
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Renewed Oath

Rank 30 Free Company "Renewed Oath" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229001536389083508. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Accepting new players and old alike LGBTQ Friendly and 18+ people 3

Operates on Jenova, Aether, leaving tags "OATH" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Oath's Conclave" on plot 37 in ward 23 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the Renewed Oath FC house! Come in and enjoy your stay. 3

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Shadow Oath
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
26 45 88
36 48 88
22 48 88
46 42 75
87 48 122
74 33 122
57 33 122
51 41 114
40 59 57
96 59 52
96 118 52
52 118 50
53 118 48
253 118 48
253 116 48
114 82 44
158 80 45
71 80 43

Current members:

Celesta Leonhart Bean enthusiast Celesta Leonhart Hundun Wyrd The Council Hundun Wyrd Kasey Cayde The Council Kasey Cayde Luna Vanloth The Bonds Luna Vanloth Royal Jam The Bonds Royal Jam Yakamo Haru The Bonds Yakamo Haru Aspen Ferrari The Fragments Aspen Ferrari Auri El The Fragments Auri El Bellethiel Khatayin The Fragments Bellethiel Khatayin Cookie Kiss The Fragments Cookie Kiss Coral Muruc The Fragments Coral Muruc Dietrist Faust The Fragments Dietrist Faust Fortunias Fortunas The Fragments Fortunias Fortunas Isis Moon The Fragments Isis Moon Jar Healington The Fragments Jar Healington Kaede Aurelie The Fragments Kaede Aurelie Light Syre The Fragments Light Syre Lily Wynter The Fragments Lily Wynter Little Popoto The Fragments Little Popoto Muddy Mudskiper The Fragments Muddy Mudskiper O'ler Rabbit The Fragments O'ler Rabbit Orion Soleil The Fragments Orion Soleil Quntos Storme The Fragments Quntos Storme Rangiku Ejinn The Fragments Rangiku Ejinn Rhen Ymhoto The Fragments Rhen Ymhoto Salryc Luxx The Fragments Salryc Luxx Selena Theresa The Fragments Selena Theresa Shayla Shadows The Fragments Shayla Shadows Silu Torioi The Fragments Silu Torioi Story Keeper The Fragments Story Keeper Syoran Leonhart The Fragments Syoran Leonhart Terra'v Y'arrumat The Fragments Terra'v Y'arrumat Vicious Delicious The Fragments Vicious Delicious Voron Cain The Fragments Voron Cain Zhenhelm Wylde The Fragments Zhenhelm Wylde Ace Swan The Promises Ace Swan Ahri Vesani The Promises Ahri Vesani Akira Mirai The Promises Akira Mirai Amagi Wyrd The Promises Amagi Wyrd Amaryn Thosaerdys The Promises Amaryn Thosaerdys Arthur Roth The Promises Arthur Roth Ashavahishta Wyrd The Promises Ashavahishta Wyrd Aspen De'shanaer The Promises Aspen De'shanaer Blind Cat The Promises Blind Cat Bundun Wyrd The Promises Bundun Wyrd Byrn Orben The Promises Byrn Orben Claude Vongastra The Promises Claude Vongastra Cosmos Wyrd The Promises Cosmos Wyrd Ehbe'ya Zhida The Promises Ehbe'ya Zhida El Wyrd The Promises El Wyrd Fifima Fima The Promises Fifima Fima Glytch Hop The Promises Glytch Hop Grava Eneota The Promises Grava Eneota Griggs Rattlespark The Promises Griggs Rattlespark Kadyn Red The Promises Kadyn Red Kai Vaatzes The Promises Kai Vaatzes Karta Donauz The Promises Karta Donauz Koa Tarka The Promises Koa Tarka Lana'del Slay The Promises Lana'del Slay Lau Cain The Promises Lau Cain Lily Kisne The Promises Lily Kisne Logan Winters The Promises Logan Winters Lonnie Lunchbox The Promises Lonnie Lunchbox Lumina Celest The Promises Lumina Celest Lune Witchfire The Promises Lune Witchfire Merya Nemi The Promises Merya Nemi Misty Blade The Promises Misty Blade Moana Kalekona The Promises Moana Kalekona Moose Prime The Promises Moose Prime Netheiria Koumai The Promises Netheiria Koumai Novali Xenobia The Promises Novali Xenobia Proximo Smallbottom The Promises Proximo Smallbottom Reede Djt-gilda The Promises Reede Djt-gilda Rimuru Tempest' The Promises Rimuru Tempest' Sabin Koumai The Promises Sabin Koumai Sakurai Hibiki The Promises Sakurai Hibiki Sataris Baern The Promises Sataris Baern Sorastrin Veras The Promises Sorastrin Veras Tempest Celest The Promises Tempest Celest Tenorikuma Jeanie The Promises Tenorikuma Jeanie Terah Stone The Promises Terah Stone Tigre Caliente The Promises Tigre Caliente Trini Seoni The Promises Trini Seoni Urwin Martikova The Promises Urwin Martikova Warrick Appleton The Promises Warrick Appleton Wind-down Ehbe The Promises Wind-down Ehbe Wind-up Wyrd The Promises Wind-up Wyrd Yugiri Kinugawa The Promises Yugiri Kinugawa