
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Legends" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229283011365706193. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Heroes get remembered. Legends never die!
Noobs, veterans, or returning players. WE WANT YOU! :D

Operates on Zodiark, Light, leaving tags "LGD" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Noobs, veterans, or returning players. Any class, any level. WE WANT YOU! Apply now! ;)

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
Has an open community.

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
95 118 349
130 144 349
135 25 352
151 20 343
9 12 340
41 12 341
20 12 341
11 12 338
92 131 334
143 50 252
76 50 250
76 28 249
56 28 247
17 28 235
34 28 233
34 54 232
165 90 218
90 90 218
41 74 217
140 74 217
276 158 145
227 158 144

Current members:

King Cosmos Chief Justice King Cosmos Nali Volkova Quartermaster Nali Volkova Jenn Ryuu Judge Magister Jenn Ryuu Noctis Victory Judge Magister Noctis Victory Nuclear Penguin Judge Magister Nuclear Penguin Rock Jotunheim Judge Magister Rock Jotunheim Algar Parker Squire Algar Parker Badex Beastmode Squire Badex Beastmode Badex Godmode Squire Badex Godmode Brenda Valerie Squire Brenda Valerie Crono Sphere Squire Crono Sphere Esmour Dragneel Squire Esmour Dragneel Flammie Haruspex Squire Flammie Haruspex Freddie Flamesgrace Squire Freddie Flamesgrace Greum Cremia Squire Greum Cremia Grim Ace Squire Grim Ace Jenn Shiawase Squire Jenn Shiawase Kasper Flamesgrace Squire Kasper Flamesgrace Khotun Goro Squire Khotun Goro Kiana Yunolu Squire Kiana Yunolu Kuri Musa Squire Kuri Musa Legardotlan Drake Squire Legardotlan Drake Liminal Lux Squire Liminal Lux Matiaas Flamesgrace Squire Matiaas Flamesgrace Muvz Lunic Squire Muvz Lunic No Really Squire No Really R'ysha Soral Squire R'ysha Soral Rayne Barbossa Squire Rayne Barbossa Seliine Kozlov Squire Seliine Kozlov Thilivern Muscadet Squire Thilivern Muscadet Vorian Nadhur Squire Vorian Nadhur Well Whatever Squire Well Whatever Aggressive Glitter Knight Aggressive Glitter Alear Mishima Knight Alear Mishima Arcavius Royce Knight Arcavius Royce Call-me Ssagaji Knight Call-me Ssagaji Chimari Darkstar Knight Chimari Darkstar Coru Wen Knight Coru Wen Deadhill Shiro Knight Deadhill Shiro Drumel Lumens Knight Drumel Lumens Elune Windseeker Knight Elune Windseeker Elysis Strife Knight Elysis Strife Eon Hamyon Knight Eon Hamyon Escher Strange Knight Escher Strange Ex Xxiii Knight Ex Xxiii Freakenstaen Xi Knight Freakenstaen Xi Gerhilde Haragin Knight Gerhilde Haragin Harqujin Chorchi Knight Harqujin Chorchi Hori Atanah'ili Knight Hori Atanah'ili It's Fine Knight It's Fine Katarina Katsuneto Knight Katarina Katsuneto Kordrin Mordeg Knight Kordrin Mordeg Kuro Bun Knight Kuro Bun Laura Howlett Knight Laura Howlett Lian Inyabed Knight Lian Inyabed Luluki Sano Knight Luluki Sano Mala' Zan Knight Mala' Zan Maledict Mortis Knight Maledict Mortis Mari Mandolin Knight Mari Mandolin Melfina Aran Knight Melfina Aran Melodica Alvarn Knight Melodica