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Rex Vermillion
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Rex Vermillion, a.k.a "Trusted Friend", is a male Viera of Rava clan, registered in the database on with 8513942 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Yaki'a Lisee.

Born on 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon under protection of Menphina, the LoverMenphina, the Lover.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Faerie of Aether. Has also been seen on Coeurl of Crystal.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Born in Ul'dah, his father unknown and mother (a keeper of the sun) killed in a clash between the Blades and refugee rioting, he was raised by his mother's friend a female miqo'te from the keeper of the moon clan called Tahza Nhikola who gave him his inherited right of his mothers name (as is the way of the keeper of the moons). While Yaki'a was growing up he was told stories of the adventures his mother and Tahza went on together before she met his father, and although the supply of questions on his father were unending the answers he was given were the same: "Only Yaki knew him through an ill fated encounter". The events of this ill fated encounter could not be described to Yaki'a since Tahza was not there for it and so the story was lost from Yaki and known only to the father; if he still breathes. The only thing Yaki'a knew for certain was that his father must have been a heroic adventurer, and so when left with his own thoughts on the matter Yaki'a would dream of fantasy moments of how his parents had met, like maybe a tired and wounded Yaki who was face to face with a blood thirsty dragon was saved at the last moment by the man who would be Yaki'a's father. As Yaki'a grew older he naturally would grow more and more drawn to the idea of adventuring to make his own stories similar but at the same time unique when compared to those of his mother that Tahza would tell him. Finally the day came where Yaki'a packed his belongings and said his goodbyes to Tahza, the women who would always be a mother to him, and the tribe that he never belonged to but was welcomed into, so that he could make his own adventures, and as he boarded the choccobo drawn carriage with a peddler and a pair of Elezens, he couldn't help but be reminded of the first story he had heard of his mother leaving her home in Ul'dah behind and meeting a skeptical Tahza on the road. Smiling Yaki'a thought to himself, "This is where my story begins."


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage80
Blue MageBlue Mage66
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage87