
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Duty Failed

Rank 30 Free Company "Duty Failed" was formed on and registered on with ID 9228297848947325789. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Just some people having fun by failing the same duty over and over again. And really proud about it. [Brazilian Guild] [FC #1]

Operates on Famfrit, Primal, leaving tags "FAIL" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a medium base named "Solkatt" on plot 16 in ward 25 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Favorite hangout spot of the best FC ever. Make yourself at home. ♥

Participates in:

  • CasualCasual
Has an open community.

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 2 other names:

  • The Wandering Court
  • Waifu Labs
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
4 1 502
1 1 456
2 1 455
1 1 488
19 7 234
13 7 217
13 9 215
7 9 215
11 9 198
19 9 196
19 6 195
15 10 95
5 14 87
10 14 83

Current members:

Kyriah Lyonesse Duty Finder Kyriah Lyonesse Bella Tei Duty Mistress Bella Tei Buyakuya Ryuugami Duty Manager Buyakuya Ryuugami Tsubaki Yuzuka Duty Manager Tsubaki Yuzuka Cor'kael Bladesbane Duty Supporter Cor'kael Bladesbane Majestic River Duty Supporter Majestic River Ameline Beaudefons Duty Veteran Ameline Beaudefons Brittany Wilson Duty Veteran Brittany Wilson Coby Otsu Duty Veteran Coby Otsu Datura Aconitum Duty Veteran Datura Aconitum Kalmia Aconitum Duty Veteran Kalmia Aconitum Mini Fee Duty Veteran Mini Fee Mona Hideko Duty Veteran Mona Hideko Naul Zeal Duty Veteran Naul Zeal Rigashiz X-bng Duty Veteran Rigashiz X-bng Skaenbhar Haldfrynsyn Duty Veteran Skaenbhar Haldfrynsyn Sonyfero Elzworda Duty Veteran Sonyfero Elzworda Vash Gainsborough Duty Veteran Vash Gainsborough Vekskull Eryut Duty Veteran Vekskull Eryut Alioth Sieghart Duty Member Alioth Sieghart Alta Voltagem Duty Member Alta Voltagem Artemis Edakumi Duty Member Artemis Edakumi Beautiful Bear Duty Member Beautiful Bear Biscuit Fluffbuns Duty Member Biscuit Fluffbuns Braun Alcantara Duty Member Braun Alcantara Cross Loreswolf Duty Member Cross Loreswolf Devan Evaflair Duty Member Devan Evaflair Dilua Meow Duty Member Dilua Meow Gabriel Kuran Duty Member Gabriel Kuran Gunrack Meow Duty Member Gunrack Meow Hortberk Guldisilsyn Duty Member Hortberk Guldisilsyn Ima Qtkiwi Duty Member Ima Qtkiwi Jorge Machado Duty Member Jorge Machado Kari Kanamaru Duty Member Kari Kanamaru Kokat Tiertres Duty Member Kokat Tiertres Kokutou Yozora Duty Member Kokutou Yozora Kronner Skyfury Duty Member Kronner Skyfury Leon Silverberg Duty Member Leon Silverberg Lerooy Jenkins Duty Member Lerooy Jenkins Little Massa Duty Member Little Massa Loky Bot Duty Member Loky Bot Marin Astra Duty Member Marin Astra Meow Meoow Duty Member Meow Meoow Miguel Kael Duty Member Miguel Kael Nair Alzaurak Duty Member Nair Alzaurak Nana Hellsing Duty Member Nana Hellsing Naylor Swift Duty Member Naylor Swift Nekobu Fem Duty Member Nekobu Fem Nighterx Amadeus Duty Member Nighterx Amadeus Raydon Uther Duty Member Raydon Uther Ryryuu Hissatsu Duty Member Ryryuu Hissatsu Sadz Triste Duty Member Sadz Triste Sativ Lysendraa Duty Member Sativ Lysendraa Totoronna Pond Duty Member