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S'oran Fiana
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S'oran Fiana, a.k.a "Grandmaster Caster", is a male Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 8320356 for ID.

Born on 12th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon under protection of Oschon, the WandererOschon, the Wanderer.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Faerie of Aether.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

A descendant from the S Tribe of the Seekers of the Sun that crossed the seas into Eorzea during the Fifth Umbral Era. As a very young child he was orphaned when a storm came suddenly upon his family on a voyage from his tribe's home in Limsa Lominsa to the The Cieldalaes in the Rhotano Sea. He washed up a day later on one of the small islands which served as house and home to a reclusive Roegadyn woman named Fianthota. Under Fianthota's care he grew up fairly independent and without much consideration for racial and cultural conventions. In what would typically be a very unusual decision for both cultures, he even elected to take a female Roegadyn surname in honor of his adoptive mother instead of the traditional "Tia" of the Seeker tribes. As such he grew into adolescence as S'orahn Fianthotasyn. As he entered his teenage years Fianthota passed away, having lived a life both long and full. S'orahn then left his island home seeking work, knowing he would now have to become independent. He stumbled into a job assisting the Storm Captains transporting wild creatures to Locke's Lie for training purposes. From here he fell into many different odd jobs working for the Maelstrom and it was during this time that one short-tempered Hyur Captain decided to rename him S'oran Fiana in order to "save time." S'oran, was entering adulthood and instead of taking offense took this as an opportunity for a rebirth. At that moment he decided he would make something of himself; make himself into someone Fianthota would be proud of. With his first step he began a voyage to Limsa Lominsa to cast his lot with the adventurers of the realm. The rest, as they say, is history.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage26
Red MageRed Mage80