o tanoshinde imasu ♪ madamada wakaranai koto-darake de benkyō no hi ⓶…
クエストやダンジョンはできるだけ攻略に頼らないで死んでもいいから自分で考えてクリアできるように日々頑張っています!! 戦闘は下手ですが...f( ˊᵕˋ ;) I'm working hard every day to clear quests and dungeons without relying on strategies as much as possible, even if it means dying! I'm not good at combat though...f( ˊᵕˋ ;)
ミラプリで色々なコーデ考えるのも好きです👕👖 I also like thinking of various outfits for mirage prism👕👖
日本国内に限らず海外のプレイヤーの方とも交流したいのでフレンドになってくれる方いましたら気軽に声をかけてもらえたら嬉しいです^^ (翻訳アプリを使用しています) I would like to interact with players not only in Japan but also overseas, so if anyone would like to become friends, please feel free to contact me ^^ (I use a translation app)
インコと一緒に暮しているので鳥好きさんとも友達になれたらなと思っています🐦 I live with parakeets, so I hope to make friends with bird lovers as well.🐦
ゲームは楽しくプレイするのが1番( ˙꒳˙ )b The best way to play a game is to have fun ( ˙꒳˙ )b
最後までご覧頂きありがとうございました✨ Thank you for watching until the end✨