Totoronna Pond Uncle Vanzel Duty Member Uncle Vanzel Vitnow Nakayama Duty Member Vitnow Nakayama Zark Windwall Duty Member Zark Windwall A'rav Ndai Duty Commenced A'rav Ndai Ab Brittus Duty Commenced Ab Brittus Ada Endreach Duty Commenced Ada Endreach Aethegwyn Foldwaning Duty Commenced Aethegwyn Foldwaning Ahiag Manchado Duty Commenced Ahiag Manchado Aiacos Judge Duty Commenced Aiacos Judge Aine Fiadh Duty Commenced Aine Fiadh Akaza Asakura Duty Commenced Akaza Asakura Ake Minoru Duty Commenced Ake Minoru Akemi Honkkari Duty Commenced Akemi Honkkari Akynus Zart Duty Commenced Akynus Zart Alalon Sapphire Duty Commenced Alalon Sapphire Alana Allen Duty Commenced Alana Allen Aleteia Hogryff Duty Commenced Aleteia Hogryff Alex Nightwood Duty Commenced Alex Nightwood Alissa Berzerk Duty Commenced Alissa Berzerk Alkamar Rhys Duty Commenced Alkamar Rhys Allara Zinogre Duty Commenced Allara Zinogre Alun Dhoro Duty Commenced Alun Dhoro Amazing Saulim Duty Commenced Amazing Saulim Ana Bele Duty Commenced Ana Bele Angie Blauerose Duty Commenced Angie Blauerose Angra Mainiu Duty Commenced Angra Mainiu Aniclaire Bolenna Duty Commenced Aniclaire Bolenna Annie Vdk Duty Commenced Annie Vdk Another One Duty Commenced Another One Apombaiado Fuleragem Duty Commenced Apombaiado Fuleragem Ar'zalon Grim Duty Commenced Ar'zalon Grim Arcang Rhal Duty Commenced Arcang Rhal Aria Olkund Duty Commenced Aria Olkund Arietta Forsetti Duty Commenced Arietta Forsetti Artemis Flamel Duty Commenced Artemis Flamel Arthorius Alduin Duty Commenced Arthorius Alduin Ash Grayheart Duty Commenced Ash Grayheart Ashtar Cristal Duty Commenced Ashtar Cristal Atal Hakkar Duty Commenced Atal Hakkar Atori Dash Duty Commenced Atori Dash Aurin Vanderslike Duty Commenced Aurin Vanderslike Aurora Krepusculum Duty Commenced Aurora Krepusculum Aya Asahina Duty Commenced Aya Asahina Ays Ballamin Duty Commenced Ays Ballamin B'akt Saurs Duty Commenced B'akt Saurs Bake Mono Duty Commenced Bake Mono Bakuha Mnosh Duty Commenced Bakuha Mnosh Balantaines Doze Duty Commenced Balantaines Doze Balthier Skypiratebr Duty Commenced Balthier Skypiratebr Batata Taba Duty Commenced Batata Taba Beccana Jedy Duty Commenced Beccana Jedy Bed Bunny Duty Commenced Bed Bunny Bellavig Moura Duty Commenced Bellavig Moura Besto Friendo Duty Commenced Besto Friendo Blue Hamster Duty Commenced Blue Hamster Boond Tigrao Duty Commenced Boond Tigrao Borus Sweiv Duty Commenced Borus Sweiv Briza Fortch Duty Commenced Briza Fortch Brother Deimos Duty Commenced Brother Deimos Bunny Bucciarati Duty Commenced Bunny Bucciarati Burker Hotodogo Duty Commenced Burker Hotodogo Cafezim Amargo Duty Commenced Cafezim Amargo Canti Second Duty Commenced Canti Second Cardis Raziel Duty Commenced Cardis Raziel Caster Kyasuta Duty Commenced Caster Kyasuta Chisato Maionese Duty Commenced Chisato Maionese Ciga Ciga Duty Commenced Ciga Ciga Cupimzera Br Duty Commenced Cupimzera Br Cypher Neo Duty Commenced Cypher Neo Dankkan Sundran Duty Commenced Dankkan Sundran Dark Arckannos Duty Commenced Dark Arckannos Date Masamun'e Duty Commenced Date Masamun'e Daumen Vonhughe Duty Commenced Daumen Vonhughe Dhaka Hideko Duty Commenced Dhaka Hideko Diabo Loiro Duty