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Beren Forodir
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Beren Forodir, a.k.a "Of Dragons Deep", is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 5514290 for ID.

Born on 2nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon under protection of Halone, the FuryHalone, the Fury.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Shiva of Light.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Looking back at the spear I planted at Dran Errn, I realized things have changed...

I always admired Dragoons, the elite sworn to protect their home from a known brood of Dragons, and I wanted to become one since I can remember myself. Specially trained to kill their one enemy, Dragoons jump, fearless, through walls of wings and teeth bred to bring ruin to Ishgard and their children. Their armor is made for both precise jumps and to destroy the target, and it has always been extremely effective, especially from inside the beasts… When I finally got to wear this armor, it looked like a dream. It literally felt like I was in this euphoric state ever since I jumped into battle, nothing could bring my smile down... until I made my first jump into enemy territory.

There I was, in the middle of Dravania: no backup, no allies, no friends. I was alone. Anyx Tride was this giant weathered dark tower/spire near the mountains and no, I had no idea it was a nest. When I first crossed those walls, I ran into a dragon. It was a very small youngling (way older than me actually), which was scared at the sight of my spear. I had no idea this small creature would become one of my best friends, but there I was with my spear risen, blinded by my instincts, and although it would seem the beast’s life was within my grasp, I couldn’t be more wrong. With nothing but a slight move forward, I was surrounded by way bigger and angrier dragons. I froze.

There was no way I could kill them all, and absolutely no chance I could talk my way out of it. So I planted my spear on the ground, and took off my helmet. My instincts were dragging me. My body turned numb. I looked at every single dragon in the eye, finally looking back at the scared youngling.
I was okay with this being my final moment, but before I waste my last breath, I wanted to make sure that dragon was not scared of me, and I cannot explain why I needed to do this. I moved forward and the youngling flew into the tower where I could no longer see it, shrouded by darkness.
I fell to my knees, a tear ran through my face... My euphoria was no more.

Back then, after they spared my life, I still thought I was done for, but once again I was wrong. We talked, they teached me, fed me. I learned their history and culture, I played with their younglings and I even joined their hunts! We dueled and healed together. They were my family. Anyx Trine, my home. From young Toh Y Thrah, to the Kohm brothers and their father Ess Khas. They accepted me when I couldn’t accept myself anymore. Dragons weren't the enemy, we were. I was. But one day, Ess Khas got aware of my thoughts and he approached me with the following words:
"Your efforts have shown that man is not an inferior being, but rather a more-than-suitable equal."

Thanks to Ess Khas enlightenment, I didn't lose myself, and it's because of them I still wield the spear today. Now better than ever.

The Dragonsong war is coming to an end.


Last achievements

Total points: 8465

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage50
Blue MageBlue Mage80
Dark KnightDark Knight80
Red MageRed Mage70
White MageWhite Mage52