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Sairune Tevensar
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Sairune Tevensar is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 6001816 for ID.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon under protection of Halone, the FuryHalone, the Fury.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Ultros of Primal.

Reached rank of First Storm LieutenantFirst Storm Lieutenant in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

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Sairune Tevensar :: A Young Star Burning Brightly For Glory At All Costs

Sairune approached the beaked rental lady, riding atop his horse. "Excuse me, low-rider, can you point me to the arena? I've just stowed myself and my horse aboard an airship without a pass, leaving behind the weaklings of the marauder's guild because I know I am ready for the glory of championship. That, and because I've already rolled a 10 yalm boulder into a live volcano without sweating, and shattered another with my pinky!"

The Chocobo Rental ward gave him a quizzical look.

"Well, where is it?" Sairune reiterated. "Considering my drastic measures, I'm sure you can understand that nothing will stand in the way of my greatness!"

Silent, the woman looked to her stable of birds, and then back at Sairune.

"Is something the matter? Do you see something wrong, low-rider?" Sairune grew more irritated. "Mayhap are you judging me?"

Sairune dismounted, giving the rental lady a long, stern look. "Are you looking at my pink armor and thinking me a weakling? That I am not fit for the blood and glory that awaits Sairune Tevensar, most fabled gladiator? Do you think me strange, because I ride high and proud, atop a horse, instead of lollygagging about on a feathered beast like all the other would-be champions? Well I'll have you know, wearing pink requires nothing but the most supreme confidence in a man! I am but a few days out of the guild but I know I'm ready for greatness, for Eorzea to witness my strength!" Sairune roared and thrust his arms and hips outward, shouting, "SLASH PSYCH!"

The woman finally replied. "You'll find the Wolves' Den at the end of the pier." She turned away from him, and returned to pruning the bugs from her birds.


Last achievements

Total points: 2070

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage12
Blue MageBlue Mage1
Dark KnightDark Knight70
Red MageRed Mage50
White MageWhite Mage11