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Juny Fenrir, a.k.a "Living Memory", is a female Au Ra of Xaela clan, registered in the database on with 6718506 for ID.
Born on 19th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon under protection of Menphina, the Lover.
Currently is resident of Ul'dah, Thanalan on Phoenix of Light.
Has also been seen on
Ragnarok of Chaos.
Reached rank of Flame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Nome: Juny Fenrir Età: 28 Razza: Au Ra Xaela Sesso: Femmina Altezza: 1,52 m Peso: 57 Kg Colore della pelle: caffèlatte, con scaglie d'ebano Colore degli occhi: sinistro viola/rosa destro azzurro Colore dei capelli: Rosa argentati, quasi bianchi Classe principale: Dark Knight Luogo di Nascita: The Azim Steppe Personalità: allegra, orgogliosa e un filo sadica, ha una forte sicurezza di se e delle sue capacità, a volte sembra prenda tutto con poca serietà ma di fatto ha un forte senso di rivalità con chiunque. Tende a essere molto maliziosa e diretta. Orientamento sessuale: Bisessuale Le piace: Viaggiare, Duellare, infilarsi nei problemi altrui, Mangiare (principalmente carne), Scommettere, l'Azim Steppe, Ishgard. Odia: I paladini, il cibo amaro, razzismo (sopratutto quello isghardiano e di Gridania), Diablos, Mor Dhona.
Name: Juny Fenrir Age: 28 Race: Au Ra Xaela Sex: Female Height: 1,52 m Weight: 57 Kg Skin color and scale color: light brown skin and ebony scale. Eye Color: Right one Pink, Left One light green Hair Color: Silver pink with pure silver light. Main Class: Dark Knight Home Nation: The Azim Steppe Personality: joyful, prideful and a little sadist, Juny is really confident about herself and in her ability, sometimes she take all her problems and duty lighty but she have a great sense of rivality. Juny is quite puckish but blunt. Sexual orientation: Bisexual She Like: travel and explore, fight, getting involved in other people's problems, Eat (meat for the most), gamble, Azim Steppe, Ishgard. Seh hate: Paladins, bitter food, racist elvaan of Isghard and Gridania, Diablos, Mor Dhona.