
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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The Honorbound

Rank 30 Free Company "The Honorbound" was formed on and registered on with ID 9228860798900672671. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

"Rather fail with honor, than succeed by fraud." - Sophocles

Operates on Omega, Chaos, leaving tags "HonoR" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "HonoR HQ" on plot 6 in ward 5 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to HonoR Headquarters.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
17 13 150
15 13 158
15 11 154
14 11 158
13 11 169
19 22 171
13 22 171
18 17 146
28 17 130
12 14 123
32 20 117
31 14 114
19 14 118
21 35 121
24 11 172
34 11 168
49 11 171
10 13 181
19 21 155
22 21 151
25 14 126
22 14 126
40 63 70
40 98 66
69 98 62
101 98 62
138 98 61
138 51 57
74 56 50
49 57 64

Current members:

Ecto Fireheart Grandmaster Ecto Fireheart Madara Uchiha-zy Master's Alt Madara Uchiha-zy Wind-up Ardbert Master's Alt Wind-up Ardbert Kyo Miko Warden Kyo Miko Leimilia Scarlet Warden Leimilia Scarlet Drew Ashborn Marshal Drew Ashborn Feranox Monti Marshal Feranox Monti Lucienne Eize Marshal Lucienne Eize Memmoria Omikami Marshal Memmoria Omikami Shay Endless Marshal Shay Endless Vaurana Wolfsbane Marshal Vaurana Wolfsbane Bran Starrunner Alt Bran Starrunner Koko Hime Alt Koko Hime Nyssya Furrnya Alt Nyssya Furrnya Ada Stonewain Master Ada Stonewain Artibus Maximus Master Artibus Maximus Lena Uchiha Master Lena Uchiha Lorna Soulstorm Master Lorna Soulstorm Oki Arulaq Master Oki Arulaq Quinn Flowers Master Quinn Flowers Rei Lumina Master Rei Lumina Valerie Everbloom Master Valerie Everbloom Amhi'ir Kusi Initiate Amhi'ir Kusi Astrid Bloomscryer Initiate Astrid Bloomscryer Fara Litnir Initiate Fara Litnir Sabrina Black Initiate Sabrina Black Su Tenshi Initiate Su Tenshi Aqualta Tia Recruit Aqualta Tia Elvar Somerset Recruit Elvar Somerset Harut Alvijar Recruit Harut Alvijar Igliane Juilumins Recruit Igliane Juilumins Iriel Krisgella Recruit Iriel Krisgella Kiminaru Windrunner Recruit Kiminaru Windrunner Phyllon Mon Recruit Phyllon Mon Zire Teray Recruit Zire Teray Celestina Saint Knight Celestina Saint Cirilla Celaed Knight Cirilla Celaed Crux Luminosa Knight Crux Luminosa Elda Lavellan Knight Elda Lavellan Elise Ferryn Knight Elise Ferryn Faith Aldaine Knight Faith Aldaine Ga'to Grovesgard Knight Ga'to Grovesgard Garcelle Deveaux Knight Garcelle Deveaux Hibiti Joe Knight Hibiti Joe Inette Rokuyari Knight Inette Rokuyari Lai'ka Uchiha Knight Lai'ka Uchiha Maliya Alnair Knight Maliya Alnair March Hare Knight March Hare Max Brandstelle Knight Max Brandstelle Mista Tobasco Knight Mista Tobasco Monyce Ashryver Knight Monyce Ashryver Nyani Purrnya Knight Nyani Purrnya Paine Banner Knight Paine Banner Phy Macha Knight Phy Macha Seika Kasari Knight Seika Kasari Theresa Ishtar Knight Theresa Ishtar Venneck Terrechant Knight Venneck Terrechant Xiphos Eulic Knight Xiphos Eulic Yorvalor Ramkin Knight Yorvalor Ramkin Zansetsu Uchi Knight Zansetsu Uchi Alara Greywolfe Soldier Alara Greywolfe