
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Scions Of Jenova

Rank 30 Free Company "Scions Of Jenova" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229001536389106500. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Jenova, Aether, leaving tags "SCION" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a medium base named "The Rising Stones" on plot 29 in ward 2 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Come and hang out with your favorite characters, we are very cuddly.

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
438 169 126

Current members:

Gaia Loghrif Dragon Goddess Gaia Loghrif Vess Felinor Probation Vess Felinor Alisaie Leveilluer Archon Alisaie Leveilluer Familiar Wanderer Archon Familiar Wanderer Gaius'van Baelsar Archon Gaius'van Baelsar Hythlo Daeus' Archon Hythlo Daeus' Jeanne D-arc Archon Jeanne D-arc Louisoix Leveilleur' Archon Louisoix Leveilleur' Mena Yalper Archon Mena Yalper Moenbryda Milphsunwyn Archon Moenbryda Milphsunwyn Tomoko Chameleos Archon Tomoko Chameleos Aeryn Nan'sun Path of the 12 Aeryn Nan'sun Big Varshahn Path of the 12 Big Varshahn Celestial Highwind Path of the 12 Celestial Highwind Chanil Itotia Path of the 12 Chanil Itotia Cid Garbunnd Path of the 12 Cid Garbunnd Clive Warrick Path of the 12 Clive Warrick Elidibus Emmisary Path of the 12 Elidibus Emmisary Erenville Ren Path of the 12 Erenville Ren Estinien Highwind Path of the 12 Estinien Highwind Iron Potato Path of the 12 Iron Potato Minfilia Warde' Path of the 12 Minfilia Warde' Miss Meteion Path of the 12 Miss Meteion Moenbryda Wilfsunwynn Path of the 12 Moenbryda Wilfsunwynn Noctis Caelum' Path of the 12 Noctis Caelum' Paddy O'furniture Path of the 12 Paddy O'furniture Riol Forrest Path of the 12 Riol Forrest Rivienne Highwind Path of the 12 Rivienne Highwind Speaker Lahabreaa Path of the 12 Speaker Lahabreaa Tataruru Taru Path of the 12 Tataruru Taru Teledji Abeledji Path of the 12 Teledji Abeledji Titus Galvus Path of the 12 Titus Galvus Altbert Voidwalker Scion Altbert Voidwalker Dhuthar Shadohr Scion Dhuthar Shadohr Dirge L'sable Scion Dirge L'sable Elsiar Silvar Scion Elsiar Silvar Faeran Freehealz Scion Faeran Freehealz Finn Egan Scion Finn Egan Haurchefant Gaeystone Scion Haurchefant Gaeystone Hyoga Cyg Scion Hyoga Cyg Jasper Rayne Scion Jasper Rayne Kraj Vale Scion Kraj Vale Kysukie Masuo Scion Kysukie Masuo Nova Alastair Scion Nova Alastair Orrick Brewer Scion Orrick Brewer Samwise Beezildorf Scion Samwise Beezildorf Sayaiko Sakai Scion Sayaiko Sakai Seal Moks Scion Seal Moks Shin Sakai Scion Shin Sakai Talan Bishup Scion Talan Bishup Tataru' Taru Scion Tataru' Taru Thancredible Waters Scion Thancredible Waters Vanessa Nestsxiv Scion Vanessa Nestsxiv Virgil Flowers Scion Virgil Flowers Y'shtola's Rhul Scion Y'shtola's Rhul A'tiqa Tias WoL A'tiqa Tias Aegis Brightspear WoL Aegis Brightspear Angelique Monte WoL Angelique Monte Arcavius Winterhowl WoL Arcavius Winterhowl Arianna Asundra WoL Arianna Asundra Aya Xenn WoL Aya Xenn B'gol Pollo WoL B'gol Pollo Babiest Bean WoL Babiest Bean Boezo Braden WoL Boezo Braden Bulma Cangetit WoL Bulma Cangetit Celeste Silveira WoL Celeste Silveira Chocokitty Mint WoL Chocokitty Mint Chris D'amato WoL Chris D'amato Cloudo Sutoraifu WoL Cloudo Sutoraifu Dope Sauce WoL Dope Sauce Drake Vorpal WoL Drake Vorpal Enki Ankarian WoL Enki Ankarian Exodus Onslaught WoL Exodus Onslaught Fidona Fyth WoL Fidona Fyth Gaia Heartilly WoL Gaia Heartilly Hugo Caelum WoL Hugo Caelum Ilain Thorson WoL Ilain Thorson Io Rei WoL Io Rei Jason Cool WoL Jason Cool Jeanne Carver WoL Jeanne Carver Jenna Faithe WoL Jenna Faithe Jezzica No'hare WoL Jezzica No'hare Jon Fredo WoL Jon Fredo Komachi Onozuka WoL Komachi Onozuka Larion Mervillon WoL Larion Mervillon Lenissius Harvey WoL Lenissius Harvey Luna Aceves WoL Luna Aceves Lydia Malone WoL Lydia Malone Mrback Blower WoL Mrback Blower Nala Bewbess WoL Nala Bewbess Raelyn Kagero WoL Raelyn Kagero Renn Eileste WoL Renn Eileste Rodjah O'hare WoL Rodjah O'hare Ruze Cryos WoL Ruze Cryos Ryuma Dragmire WoL Ryuma Dragmire Sarge Fang WoL Sarge Fang Shadow Waddow WoL Shadow Waddow Ship Ping WoL Ship Ping Stroszec Greave WoL Stroszec Greave Syd Love WoL Syd Love Tezzie Yamato WoL Tezzie Yamato Tyria Dumont WoL Tyria Dumont Usagi Malo WoL Usagi Malo Valhalla Awaits WoL Valhalla Awaits Vivi Reitinro WoL Vivi Reitinro Xyo Bolgeer WoL Xyo Bolgeer