Alvarn Meyrith Ruatha Knight Meyrith Ruatha Milan Mano Knight Milan Mano Morri Gar Knight Morri Gar Psycho Vanilla Knight Psycho Vanilla Pwizzle Bhaji Knight Pwizzle Bhaji Rarou Reinherz Knight Rarou Reinherz Ras Ahgoul Knight Ras Ahgoul Serrii Gar Knight Serrii Gar Sorith Ruatha Knight Sorith Ruatha The Huntsman Knight The Huntsman Thesa Voras Knight Thesa Voras Thesha Lycold Knight Thesha Lycold Uncanny Halcyon Knight Uncanny Halcyon X' Twenty-three Knight X' Twenty-three Y'ben Nunh Knight Y'ben Nunh Yagi Inazuma Knight Yagi Inazuma Zipres Zyuralis Knight Zipres Zyuralis A'kriin Tia =Hall of Fame= A'kriin Tia Adelenia Brood =Hall of Fame= Adelenia Brood Aela Mondacier =Hall of Fame= Aela Mondacier Akanerin Sakura =Hall of Fame= Akanerin Sakura Akino Zucmabols =Hall of Fame= Akino Zucmabols Alan Partridge =Hall of Fame= Alan Partridge Albert Thefat =Hall of Fame= Albert Thefat Alfred Pugh =Hall of Fame= Alfred Pugh Alpha Centauri =Hall of Fame= Alpha Centauri Altani Irishka =Hall of Fame= Altani Irishka Alviera Arscelin =Hall of Fame= Alviera Arscelin Amon Quatza =Hall of Fame= Amon Quatza Angel Bautista =Hall of Fame= Angel Bautista Antalaena Fairchild =Hall of Fame= Antalaena Fairchild Aonach Eagach =Hall of Fame= Aonach Eagach Arc Graves =Hall of Fame= Arc Graves Aristida Tiddles =Hall of Fame= Aristida Tiddles Armure Sorbet =Hall of Fame= Armure Sorbet Aryanna Locke =Hall of Fame= Aryanna Locke Asaka Moon =Hall of Fame= Asaka Moon Ash Ruinbringer =Hall of Fame= Ash Ruinbringer Ashana Mercer =Hall of Fame= Ashana Mercer Ashelia Behemoth =Hall of Fame= Ashelia Behemoth Attun Hunt =Hall of Fame= Attun Hunt Aurius Rivendare =Hall of Fame= Aurius Rivendare Aurora Liroje =Hall of Fame= Aurora Liroje Aurora Manathil =Hall of Fame= Aurora Manathil Axeiron Mane =Hall of Fame= Axeiron Mane Bayron Black =Hall of Fame= Bayron Black Bebber Sweetlake =Hall of Fame= Bebber Sweetlake Bellatrix Monroe =Hall of Fame= Bellatrix Monroe Ben Mallia =Hall of Fame= Ben Mallia Bin Fatlk =Hall of Fame= Bin Fatlk Blade Bloodthorne =Hall of Fame= Blade Bloodthorne Bleu Bunny =Hall of Fame= Bleu Bunny Blue Baxter =Hall of Fame= Blue Baxter Boolcha Enyasch =Hall of Fame= Boolcha Enyasch Bortas Boom =Hall of Fame= Bortas Boom Branimir Popovic =Hall of Fame= Branimir Popovic Breine Guillestet =Hall of Fame= Breine Guillestet Castillo Devale =Hall of Fame= Castillo Devale Ceraz Victoria =Hall of Fame= Ceraz Victoria Chazz Jones =Hall of Fame= Chazz Jones Chef Wow =Hall of Fame= Chef Wow Chiaki Dubhe =Hall of Fame= Chiaki Dubhe Chreasy Shark =Hall of Fame= Chreasy Shark Chris Zenon =Hall of Fame= Chris Zenon Claudsan Suo =Hall of Fame= Claudsan Suo Cloud-l Strife =Hall of Fame= Cloud-l Strife Corason Del-sol =Hall of Fame= Corason Del-sol Cosmo Frasier =Hall of Fame= Cosmo Frasier Czar Alistair =Hall of Fame= Czar Alistair Dalinar Sonofhonor =Hall of Fame= Dalinar Sonofhonor Deiwos Devine =Hall of Fame= Deiwos Devine Demetri Kalitrov =Hall of Fame= Demetri Kalitrov Demonic Storm =Hall of Fame= Demonic Storm Doggah Vettt =Hall of