Commenced Diabo Loiro Diego Crvg Duty Commenced Diego Crvg Diego Gojeta Duty Commenced Diego Gojeta Diema Di Duty Commenced Diema Di Dine Starforged Duty Commenced Dine Starforged Dl Thunder Duty Commenced Dl Thunder Draco Nika Duty Commenced Draco Nika Dragon Mantis Duty Commenced Dragon Mantis Drop Sanjs Duty Commenced Drop Sanjs Druida Treismil Duty Commenced Druida Treismil Drystan Nobleheart Duty Commenced Drystan Nobleheart Dudu Leonhart Duty Commenced Dudu Leonhart Dudulupa Tatalupa Duty Commenced Dudulupa Tatalupa Dyrus D'legatum Duty Commenced Dyrus D'legatum Eldynn Yuzyn Duty Commenced Eldynn Yuzyn Elle April Duty Commenced Elle April Elodin Tariniel Duty Commenced Elodin Tariniel Emo Gui Duty Commenced Emo Gui Endry Lit Duty Commenced Endry Lit Enheanor Keas Duty Commenced Enheanor Keas Eothyr Thyrenn Duty Commenced Eothyr Thyrenn Eri Yoenne Duty Commenced Eri Yoenne Eris An'craite Duty Commenced Eris An'craite Eso Mex Duty Commenced Eso Mex Ethan Blake Duty Commenced Ethan Blake Ewerton Leoncio Duty Commenced Ewerton Leoncio Exalta Samba Duty Commenced Exalta Samba Eygon Oolacile Duty Commenced Eygon Oolacile Famous Mio Duty Commenced Famous Mio Fan Thomaz Duty Commenced Fan Thomaz Faris Stroboskopa Duty Commenced Faris Stroboskopa Farvellon Liannon Duty Commenced Farvellon Liannon Fav Kaunseha Duty Commenced Fav Kaunseha Fei Seles Duty Commenced Fei Seles Feijaoo Xz Duty Commenced Feijaoo Xz Fenris Bloodraven Duty Commenced Fenris Bloodraven Fer Winchester Duty Commenced Fer Winchester Fernando Cavalh Duty Commenced Fernando Cavalh Feyrbrand Kronasta Duty Commenced Feyrbrand Kronasta Fili Qipex Duty Commenced Fili Qipex Filverel Helenei Duty Commenced Filverel Helenei Fly Nishi Duty Commenced Fly Nishi Fou Lubu Duty Commenced Fou Lubu Fran Coelha Duty Commenced Fran Coelha Frignir Vanor Duty Commenced Frignir Vanor Fritz Olkund Duty Commenced Fritz Olkund Fusca Azul Duty Commenced Fusca Azul Gabriel Mcghee Duty Commenced Gabriel Mcghee Gabz Doshin Duty Commenced Gabz Doshin Gabz Fuleragem Duty Commenced Gabz Fuleragem Gaea Zaalke Duty Commenced Gaea Zaalke Gagapoki Nonopoki Duty Commenced Gagapoki Nonopoki Galadriel Lothlrien Duty Commenced Galadriel Lothlrien Galahad Raysahih Duty Commenced Galahad Raysahih Galatariel Nerimae Duty Commenced Galatariel Nerimae Galuf Halm Duty Commenced Galuf Halm Gandalf Nigreos Duty Commenced Gandalf Nigreos Gatari'na Miaugareth Duty Commenced Gatari'na Miaugareth Geuk Legrand Duty Commenced Geuk Legrand Ghedi Strongarde Duty Commenced Ghedi Strongarde Giggs Who Duty Commenced Giggs Who Giozinho Braga Duty Commenced Giozinho Braga Giyu Minazuki Duty Commenced Giyu Minazuki God Nzoth Duty Commenced God Nzoth God Socoro Duty Commenced God Socoro God Vulcano Duty Commenced God Vulcano Gokunji Kogan Duty Commenced Gokunji Kogan Golden Pantsz Duty Commenced Golden Pantsz Gran Khain Duty Commenced Gran Khain Grimgore Blacksmith Duty Commenced Grimgore Blacksmith Gris Rhaadan Duty Commenced Gris Rhaadan Guaxinim Mafioso Duty Commenced Guaxinim Mafioso Gudanzinho Urias Duty Commenced Gudanzinho Urias Guii Oriedroc Duty Commenced Guii Oriedroc Guiru Herume Duty Commenced Guiru Herume Hare Waifu Duty Commenced Hare