Arthur Lewynn Soldier Arthur Lewynn Cecellia Aurora Soldier Cecellia Aurora Dark Ambience Soldier Dark Ambience Eden Desu Soldier Eden Desu Elysiax Desu Soldier Elysiax Desu Ermiance Sellecerre Soldier Ermiance Sellecerre John Aleksander Soldier John Aleksander Koza Wnosie Soldier Koza Wnosie L'ihxa Shadowblaze Soldier L'ihxa Shadowblaze Lecan Sor Soldier Lecan Sor Maeven Crowley Soldier Maeven Crowley Myk Koren Soldier Myk Koren Nori Senakaze Soldier Nori Senakaze Shinra Valanche Soldier Shinra Valanche Sue Billog Soldier Sue Billog Szaraktus Kaktus Soldier Szaraktus Kaktus Vyar Sunstrider Soldier Vyar Sunstrider Yuki Shimasu Soldier Yuki Shimasu Zynthis Nightflame Soldier Zynthis Nightflame Alastair Crowley Squire Alastair Crowley Althea Histrja Squire Althea Histrja Ann Garwood Squire Ann Garwood Aphrodite Aurania Squire Aphrodite Aurania Asma Pendragon Squire Asma Pendragon Ata Khadrath Squire Ata Khadrath Aurora Fyth Squire Aurora Fyth Azriel Keres Squire Azriel Keres Blod Svept Squire Blod Svept Braya White Squire Braya White Calliope Carmioux Squire Calliope Carmioux Charliusz Kellario Squire Charliusz Kellario Deep House Squire Deep House Edge Storm Squire Edge Storm Efily Sparrow Squire Efily Sparrow G'en Euffe Squire G'en Euffe Gael Aen'durn Squire Gael Aen'durn Gloria Tan Squire Gloria Tan Hari Bo Squire Hari Bo Hawachi Muh Squire Hawachi Muh Hayden Mcallister Squire Hayden Mcallister Hinami Igarashi Squire Hinami Igarashi Ida Kirana Squire Ida Kirana Ino'wo Rurya Squire Ino'wo Rurya Jatva Anitist Squire Jatva Anitist Jovie Lynn Squire Jovie Lynn Kara Carmichael Squire Kara Carmichael Kastel Berntrice Squire Kastel Berntrice Keltraeng Wistwein Squire Keltraeng Wistwein Kenta Meison Squire Kenta Meison Kerensa Gwydhen Squire Kerensa Gwydhen Kibishi Rito Squire Kibishi Rito Kinra Zhwan Squire Kinra Zhwan Klute Morbee Squire Klute Morbee Kuki Koi Squire Kuki Koi Lady Senshu Squire Lady Senshu Latee Fate Squire Latee Fate Lucyy Fataliter Squire Lucyy Fataliter Lumie Purr Squire Lumie Purr Lynari Kanata Squire Lynari Kanata Lyssa Chrystine Squire Lyssa Chrystine Masya Starrunner Squire Masya Starrunner Meowly Cyrus Squire Meowly Cyrus Mickey Matsumoto Squire Mickey Matsumoto Natalia Noirterel Squire Natalia Noirterel Orto Determinant Squire Orto Determinant Rasmiore Heda Squire Rasmiore Heda Razor Fey Squire Razor Fey Reaka Angura Squire Reaka Angura Reminisce Askani Squire Reminisce Askani Ren Skalia Squire Ren Skalia Retla Oge Squire Retla Oge Reyna Stillgrove Squire Reyna Stillgrove Rhel Relanah Squire Rhel Relanah Rheli Nelhah Squire Rheli Nelhah Riko Matsurika Squire Riko Matsurika Riku Skalia Squire Riku Skalia Rivra Hellsing Squire Rivra Hellsing Ruriko Vala Squire Ruriko Vala Ryoko Oki Squire Ryoko Oki Saile Huorlwesfv Squire Saile Huorlwesfv Salima Dewitt Squire Salima Dewitt Selene Kanashii Squire Selene Kanashii Selina Vanihbo Squire Selina Vanihbo Seren Blodeuwedd Squire Seren Blodeuwedd Shiro Nemo Squire Shiro Nemo Sophia Evelyn Squire Sophia Evelyn Sula Brinalle Squire Sula Brinalle Violet Skye Squire Violet Skye Xuma Radiant Squire Xuma Radiant