
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Red Moon

Rank 30 Free Company "Red Moon" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229001536389088496. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Red Moon [18+] Dancing, drinks, courtesans & fun! We're open Sat/Sun from 6pm PST/9pm EST until 10pm PST/1am EST https://discord.gg/redmoon

Operates on Jenova, Aether, leaving tags "RM" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Red Moon" on plot 58 in ward 23 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Red Moon [18+] Dancing, drinks, courtesans & fun! We're open Sat/Sun from 6pm PST/9pm EST until 10pm PST/1am EST https://discord.gg/redmoon

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 2 other names:

  • Medium House
  • Shin-Medium House
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
193 56 99
132 35 99
41 35 99
51 38 99
82 38 99
65 30 99
68 60 96
108 91 95
85 89 95
99 89 96
91 89 96
69 89 96
104 177 84
238 213 81
83 65 65
72 65 64
72 24 64
112 24 63
60 24 61
38 24 62
38 27 63
12 11 59
19 11 57
35 11 55

Current members:

Emma West Emma Emma West Izree Moonbright Bartender Izree Moonbright Khuja Mhakaracca Bartender Khuja Mhakaracca Myosotis Vermouth Bartender Myosotis Vermouth Arryn Iteiya Arryn Arryn Iteiya Ayveirre Iteiya Arryn Ayveirre Iteiya Meeting Room Arryn Meeting Room Santa's Sack Arryn Santa's Sack Seph Triste Arryn Seph Triste Vending Machine Arryn Vending Machine Calanria Reid Leads Calanria Reid Jolene Wilde Leads Jolene Wilde Kama Ryuura Leads Kama Ryuura Keiho Iteiya Leads Keiho Iteiya Ophilia Maimhov Leads Ophilia Maimhov Rin Azzy Leads Rin Azzy Saoirse Cadell Leads Saoirse Cadell Tashigi Shirahoshi Leads Tashigi Shirahoshi Xarius Bairon Leads Xarius Bairon Astel Xenostra Guests Astel Xenostra Kia Bajhiri Guests Kia Bajhiri Lily Lumi Guests Lily Lumi Liotine Dechamplaine Guests Liotine Dechamplaine Nolus Duveir Guests Nolus Duveir Osetra Fontaine Guests Osetra Fontaine Yvette Redmoon Guests Yvette Redmoon Zhessovun Voras Guests Zhessovun Voras Akihiko Takeba Employee Akihiko Takeba Alor Orkhane Employee Alor Orkhane Artemis Boon Employee Artemis Boon Barenyr Hrakke Employee Barenyr Hrakke Bunnychan's Creator Employee Bunnychan's Creator Chiyome Naeuri Employee Chiyome Naeuri Crofta Mendshade Employee Crofta Mendshade Einar Copihwesfv Employee Einar Copihwesfv Elmys Waterrose Employee Elmys Waterrose Evelyth Brittlestar Employee Evelyth Brittlestar Grevi Ura Employee Grevi Ura Higanbana Tempus Employee Higanbana Tempus Mori Kimura Employee Mori Kimura Moxanne Tagois Employee Moxanne Tagois Orchestra Orkhane Employee Orchestra Orkhane Renata Aphelion Employee Renata Aphelion Revenant Vaettirheim Employee Revenant Vaettirheim Roiben Malveaux Employee Roiben Malveaux Soka Sarmantoix Employee Soka Sarmantoix Taylor West Employee Taylor West V'kassa Shikhu Employee V'kassa Shikhu Alurin Everdawn Friends (: Alurin Everdawn Anna Pikpocketz Friends (: Anna Pikpocketz Atelloune Rauvionne Friends (: Atelloune Rauvionne Atris Eido Friends (: Atris Eido Azisare Tepet Friends (: Azisare Tepet Beatrix Rysto Friends (: Beatrix Rysto Bungri Faelivrin Friends (: Bungri Faelivrin Catcat Kittydog Friends (: Catcat Kittydog Celeste Hui Friends (: Celeste Hui Cointelpreaux Efbe'ai Friends (: Cointelpreaux Efbe'ai Corin Lux Friends (: Corin Lux Deri'wo Tenrhi Friends (: Deri'wo Tenrhi Dzemael Darkhold Friends (: Dzemael Darkhold Eibon Orunitia Friends (: Eibon Orunitia Envaris Ulacaryn Friends (: Envaris Ulacaryn Etoinelle Dechamberre Friends (: Etoinelle Dechamberre Eve Jinjahl Friends (: Eve Jinjahl Fen Onikage Friends (: Fen Onikage Hunter Starshine Friends (: Hunter Starshine Ime Tachibana Friends (: Ime Tachibana Izumi Aodashi Friends (: Izumi Aodashi Jadzya Eido Friends (: Jadzya Eido John Female Friends (: John Female K'yalwann Fhey Friends (: K'yalwann Fhey Lalanyr Lanyr Friends (: Lalanyr Lanyr Lieutenant Columbo Friends (: Lieutenant Columbo Lilana Sydre Friends (: Lilana Sydre Lili Yokai Friends (: Lili Yokai Maxwell Meretrix Friends (: Maxwell Meretrix Miah'to Tephet Friends (: Miah'to Tephet Namkhan Dataq Friends (: Namkhan Dataq Ophelie Lothaire Friends (: Ophelie Lothaire Panem Perseh Friends (: Panem Perseh Pure Petrichor Friends (: Pure Petrichor Raiden Kamiya Friends (: Raiden Kamiya Rathir Nevar Friends (: Rathir Nevar Redheaded Stepchild Friends (: Redheaded Stepchild Rhys Griffiths Friends (: Rhys Griffiths Rrax'i Roh Friends (: Rrax'i Roh Sajre Boxi'hart Friends (: Sajre Boxi'hart Shyla Starshine Friends (: Shyla Starshine Singasven Mcripped Friends (: Singasven Mcripped Staati Naeuri Friends (: Staati Naeuri Uni Kriezyk Friends (: Uni Kriezyk V'mirre Berasch Friends (: V'mirre Berasch Vien Vilauris Friends (: Vien Vilauris Vincent Locklar Friends (: Vincent Locklar Xarius Baron Friends (: Xarius Baron Yeine Tokkebi Friends (: Yeine Tokkebi Yiffy Yifferson Friends (: Yiffy Yifferson Zandra Chispas Friends (: Zandra Chispas