
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Loki's Spirit Wolves

Rank 30 Free Company "Loki's Spirit Wolves" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229142273877391317. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Casual fc looking for all types of players

Operates on Zalera, Crystal, leaving tags "Loki" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Loki's Wolf Den" on plot 60 in ward 5 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Current members:

Lady Luna High Queen Lady Luna Auron Bleck Thegn Auron Bleck Niazol Gorku Vanir Niazol Gorku Ventus Walker Vanir Ventus Walker Blue Fangs Berserkers Blue Fangs Dameon Hedes Berserkers Dameon Hedes Damion Morningstar Berserkers Damion Morningstar Dark Wulf Berserkers Dark Wulf Ember Georjeaux Berserkers Ember Georjeaux Nite Shadow Berserkers Nite Shadow Wolverine Risingflame Berserkers Wolverine Risingflame Yunafreya Shadow Berserkers Yunafreya Shadow Grey Lemon Vikings Grey Lemon Im Monky Vikings Im Monky Kay Erid Vikings Kay Erid Kenjutsu Stormrage Vikings Kenjutsu Stormrage Reiuki Lionheart Vikings Reiuki Lionheart Ryecore Molina Vikings Ryecore Molina Tarutaru Sings Vikings Tarutaru Sings Vect Hanzen Vikings Vect Hanzen Aingeal Aithne Valkyries Aingeal Aithne Aluna Moon Valkyries Aluna Moon Amelia Blackstone Valkyries Amelia Blackstone Ant Sims Valkyries Ant Sims Aphrodite Persephone Valkyries Aphrodite Persephone Coco Ace Valkyries Coco Ace Dragon Reaper Valkyries Dragon Reaper Edwin Astrid Valkyries Edwin Astrid Jedikiah Astrid Valkyries Jedikiah Astrid Khodei Geis Valkyries Khodei Geis Kit Frost Valkyries Kit Frost Klaus Michealson Valkyries Klaus Michealson Luna Shadowheart Valkyries Luna Shadowheart Luna Yelho Valkyries Luna Yelho Melia Laka Valkyries Melia Laka Rikku Gesi Valkyries Rikku Gesi Seth Odin Valkyries Seth Odin Styx Nyx Valkyries Styx Nyx Taco Coco Valkyries Taco Coco Wulf Lord Valkyries Wulf Lord Yunafreya Lesca Valkyries Yunafreya Lesca Ace Moonwater Thralls Ace Moonwater Adelaria Wyndotic Thralls Adelaria Wyndotic Alucard Stonebottom Thralls Alucard Stonebottom Alyon Swift Thralls Alyon Swift Andraste Asterlaine Thralls Andraste Asterlaine Andro Celeste Thralls Andro Celeste Areion Theory Thralls Areion Theory Aryli Zardon Thralls Aryli Zardon Ashoka Tanorayne Thralls Ashoka Tanorayne Avari Ace Thralls Avari Ace Brandon Fogelman Thralls Brandon Fogelman Carolus Thesage Thralls Carolus Thesage Chrono Stark Thralls Chrono Stark Cocorya Yoyorya Thralls Cocorya Yoyorya Cota Qestir Thralls Cota Qestir Dank Donut Thralls Dank Donut Dunder Mifflin Thralls Dunder Mifflin Erlork Molkot Thralls Erlork Molkot Fallowyn Rin Thralls Fallowyn Rin Fen Harel Thralls Fen Harel Frieloc Aqua Thralls Frieloc Aqua Grey Wulf Thralls Grey Wulf Ignatius Antioch Thralls Ignatius Antioch Karl Thompson Thralls Karl Thompson Kronos Madness Thralls Kronos Madness Larry Ragell Thralls Larry Ragell Layos Carlucci Thralls Layos Carlucci Leelou Luna Thralls Leelou Luna Mei Xaela Thralls Mei Xaela Mightee Minime Thralls Mightee Minime Oaken Shieldz Thralls Oaken Shieldz Ogul Goro Thralls Ogul Goro Pale Sienna Thralls Pale Sienna Quincy Frostoil Thralls Quincy Frostoil Ragnar Volarus Thralls Ragnar Volarus Raven Moonscars Thralls Raven Moonscars Revy Lhuil Thralls Revy Lhuil S'elena Lhea Thralls S'elena Lhea Sareh Heart Thralls Sareh Heart Savage Nation Thralls Savage Nation Schort Schite Thralls Schort Schite Seth Seth Thralls Seth Seth Shintoy Tien Thralls Shintoy Tien Silvaire Long Thralls Silvaire Long Simon Morgenes Thralls Simon Morgenes Squalker Uchija Thralls Squalker Uchija Stormz Wolf Thralls Stormz Wolf Sylvena Fallstar Thralls Sylvena Fallstar Torvan Hammerfell Thralls Torvan Hammerfell Wiet Loha Thralls Wiet Loha Willow Whips Thralls Willow Whips Zell Nell Thralls Zell Nell