Fame= Doggah Vettt Dolce Zen =Hall of Fame= Dolce Zen Dorn Redbear =Hall of Fame= Dorn Redbear Draken Sebine =Hall of Fame= Draken Sebine Dreamzie Yas =Hall of Fame= Dreamzie Yas Drofax Tovain =Hall of Fame= Drofax Tovain Dupke Dutch =Hall of Fame= Dupke Dutch Dyz Themad =Hall of Fame= Dyz Themad Einar Lionheart =Hall of Fame= Einar Lionheart Eleaz Fletcher =Hall of Fame= Eleaz Fletcher Elite Geeza =Hall of Fame= Elite Geeza Elizabethy Koizumi =Hall of Fame= Elizabethy Koizumi Elizibeth Heartfilia =Hall of Fame= Elizibeth Heartfilia Ellen Riplay =Hall of Fame= Ellen Riplay Elsa Noon =Hall of Fame= Elsa Noon Elyh Silverhjerta =Hall of Fame= Elyh Silverhjerta Emperor Bane =Hall of Fame= Emperor Bane Enaiyah Ru'h =Hall of Fame= Enaiyah Ru'h Eo Rhis =Hall of Fame= Eo Rhis Eris Firebrand =Hall of Fame= Eris Firebrand Eruza Zcarlet =Hall of Fame= Eruza Zcarlet Erza Clay =Hall of Fame= Erza Clay Etienne Dujardin =Hall of Fame= Etienne Dujardin Etti Sheqa =Hall of Fame= Etti Sheqa Exa Sprig-sprog =Hall of Fame= Exa Sprig-sprog Exo Might =Hall of Fame= Exo Might Eyir Steelboot =Hall of Fame= Eyir Steelboot Fhey'nir Coldshore =Hall of Fame= Fhey'nir Coldshore Fin Ley =Hall of Fame= Fin Ley Finn Maccumhaill =Hall of Fame= Finn Maccumhaill Fitzle Snurga =Hall of Fame= Fitzle Snurga Geralt Theshield =Hall of Fame= Geralt Theshield Gizzy Mandius =Hall of Fame= Gizzy Mandius Guinevere Leythorne =Hall of Fame= Guinevere Leythorne Hadrian Banhi =Hall of Fame= Hadrian Banhi Heinrich Fuchs =Hall of Fame= Heinrich Fuchs Heishiro Minitsurugi =Hall of Fame= Heishiro Minitsurugi Helios Monark =Hall of Fame= Helios Monark Hern Malgore =Hall of Fame= Hern Malgore Hezekiel Testemonial =Hall of Fame= Hezekiel Testemonial Hogan Thewild =Hall of Fame= Hogan Thewild Hoshimachi Suisei =Hall of Fame= Hoshimachi Suisei Hrodulf Vann =Hall of Fame= Hrodulf Vann Hyakkimaru Greymantle =Hall of Fame= Hyakkimaru Greymantle Hyfinz Apostrof =Hall of Fame= Hyfinz Apostrof I' Gojuh =Hall of Fame= I' Gojuh Iah Badriyah =Hall of Fame= Iah Badriyah Iam Jafar =Hall of Fame= Iam Jafar Immortal Hp =Hall of Fame= Immortal Hp Independient Devale =Hall of Fame= Independient Devale Ini Mini =Hall of Fame= Ini Mini Inter Mzn =Hall of Fame= Inter Mzn Ivan Breedt =Hall of Fame= Ivan Breedt Iyuki Na =Hall of Fame= Iyuki Na Jakeru Park =Hall of Fame= Jakeru Park Jamie Nightblade =Hall of Fame= Jamie Nightblade Jamz Sensei =Hall of Fame= Jamz Sensei Jo'shae Vhikumme =Hall of Fame= Jo'shae Vhikumme Jonny Wong =Hall of Fame= Jonny Wong Jugub Boogz =Hall of Fame= Jugub Boogz Juliez Keyz =Hall of Fame= Juliez Keyz Jun Bug =Hall of Fame= Jun Bug Jun Misugi =Hall of Fame= Jun Misugi Jupu Zireael =Hall of Fame= Jupu Zireael Kaizari Grimheart =Hall of Fame= Kaizari Grimheart Kallica Bck =Hall of Fame= Kallica Bck Katarina Couteau =Hall of Fame= Katarina Couteau Katherine Kozlov =Hall of Fame= Katherine Kozlov Kel Kel =Hall of Fame= Kel Kel Keros Dhaga =Hall of Fame= Keros Dhaga Khaled Eid =Hall of Fame= Khaled Eid Kilgharrah Ealdor =Hall of Fame= Kilgharrah Ealdor Killian