Waifu Harumi Emi Duty Commenced Harumi Emi Hawke Branford Duty Commenced Hawke Branford Hector Kiki Duty Commenced Hector Kiki Hei Feng Duty Commenced Hei Feng Hermes Black-hand Duty Commenced Hermes Black-hand Hestia Flint Duty Commenced Hestia Flint Hetto Barbecue Duty Commenced Hetto Barbecue Hidehisa Tosho Duty Commenced Hidehisa Tosho Hideo Abe Duty Commenced Hideo Abe Hoxerit Philemon Duty Commenced Hoxerit Philemon Humbert Geovane Duty Commenced Humbert Geovane Hyakkimaru Kaidash Duty Commenced Hyakkimaru Kaidash Hysc Maculado Duty Commenced Hysc Maculado I'nharri Mica Duty Commenced I'nharri Mica Ice Tepego Duty Commenced Ice Tepego Ikoroshi Kuroki Duty Commenced Ikoroshi Kuroki Ishvala Maniyu Duty Commenced Ishvala Maniyu Ivy Gfs Duty Commenced Ivy Gfs Izana Gatari Duty Commenced Izana Gatari Jackie Morningstar Duty Commenced Jackie Morningstar Jake Bell Duty Commenced Jake Bell Jake Myers Duty Commenced Jake Myers James Remedio Duty Commenced James Remedio Jay De'bass Duty Commenced Jay De'bass Jessy Allen Duty Commenced Jessy Allen Jhin Keyon Duty Commenced Jhin Keyon Jin Yarizawi Duty Commenced Jin Yarizawi Johnnie Wheller Duty Commenced Johnnie Wheller Jojo Frog Duty Commenced Jojo Frog Josie Hoppus Duty Commenced Josie Hoppus Junia Kuzunoha Duty Commenced Junia Kuzunoha Juno Drmmnd Duty Commenced Juno Drmmnd Juruty Katapinba Duty Commenced Juruty Katapinba K'naash Meiya Duty Commenced K'naash Meiya Kaede Kara Duty Commenced Kaede Kara Kael Ys Duty Commenced Kael Ys Kaelum Argentum Duty Commenced Kaelum Argentum Kairn Laguna Duty Commenced Kairn Laguna Kaiser Granvorka Duty Commenced Kaiser Granvorka Kalarch Onizuk Duty Commenced Kalarch Onizuk Kameratos Waidstrain Duty Commenced Kameratos Waidstrain Kandiesky Yagi Duty Commenced Kandiesky Yagi Karin Archeron Duty Commenced Karin Archeron Keiko Specter Duty Commenced Keiko Specter Ken Underbridge Duty Commenced Ken Underbridge Kero Vinagrinho Duty Commenced Kero Vinagrinho Ketter Crown Duty Commenced Ketter Crown Khazard Nightdragon Duty Commenced Khazard Nightdragon Khazartos Holyshield Duty Commenced Khazartos Holyshield Kintaros Armstrong Duty Commenced Kintaros Armstrong Kira Abebe Duty Commenced Kira Abebe Kirah Beaumont Duty Commenced Kirah Beaumont Klarion Cataclysm Duty Commenced Klarion Cataclysm Kleber Bambam Duty Commenced Kleber Bambam Kobayashi Tw Duty Commenced Kobayashi Tw Krote Strong Duty Commenced Krote Strong Krowe Darksin Duty Commenced Krowe Darksin Kruziik Kroniid Duty Commenced Kruziik Kroniid Kyasuka Caska Duty Commenced Kyasuka Caska Kyurenai Kist Duty Commenced Kyurenai Kist Kzhi'vo Lighthands Duty Commenced Kzhi'vo Lighthands Lannby Bohlas Duty Commenced Lannby Bohlas Lapis Lazulis Duty Commenced Lapis Lazulis Last Invoker Duty Commenced Last Invoker Laura Laura Duty Commenced Laura Laura Laurent Reed Duty Commenced Laurent Reed Leandro Rick Duty Commenced Leandro Rick Lee Hiiragi Duty Commenced Lee Hiiragi Leeloo Cygnus Duty Commenced Leeloo Cygnus Leo Reborn Duty Commenced Leo Reborn Leshy Patrono Duty Commenced Leshy Patrono Levi Shoyu Duty Commenced Levi Shoyu Levii Anna Duty Commenced Levii Anna Lieff Flamm Duty Commenced Lieff Flamm Lilith Morningskar Duty