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Mirka Garlond, a.k.a "Sworn Protector", is a female Hrothgar of The Lost clan, registered in the database on with 49409047 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Fawn Princess.
Born on 21st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon under protection of Menphina, the Lover.
Currently is resident of Ul'dah, Thanalan on Famfrit of Primal.
Reached rank of Flame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Mirka was born at the Bozja Citadel, where she lived under the rule of the Garlean Empire, her parents were common folks, with no citizenship nor significant jobs.
On the day of the Bozja incident, Mirka and her family tried to flee the Citadel in hopes of escaping the empire's grasp, using the resistance attack as a distraction to their escape, unfortunately, her father perished in front of Mirka, trying to fend soldiers, to buy time for his family escape. Even after her father's sacrifice, Mirka and her mother were followed beyond the citadel walls, with her mother later telling her to run in another direction while she served as bait, she ran for hours on end, until a big flash of light emerged behind her, and where the citadel should stand, she only saw crystalized aether in its stead.
On the day after the incident, Mirka wandered aimlessly through the surrounding area of the explosion, until a man spotted her, Cid nan Garlond, who to her in, knowing what it could mean for her to be found by the imperial army, he decided to take her away from there was the best option, bringing her to Eorzea. She stayed silent for a month, and her voice could only be heard by them when she would wake up screaming, as time passed, she started to open up to him, but at the same time, she started forgetting her life before the incident.
Growing up with her newfound family, she started taking notice of Cid's works and started growing interest in his crafts, and he was more than happy to teach, with time Mirka became an engineer at the Garlond Ironworks. While she studied under Cid's wings, they started becoming closer and closer together, until she started seeing him as a father figure.
After witnessing the seventh umbral Calamity, much of her old wounds were opened back up, not only Dalamud bringing destruction in its wake but also the fact that Cid went missing. After seeing the survivors of the Calamity, seeing much of her younger self in many Eorzeans, she swore to take up arms to defend others and prevent another catastrophe like this from ever happening again, setting her up on the journey that one day turned her into a Scion.