Faynn =Hall of Fame= Killian Faynn King Orthrus =Hall of Fame= King Orthrus Kit Arana =Hall of Fame= Kit Arana Kris Ther =Hall of Fame= Kris Ther Kupido Pijlsnel =Hall of Fame= Kupido Pijlsnel Kuro Yamumma =Hall of Fame= Kuro Yamumma Kurohasi Ru'h =Hall of Fame= Kurohasi Ru'h Kyle Daynes =Hall of Fame= Kyle Daynes Kyoshiro Hope =Hall of Fame= Kyoshiro Hope Kyra Kozlov =Hall of Fame= Kyra Kozlov Laeticia Arseneau =Hall of Fame= Laeticia Arseneau Lahnus Ko =Hall of Fame= Lahnus Ko Leeroy Jenkingz =Hall of Fame= Leeroy Jenkingz Lilly Abyss =Hall of Fame= Lilly Abyss Lindsaey Daert =Hall of Fame= Lindsaey Daert Lioman Atessa =Hall of Fame= Lioman Atessa Littlemam Cass =Hall of Fame= Littlemam Cass Loock Loock =Hall of Fame= Loock Loock Lord Rhogiath =Hall of Fame= Lord Rhogiath Lud Lance =Hall of Fame= Lud Lance Luke Thearchmage =Hall of Fame= Luke Thearchmage Lunary Sunrise =Hall of Fame= Lunary Sunrise Maahes Sekhmet =Hall of Fame= Maahes Sekhmet Maffoo Argonian =Hall of Fame= Maffoo Argonian Magic Mav =Hall of Fame= Magic Mav Magie Xx =Hall of Fame= Magie Xx Magnus Aran =Hall of Fame= Magnus Aran Mahti Metsuri =Hall of Fame= Mahti Metsuri Matty Pings =Hall of Fame= Matty Pings Max Darkness =Hall of Fame= Max Darkness Max Vorce =Hall of Fame= Max Vorce Maximus Tankas =Hall of Fame= Maximus Tankas Mayui Light =Hall of Fame= Mayui Light Melunica Emberclould =Hall of Fame= Melunica Emberclould Mi Mess =Hall of Fame= Mi Mess Michael Blacksonn =Hall of Fame= Michael Blacksonn Mikaal Mkvenner =Hall of Fame= Mikaal Mkvenner Mikio Takezawa =Hall of Fame= Mikio Takezawa Minsc Dorne =Hall of Fame= Minsc Dorne Miza Szu =Hall of Fame= Miza Szu Moonlight Lady =Hall of Fame= Moonlight Lady Mossel Sap =Hall of Fame= Mossel Sap Mrspaggeti Hope =Hall of Fame= Mrspaggeti Hope Nan Ju =Hall of Fame= Nan Ju Nata Montada =Hall of Fame= Nata Montada Nicholas Roto =Hall of Fame= Nicholas Roto Nione Spain =Hall of Fame= Nione Spain Norkelina Elfurdottir =Hall of Fame= Norkelina Elfurdottir Nox Onyx =Hall of Fame= Nox Onyx Nuka Nukaa =Hall of Fame= Nuka Nukaa Onge Legendl =Hall of Fame= Onge Legendl Onyan Potoato =Hall of Fame= Onyan Potoato Oppi Deathleecher =Hall of Fame= Oppi Deathleecher Ozbegz Oroq =Hall of Fame= Ozbegz Oroq Pablo Picatso =Hall of Fame= Pablo Picatso Peklo Alvane =Hall of Fame= Peklo Alvane Perrin Frost =Hall of Fame= Perrin Frost Perseus Hawk =Hall of Fame= Perseus Hawk Plag Neis =Hall of Fame= Plag Neis Psycho Pass =Hall of Fame= Psycho Pass Pyra Pneuma =Hall of Fame= Pyra Pneuma Ragnar Lionheart =Hall of Fame= Ragnar Lionheart Ragnar Rathbrook =Hall of Fame= Ragnar Rathbrook Raivo Occulta =Hall of Fame= Raivo Occulta Rand Stark =Hall of Fame= Rand Stark Raphael Valhalla =Hall of Fame= Raphael Valhalla Raven Amaranth =Hall of Fame= Raven Amaranth Resenix Lionhart =Hall of Fame= Resenix Lionhart Rev G' =Hall of Fame= Rev G' Rhiannon Daynes =Hall of Fame= Rhiannon Daynes Rhydian Redvale =Hall of Fame= Rhydian Redvale Rob Invictus =Hall of Fame= Rob Invictus Roeas Frost =Hall of Fame= Roeas Frost Rokido