
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Exodus" was formed on and registered on with ID 9228579323923944471. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Non-RP, casual, end-game. Chill with us in Exodus - Discord Code: YMX2tGE

Operates on Mateus, Crystal, leaving tags "-EX-" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Area 5-1" on plot 5 in ward 1 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

The Exodus airship hangar and ground support facilities.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
256 314 104
106 161 104
135 28 101
140 28 101
23 17 107
152 114 95
152 78 97
64 78 98
66 78 98
48 78 98
48 119 98
169 94 99
60 71 98
93 146 97
82 146 97
180 146 97
80 146 97
80 193 97
120 48 69
78 48 70
65 48 70
33 54 70
107 54 72
62 54 72
72 154 73
39 154 72
210 55 75
228 55 75
114 55 79
120 16 82
35 16 82
35 16 81
4 22 85
9 22 85
11 17 124

Current members:

Grumpy Grampy Mufasa Grumpy Grampy Mr Potato Officer Alt Mr Potato Mrs Potato Officer Alt Mrs Potato Aiko Amariyo Officer Aiko Amariyo Dominatria Purrfect Officer Dominatria Purrfect Dominic Oswald Officer Dominic Oswald Jacob Habluetzel Officer Jacob Habluetzel Lenneth Wesash Officer Lenneth Wesash Lorgana Wiseman Officer Lorgana Wiseman Photon Guan Officer Photon Guan Princess Busty Officer Princess Busty Roach Approach Officer Roach Approach Alice Sweet'leaf Lieutenant Alice Sweet'leaf Gwidava Elisaar Lieutenant Gwidava Elisaar Kami Santarosa Lieutenant Kami Santarosa Kancamagus Shylexibel Lieutenant Kancamagus Shylexibel Luis Darkblade Lieutenant Luis Darkblade Pewingway Eighteenk Lieutenant Pewingway Eighteenk Septimus Walis Lieutenant Septimus Walis Taco Servant Lieutenant Taco Servant Utkins Wotsit Lieutenant Utkins Wotsit Xeon Sonata Lieutenant Xeon Sonata Zoltan Sweet'leaf Lieutenant Zoltan Sweet'leaf Ahrim Zora Private Ahrim Zora Amai Jagaimo Private Amai Jagaimo Astheris Pathaenin Private Astheris Pathaenin Bad Civilization Private Bad Civilization Betty Milkyway Private Betty Milkyway Chilger Moks Private Chilger Moks Demoness Synn Private Demoness Synn Faleus Valhar Private Faleus Valhar Fejaf Godot Private Fejaf Godot Fupa Hater Private Fupa Hater Gilford Sinclaire Private Gilford Sinclaire Han Jabba Private Han Jabba Harlock Kincaid Private Harlock Kincaid Icy Xo Private Icy Xo Kobes Smallwood Private Kobes Smallwood Luna Lacuna Private Luna Lacuna Mahi Staygold Private Mahi Staygold Mari Smallwood Private Mari Smallwood Moe Sakurajima Private Moe Sakurajima Nonnae Lok'ri Private Nonnae Lok'ri Obiwann Kenobi Private Obiwann Kenobi Stang Ostgorn Private Stang Ostgorn Starvin' Marvin' Private Starvin' Marvin' Zazawai Rarawai Private Zazawai Rarawai Azrael Ravenwood Corporal Azrael Ravenwood Cirilla Stormcrow Corporal Cirilla Stormcrow Dakka Dakka Corporal Dakka Dakka Danika Thorne Corporal Danika Thorne Dennis Doe Corporal Dennis Doe Edria Dell Corporal Edria Dell Em'op An'ther Corporal Em'op An'ther Eppi Penpen Corporal Eppi Penpen Garek Moonsun Corporal Garek Moonsun Gran Master Corporal Gran Master Greenleaf Assassin Corporal Greenleaf Assassin J'akil Yhatala Corporal J'akil Yhatala Jadai Yuki Corporal Jadai Yuki Lilth Winchester Corporal Lilth Winchester Lo Dong Corporal Lo Dong Magic Conch Corporal Magic Conch Mr Philyup Corporal Mr Philyup Oppenheimer Azrumuth Corporal Oppenheimer Azrumuth Raela Nym Corporal Raela Nym Ragedog Pi Corporal Ragedog Pi Rhaq'a Tia Corporal Rhaq'a Tia Sayuri Daiimont Corporal Sayuri Daiimont Zezean Sprigg Corporal Zezean Sprigg Zyrath Azir Corporal Zyrath Azir Alauda Lacrimose "Out4Smokes" Alauda Lacrimose Aza Covey "Out4Smokes" Aza Covey Azasel Covey "Out4Smokes" Azasel Covey Biffany Shylexibel "Out4Smokes" Biffany Shylexibel Bii Arcana "Out4Smokes" Bii Arcana Bro Teme "Out4Smokes" Bro Teme Daddy Comeback "Out4Smokes" Daddy Comeback Dromm Urlong "Out4Smokes" Dromm Urlong E-deth Wiseman "Out4Smokes" E-deth Wiseman E'nijah Fletcher "Out4Smokes" E'nijah Fletcher Em Carl "Out4Smokes" Em Carl Guan Tuan "Out4Smokes" Guan Tuan Guantanamo Bay "Out4Smokes" Guantanamo Bay Harlay Oquinn "Out4Smokes" Harlay Oquinn Hode Ore "Out4Smokes" Hode Ore Humble Restart "Out4Smokes" Humble Restart Jinxy Misfire "Out4Smokes" Jinxy Misfire Kaio Ken "Out4Smokes" Kaio Ken Lil' Aiko "Out4Smokes" Lil' Aiko Little Gnome "Out4Smokes" Little Gnome Little Golden "Out4Smokes" Little Golden Miss Nora "Out4Smokes" Miss Nora Muh Stax "Out4Smokes" Muh Stax Pip Da-zip "Out4Smokes" Pip Da-zip Quizacul Eclipse "Out4Smokes" Quizacul Eclipse Rb Nightmare "Out4Smokes" Rb Nightmare Rezio Loranti "Out4Smokes" Rezio Loranti Ro Ach "Out4Smokes" Ro Ach Simon Jiha "Out4Smokes" Simon Jiha Social Distance "Out4Smokes" Social Distance Svensky Wrath "Out4Smokes" Svensky Wrath Tiny Oiqn "Out4Smokes" Tiny Oiqn Varis Ereneath "Out4Smokes" Varis Ereneath