
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Vivid" was formed on and registered on with ID 9228579323924051270. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

VIVID is GOAT'd. We have things no one else has...We ARE a big deal.

Operates on Mateus, Crystal, leaving tags "Vivid" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Solution Sixty Nine" on plot 2 in ward 28 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

"Nice"- in italics

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
36 43 110
32 50 122
63 55 122
143 55 122
59 34 139
32 34 139

Current members:

Dyi Norva Papa Dyi Norva Crow Main Crow-katoo Crow Main Randy Rose His Pompness Randy Rose Hauk Bunshire Sultry BunHero Hauk Bunshire Acerola Everguarde Blood Type: R Acerola Everguarde Mori Nominne Blood Type: R Mori Nominne Vio Kusushi Blood Type: R Vio Kusushi Faye Teagarden Ever Moist Faye Teagarden Flipper Riley Ever Moist Flipper Riley Kenta Dee Ever Moist Kenta Dee Pocket Pocky Ever Moist Pocket Pocky Elillie Rose Seven Evil Exs Elillie Rose Humming Marie Seven Evil Exs Humming Marie Lavender Firestorm Seven Evil Exs Lavender Firestorm Nifty Bunshire Seven Evil Exs Nifty Bunshire Sapphire Abyss Seven Evil Exs Sapphire Abyss Vanessa Teagarden Seven Evil Exs Vanessa Teagarden Prox Cadell Prox Cadell Aiden Valinor Tots & Alts Aiden Valinor Charmont Iceheart Tots & Alts Charmont Iceheart Crow Man Tots & Alts Crow Man Elysia Lunaris Tots & Alts Elysia Lunaris Flip Jr Tots & Alts Flip Jr Hauk Beanshire Tots & Alts Hauk Beanshire Itty Britty Tots & Alts Itty Britty K'yn Llaywynd Tots & Alts K'yn Llaywynd Lil Humm Tots & Alts Lil Humm Liliana Rose Tots & Alts Liliana Rose Lily Snowblossom Tots & Alts Lily Snowblossom Lyssa Tellele Tots & Alts Lyssa Tellele Mini Zen Tots & Alts Mini Zen Nifty Beanshire Tots & Alts Nifty Beanshire Paililly Lillique Tots & Alts Paililly Lillique Penta Krill Tots & Alts Penta Krill Proud Shark Tots & Alts Proud Shark Remi Liurnia Tots & Alts Remi Liurnia Sa'kura Moon Tots & Alts Sa'kura Moon Sarah Bean Tots & Alts Sarah Bean Sporty Spice Tots & Alts Sporty Spice T'lalli Moon Tots & Alts T'lalli Moon The Sauce Tots & Alts The Sauce Velveteen Rose Tots & Alts Velveteen Rose Beware Of'chicken Strays Beware Of'chicken Cadell Vritra Strays Cadell Vritra Cai Saki Strays Cai Saki Cyril Maldieve Strays Cyril Maldieve Drake Helfire Strays Drake Helfire Furicuri Kun Strays Furicuri Kun Ginger Bread Strays Ginger Bread Koazak Silverspear Strays Koazak Silverspear Master Jediah Strays Master Jediah Mimi Ko Strays Mimi Ko Poki Burwani Strays Poki Burwani Renn Dei-ijla Strays Renn Dei-ijla Stella Vestina Strays Stella Vestina Viera Nice Strays Viera Nice Xhaiya Kagon Strays Xhaiya Kagon Zutah'a Tayuun Strays Zutah'a Tayuun Adrexia Wynne Vibers Adrexia Wynne Aijaxx Solaire Vibers Aijaxx Solaire Alissa Stark Vibers Alissa Stark Antella Samaran Vibers Antella Samaran Azoth Silverhand Vibers Azoth Silverhand Balthizant Fuoco Vibers Balthizant Fuoco Black Falconx Vibers Black Falconx Cairraighann Isteach Vibers Cairraighann Isteach Calaius Garamand Vibers Calaius Garamand Cap' Levi Vibers Cap' Levi Carl Smith Vibers Carl Smith Catalina Hex Vibers Catalina Hex Catnip Janyx Vibers Catnip Janyx Dalze Lyehga Vibers Dalze Lyehga Daphinaeae Balanos Vibers Daphinaeae Balanos Desch Lunumbra Vibers Desch Lunumbra Esmond Wyvernborn Vibers Esmond Wyvernborn Hafoca Greenshade Vibers Hafoca Greenshade Hedera Dera Vibers Hedera Dera I'xaiaxhi Khece Vibers I'xaiaxhi Khece Inty Mcintface Vibers Inty Mcintface Isuka Onishi Vibers Isuka Onishi Joseph Kingsley Vibers Joseph Kingsley Keilsey Ronck Vibers Keilsey Ronck Kira Amariyo Vibers Kira Amariyo Koh'jo Bangle Vibers Koh'jo Bangle Lita Furuya Vibers Lita Furuya Mai Doreiku Vibers Mai Doreiku Max Dong Vibers Max Dong Mina Valie Vibers Mina Valie Nova Andromeda Vibers Nova Andromeda Nymin Eilsund Vibers Nymin Eilsund P'ranya Kharra Vibers P'ranya Kharra Pink'eru Mokamochi Vibers Pink'eru Mokamochi Raighn Dawnlight Vibers Raighn Dawnlight Sachiko Hatake Vibers Sachiko Hatake Sarah Jones Vibers Sarah Jones Seda Blackwell Vibers Seda Blackwell Sevra Irriel Vibers Sevra Irriel Shadowfury Mclovin Vibers Shadowfury Mclovin Shiba Liba Vibers Shiba Liba Sigrid Thorstien Vibers Sigrid Thorstien Spaghetti Man Vibers Spaghetti Man Summoner Supreme Vibers Summoner Supreme Voidwalker Pricey Vibers Voidwalker Pricey Zathuul Bloodfang Vibers Zathuul Bloodfang Zenobi Moon Vibers Zenobi Moon Zhei Ynari Vibers Zhei Ynari