Heartpiercer =Hall of Fame= Rokido Heartpiercer Roxxane Dimassa =Hall of Fame= Roxxane Dimassa Sachiko Ogasawara =Hall of Fame= Sachiko Ogasawara Samuel' Vimes =Hall of Fame= Samuel' Vimes Scian Psykatron =Hall of Fame= Scian Psykatron Sean Death-snake =Hall of Fame= Sean Death-snake Seanog Keegan =Hall of Fame= Seanog Keegan Seki Grimheart =Hall of Fame= Seki Grimheart Senrey Yamamoto =Hall of Fame= Senrey Yamamoto Seth Vental =Hall of Fame= Seth Vental Shamani Walani =Hall of Fame= Shamani Walani Shcoobz Jakkya =Hall of Fame= Shcoobz Jakkya Shilani Loha =Hall of Fame= Shilani Loha Shizznit Rekt =Hall of Fame= Shizznit Rekt Shorty Lothbrok =Hall of Fame= Shorty Lothbrok Shumi I- =Hall of Fame= Shumi I- Shylinee Naira =Hall of Fame= Shylinee Naira Sir Gregor =Hall of Fame= Sir Gregor Skilwar Urakhunt =Hall of Fame= Skilwar Urakhunt Skol Nunh =Hall of Fame= Skol Nunh Soultaker Hope =Hall of Fame= Soultaker Hope Sphellex Hunt =Hall of Fame= Sphellex Hunt Sphexzor Theturtle =Hall of Fame= Sphexzor Theturtle Spiri Stenyxa =Hall of Fame= Spiri Stenyxa Spirol Rasana =Hall of Fame= Spirol Rasana Steve Ruatha =Hall of Fame= Steve Ruatha Stewart Stardust =Hall of Fame= Stewart Stardust Sunna Alectrona =Hall of Fame= Sunna Alectrona Supreme Hope =Hall of Fame= Supreme Hope Tageshi Takemura =Hall of Fame= Tageshi Takemura Tanya Lasagna =Hall of Fame= Tanya Lasagna Taxuss Hope =Hall of Fame= Taxuss Hope Tewelel Choto =Hall of Fame= Tewelel Choto The Hound =Hall of Fame= The Hound Theomir Briar =Hall of Fame= Theomir Briar Toto Kutoto =Hall of Fame= Toto Kutoto Twike Bosch =Hall of Fame= Twike Bosch Valah Morghulis =Hall of Fame= Valah Morghulis Valria Tora =Hall of Fame= Valria Tora Varrys Dovahkriid =Hall of Fame= Varrys Dovahkriid Vietdan Medinista =Hall of Fame= Vietdan Medinista Visenya Targaryen' =Hall of Fame= Visenya Targaryen' Vsethgar Azorya =Hall of Fame= Vsethgar Azorya Vyce Montblanc =Hall of Fame= Vyce Montblanc Weavah Foxy =Hall of Fame= Weavah Foxy Weebs Layer =Hall of Fame= Weebs Layer White Walker =Hall of Fame= White Walker Wildfang De-luna =Hall of Fame= Wildfang De-luna Wispy Scoundrel =Hall of Fame= Wispy Scoundrel Woryck Nightsteele =Hall of Fame= Woryck Nightsteele Xaiga Espada =Hall of Fame= Xaiga Espada Xavier Galen =Hall of Fame= Xavier Galen Xian Quin =Hall of Fame= Xian Quin Xixi Gremory =Hall of Fame= Xixi Gremory Xorstane Dylguldour =Hall of Fame= Xorstane Dylguldour Xyren Fiercestrike =Hall of Fame= Xyren Fiercestrike Y'linha Javu =Hall of Fame= Y'linha Javu Yaccin Blackneren =Hall of Fame= Yaccin Blackneren Yu-ri Choi =Hall of Fame= Yu-ri Choi Yuki Izumo =Hall of Fame= Yuki Izumo Yuki Solo =Hall of Fame= Yuki Solo Yukito Britannia =Hall of Fame= Yukito Britannia Yuma Karme =Hall of Fame= Yuma Karme Yunan Tempest =Hall of Fame= Yunan Tempest Zarachai Soulwind =Hall of Fame= Zarachai Soulwind Zealot Saiyan =Hall of Fame= Zealot Saiyan Zed Lin =Hall of Fame= Zed Lin Zoaro Sylarc =Hall of Fame= Zoaro Sylarc Zobeh Leipyo =Hall of Fame= Zobeh Leipyo Zucki Kisaragi =Hall of Fame= Zucki Kisaragi