Commenced Lilith Morningskar Linho Winchester Duty Commenced Linho Winchester Lisa Tepes Duty Commenced Lisa Tepes Little Vergil Duty Commenced Little Vergil Livio Wolfwood Duty Commenced Livio Wolfwood Lobo Cinzento Duty Commenced Lobo Cinzento Lobo Nightbringer Duty Commenced Lobo Nightbringer Lord Mynz Duty Commenced Lord Mynz Lucas Leonardo Duty Commenced Lucas Leonardo Lucille Funk Duty Commenced Lucille Funk Lugumot Brazil Duty Commenced Lugumot Brazil Luke Arryn Duty Commenced Luke Arryn Luna Danph Duty Commenced Luna Danph Luna Moonwatcher Duty Commenced Luna Moonwatcher Mabuchi Kou Duty Commenced Mabuchi Kou Macgyver Dirac Duty Commenced Macgyver Dirac Magic Person Duty Commenced Magic Person Maleski Tenebris Duty Commenced Maleski Tenebris Mama Cita Duty Commenced Mama Cita Mano Italo Duty Commenced Mano Italo Manuk Luna Duty Commenced Manuk Luna Maqavelus Lefivirus Duty Commenced Maqavelus Lefivirus Mariah Star Duty Commenced Mariah Star Mateus Stormborn Duty Commenced Mateus Stormborn Maximus Dhotkar Duty Commenced Maximus Dhotkar Maya Malaya Duty Commenced Maya Malaya Me Toque Duty Commenced Me Toque Mec Froostt Duty Commenced Mec Froostt Megaris Scarlet Duty Commenced Megaris Scarlet Melinda Blackthorne Duty Commenced Melinda Blackthorne Melodic Hardcore Duty Commenced Melodic Hardcore Menor Aprendiz Duty Commenced Menor Aprendiz Michael Burnham Duty Commenced Michael Burnham Mikazuki Munechika Duty Commenced Mikazuki Munechika Mikkael Astora Duty Commenced Mikkael Astora Mippo Bechamel Duty Commenced Mippo Bechamel Miranna Rabaddon Duty Commenced Miranna Rabaddon Mirello Dmonkey Duty Commenced Mirello Dmonkey Mirisvel Ainsworth Duty Commenced Mirisvel Ainsworth Mirk'a Siote Duty Commenced Mirk'a Siote Misaki Fukami Duty Commenced Misaki Fukami Mithas Arcturus Duty Commenced Mithas Arcturus Miudinho Ex-horda Duty Commenced Miudinho Ex-horda Miyuki Shiba-kun Duty Commenced Miyuki Shiba-kun Mizu Gi Duty Commenced Mizu Gi Momo Unnie Duty Commenced Momo Unnie Monkey-d Maxne Duty Commenced Monkey-d Maxne Morgana Miint Duty Commenced Morgana Miint Mr Prrr Duty Commenced Mr Prrr Mugen Passos Duty Commenced Mugen Passos Muito Velho Duty Commenced Muito Velho Murdoch Byrnes Duty Commenced Murdoch Byrnes Myra Lee Duty Commenced Myra Lee N'ero Angelo Duty Commenced N'ero Angelo Naati Eivolt Duty Commenced Naati Eivolt Namielle Alberhast Duty Commenced Namielle Alberhast Natsu Dragneelbr Duty Commenced Natsu Dragneelbr Nemesis Jinx Duty Commenced Nemesis Jinx Nene Tsuruoka Duty Commenced Nene Tsuruoka Neo Astralis Duty Commenced Neo Astralis Ni'qole Neko Duty Commenced Ni'qole Neko Nico Tina Duty Commenced Nico Tina Night Bloom Duty Commenced Night Bloom Nikyota Ragumi Duty Commenced Nikyota Ragumi Noctis Caeluhm Duty Commenced Noctis Caeluhm Noritama Tamago Duty Commenced Noritama Tamago Nowaki Kaisuri Duty Commenced Nowaki Kaisuri Nox Branford Duty Commenced Nox Branford Nox Djt-luz Duty Commenced Nox Djt-luz Nu Verao Duty Commenced Nu Verao Nymet Alzaimer Duty Commenced Nymet Alzaimer O'tal'do Guaxi Duty Commenced O'tal'do Guaxi Octanis Agarussi Duty Commenced Octanis Agarussi Oddeye Circle Duty Commenced Oddeye Circle Odin Lucyfal Duty Commenced Odin