
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "SIGMAXISS" was formed on and registered on with ID 9227734898993908060. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

のんびりのfree companyです。
This should be fun!

Operates on Yojimbo, Meteor, leaving tags "SGMXS" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames.

Has this message on its plot placard:


Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
276 143 99
17 22 98
54 415 98
189 250 95
205 323 16
254 323 16
437 272 16

Current members:

Newoh Nexxus 司令 Newoh Nexxus Hokusai Geshi 参謀 Hokusai Geshi Viu Lima 参謀 Viu Lima Ai Road 士官 Ai Road Blue Huskies 士官 Blue Huskies Cecilia Ryui 士官 Cecilia Ryui Chaeng Son 士官 Chaeng Son Chibiko Momoiro 士官 Chibiko Momoiro Chulainn Sum 士官 Chulainn Sum Clemetina Cengst 士官 Clemetina Cengst Dk Jing 士官 Dk Jing Fresh Kaka 士官 Fresh Kaka Himzoo Zoo 士官 Himzoo Zoo Jim Wtt 士官 Jim Wtt Kirito Lam 士官 Kirito Lam Lin Cafe 士官 Lin Cafe Lysithea Saveload 士官 Lysithea Saveload Negative Three 士官 Negative Three Noefla Petrushka 士官 Noefla Petrushka Rio Sybaris 士官 Rio Sybaris Rope Vy 士官 Rope Vy Samurai Ad 士官 Samurai Ad Six Six 士官 Six Six Snoopy Fung 士官 Snoopy Fung Stafilia Seven 士官 Stafilia Seven Temeraire Bear 士官 Temeraire Bear Vivi Dida 士官 Vivi Dida Yui Fox 士官 Yui Fox Yuka Ukaa 士官 Yuka Ukaa Zain Elmes 士官 Zain Elmes Ac Ck 退役 Ac Ck Adam Ol 退役 Adam Ol Alanbier Lambo 退役 Alanbier Lambo Aoi Mozu 退役 Aoi Mozu Aoyaki Yokada 退役 Aoyaki Yokada Ar Tung 退役 Ar Tung Arisred Dai 退役 Arisred Dai Ayamekk Yodaso 退役 Ayamekk Yodaso Babe Lin 退役 Babe Lin Baby Magic 退役 Baby Magic Banana Kaka 退役 Banana Kaka Bdsm Urmum 退役 Bdsm Urmum Cheeky Stand 退役 Cheeky Stand Cheung Baker 退役 Cheung Baker Eve Master 退役 Eve Master Full Bucket 退役 Full Bucket Haruka Yoasobi 退役 Haruka Yoasobi Helpless Bear 退役 Helpless Bear Hon Konytor 退役 Hon Konytor Icarus Suraci 退役 Icarus Suraci Iyuzu Yuuki 退役 Iyuzu Yuuki Janee Jan 退役 Janee Jan Jeff Brokenmoon 退役 Jeff Brokenmoon Jockey Ck 退役 Jockey Ck Kelfo Laluna 退役 Kelfo Laluna Kevin Cc 退役 Kevin Cc Kindest Gun 退役 Kindest Gun Kori Yuki 退役 Kori Yuki Kuro Kurt 退役 Kuro Kurt Lan Aotsuki 退役 Lan Aotsuki Lien Colins 退役 Lien Colins Lucifier Star 退役 Lucifier Star Mad Kit 退役 Mad Kit Madcow-c L- 退役 Madcow-c L- Makoto Ushikai 退役 Makoto Ushikai Min Chi 退役 Min Chi Mizube Kokoro 退役 Mizube Kokoro Mumi Mizloop 退役 Mumi Mizloop Nagisa Kuruma 退役 Nagisa Kuruma Ngawang Topden 退役 Ngawang Topden Ni Nn 退役 Ni Nn Nine Wishes 退役 Nine Wishes Nono Momo 退役 Nono Momo Ouo Bearbaby 退役 Ouo Bearbaby Pg- Iox 退役 Pg- Iox Pika Jonly 退役 Pika Jonly Pink Doritos 退役 Pink Doritos Pomelo Wang 退役 Pomelo Wang Psithyros Whisper 退役 Psithyros Whisper Rick Bulu 退役 Rick Bulu Ririo Izumi 退役 Ririo Izumi Sam Carver 退役 Sam Carver Sansen Sekiryo 退役 Sansen Sekiryo Seraphini Deva 退役 Seraphini Deva Shara Muruc 退役 Shara Muruc Shiina Mashiro 退役 Shiina Mashiro Shiro Treel 退役 Shiro Treel Shishiro Shizuka 退役 Shishiro Shizuka Siu May 退役 Siu May Skadi Sulyvahn 退役 Skadi Sulyvahn Slinr Seafood 退役 Slinr Seafood Spicy Doritos 退役 Spicy Doritos Sweet-sour Pork 退役 Sweet-sour Pork Thor Odinson 退役 Thor Odinson Tsuki Sakura 退役 Tsuki Sakura Vici Kaka 退役 Vici Kaka Willson Nakiri 退役 Willson Nakiri Yasashii Suisei 退役 Yasashii Suisei You Shouyan 退役 You Shouyan