Lucyfal Oito Horas Duty Commenced Oito Horas Olorin White Duty Commenced Olorin White Oni Hysc Duty Commenced Oni Hysc Onikuma Lupin Duty Commenced Onikuma Lupin Oped Zhwan Duty Commenced Oped Zhwan Ophelia Drachenhardt Duty Commenced Ophelia Drachenhardt Ophelia Thanatilite Duty Commenced Ophelia Thanatilite Ori Centurion Duty Commenced Ori Centurion Paide Menina Duty Commenced Paide Menina Paladino Br Duty Commenced Paladino Br Perseus Zireael Duty Commenced Perseus Zireael Phdark Strife Duty Commenced Phdark Strife Pika Xu Duty Commenced Pika Xu Pinha Lightblade Duty Commenced Pinha Lightblade Pink Salmon Duty Commenced Pink Salmon Pitero Datilo Duty Commenced Pitero Datilo Potes Beoulve Duty Commenced Potes Beoulve Preacher Ito Duty Commenced Preacher Ito Proserpine Bezalel Duty Commenced Proserpine Bezalel Proshh Kn Duty Commenced Proshh Kn Pudimcopata Luna Duty Commenced Pudimcopata Luna Puraido Kappa Duty Commenced Puraido Kappa Purple Punch Duty Commenced Purple Punch Pver Kiryu Duty Commenced Pver Kiryu Pyroar Sisay Duty Commenced Pyroar Sisay Rafa Martorano Duty Commenced Rafa Martorano Rafassa Mafioso Duty Commenced Rafassa Mafioso Rahmie Amie Duty Commenced Rahmie Amie Rannug Limbus Duty Commenced Rannug Limbus Raven Attano Duty Commenced Raven Attano Raven Kitagawa Duty Commenced Raven Kitagawa Recno Yuzuka Duty Commenced Recno Yuzuka Red Hamster Duty Commenced Red Hamster Regulus Dolch Duty Commenced Regulus Dolch Ren Ashborn Duty Commenced Ren Ashborn Renee Wolfgang Duty Commenced Renee Wolfgang Rengoku Katsuragi Duty Commenced Rengoku Katsuragi Reniwtz Rybery Duty Commenced Reniwtz Rybery Rhotwyb Skaenwytawyn Duty Commenced Rhotwyb Skaenwytawyn Rhysand Sanguinaire Duty Commenced Rhysand Sanguinaire Riku Xehanort Duty Commenced Riku Xehanort Rikyz Bam Duty Commenced Rikyz Bam Rin Hideko Duty Commenced Rin Hideko Rizzy Tile Duty Commenced Rizzy Tile Robyn Weaver Duty Commenced Robyn Weaver Roche Speedson Duty Commenced Roche Speedson Rodrigo Freitas Duty Commenced Rodrigo Freitas Rondo Hondo Duty Commenced Rondo Hondo Ruodur First Duty Commenced Ruodur First Rykja Rohmn Duty Commenced Rykja Rohmn Ryu Kensei Duty Commenced Ryu Kensei Ryutsu Lion Duty Commenced Ryutsu Lion Salazar Green Duty Commenced Salazar Green Salem Von'stein Duty Commenced Salem Von'stein Salete Pancake Duty Commenced Salete Pancake Saly Sheep Duty Commenced Saly Sheep Sammus Kolgrimr Duty Commenced Sammus Kolgrimr Satis Faction Duty Commenced Satis Faction Satoru Gojoo Duty Commenced Satoru Gojoo Scala-ad Caelum Duty Commenced Scala-ad Caelum Send Noodles Duty Commenced Send Noodles Senhorita Censura Duty Commenced Senhorita Censura Serosh Louix Duty Commenced Serosh Louix Setthus Chulainn Duty Commenced Setthus Chulainn Shelka Badren Duty Commenced Shelka Badren Shey Leane Duty Commenced Shey Leane Shin Youngwoo Duty Commenced Shin Youngwoo Shinichi Kaito-chan Duty Commenced Shinichi Kaito-chan Shy Ethereal Duty Commenced Shy Ethereal Sibren De'kuiper Duty Commenced Sibren De'kuiper Sigurd Haegr Duty Commenced Sigurd Haegr Sindarina Correventos Duty Commenced Sindarina Correventos Sir Kovah Duty Commenced Sir Kovah Skywarden Tucker Duty Commenced Skywarden Tucker Slain Pinguim Duty Commenced Slain Pinguim Slaydy Draker Duty Commenced Slaydy Draker Somnus Ti'ghe Duty Commenced Somnus Ti'ghe Sora Ultima Duty Commenced Sora Ultima Soul Drifter Duty Commenced Soul Drifter Spike Jaeger Duty Commenced Spike Jaeger Sr Shipzz Duty Commenced Sr Shipzz Stacyy Lux Duty Commenced Stacyy Lux Stalinha Dawnstrider Duty Commenced Stalinha Dawnstrider Steinn Trygve Duty Commenced Steinn Trygve Strawberry Popsicle Duty Commenced Strawberry Popsicle Stressx Br Duty Commenced Stressx Br Striker Eureka' Duty Commenced Striker Eureka' Susan Fletcher Duty Commenced Susan Fletcher Sushumaru Mushu Duty Commenced Sushumaru Mushu T'hyr Nocturne Duty Commenced T'hyr Nocturne Taka Vara Duty Commenced Taka Vara Tales Berzerk Duty Commenced Tales Berzerk Tatsu Myrddin Duty Commenced Tatsu Myrddin Taudrin Guolberk Duty Commenced Taudrin Guolberk Tazinho Daspaty Duty Commenced Tazinho Daspaty Telloy Opivete Duty Commenced Telloy Opivete Tess Tile Duty Commenced Tess Tile Teteus Ras'al'ghul Duty Commenced Teteus Ras'al'ghul Thamira Wolfgang Duty Commenced Thamira Wolfgang Threo Ironwall Duty Commenced Threo Ironwall Tidsan Deww Duty Commenced Tidsan Deww Tikudaum Curufinwe Duty Commenced Tikudaum Curufinwe Toddy Pereira Duty Commenced Toddy Pereira Tohma Neph Duty Commenced Tohma Neph Tufts Raystar Duty Commenced Tufts Raystar Tykha Lyu Duty Commenced Tykha Lyu Ubel Kindness Duty Commenced Ubel Kindness Ukina Paharo Duty Commenced Ukina Paharo Um Onibus Duty Commenced Um Onibus Umiko Ahagon Duty Commenced Umiko Ahagon Ushall Notdie Duty Commenced Ushall Notdie Uwawa Uwa Duty Commenced Uwawa Uwa Valann'as Tzayuun Duty Commenced Valann'as Tzayuun Valdur Edvardsen Duty Commenced Valdur Edvardsen Venetio Stella Duty Commenced Venetio Stella Veremir Regnard Duty Commenced Veremir Regnard Vicky Blackstar Duty Commenced Vicky Blackstar Vila Vicci Duty Commenced Vila Vicci Viola Strega Duty Commenced Viola Strega Viserion Lockheart Duty Commenced Viserion Lockheart Vox Gownz Duty Commenced Vox Gownz Voyd Bishop Duty Commenced Voyd Bishop Vuni Bunni Duty Commenced Vuni Bunni Warnymph Szsz Duty Commenced Warnymph Szsz Wasd Asd Duty Commenced Wasd Asd Watakalu Yawalapiti Duty Commenced Watakalu Yawalapiti Xuanyin Yun Duty Commenced Xuanyin Yun Y'weta Sangalo Duty Commenced Y'weta Sangalo Yahalla Santhy Duty Commenced Yahalla Santhy Yan Mota Duty Commenced Yan Mota Yenefer Anvil Duty Commenced Yenefer Anvil Yrys Rehw-dvre Duty Commenced Yrys Rehw-dvre Yue Gray Duty Commenced Yue Gray Yuhan Miko Duty Commenced Yuhan Miko Yunna Farron Duty Commenced Yunna Farron Yusuke Specter Duty Commenced Yusuke Specter Yuuny Takahashi Duty Commenced Yuuny Takahashi Za Waruddo Duty Commenced Za Waruddo Zaad Evel Duty Commenced Zaad Evel Zaccky Securis Duty Commenced Zaccky Securis Zadrasias Khan Duty Commenced Zadrasias Khan Zebra Kalidus Duty Commenced Zebra Kalidus Zecy Rurzal Duty Commenced Zecy Rurzal Zenkichi Hitoyoshii Duty Commenced Zenkichi Hitoyoshii Zeus Enalios Duty Commenced Zeus Enalios Ziggy Dust Duty Commenced Ziggy Dust Zirote Natsume Duty Commenced Zirote Natsume Zoroo Roronoaa Duty Commenced Zoroo Roronoaa Zygfried Stromborn Duty Commenced Zygfried Stromborn