
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Swords of the Sacred

Rank 30 Free Company "Swords of the Sacred" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229283011365801097. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Tord helped build the pyramids in Giza.

Operates on Zodiark, Light, leaving tags "-SoS-" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Sacred Sheath" on plot 37 in ward 27 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Lay your arms to rest at the Swords of the Sacred Guildhall!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
186 274 170
116 209 173
280 249 172
200 159 169
205 163 158
47 154 79
66 154 68
66 226 68
174 226 68
208 226 60
330 226 60
342 226 48
342 109 47

Current members:

Dante Arulaq Master Dante Arulaq Aeorbah Strife Officer Aeorbah Strife Ayderieth Timucin Officer Ayderieth Timucin Eren Kaneki Officer Eren Kaneki Lancer Of'the'red Officer Lancer Of'the'red Ligma Bolls Officer Ligma Bolls Mei Atoel Officer Mei Atoel Roku Nturo Officer Roku Nturo Tarqun Arulaq Officer Tarqun Arulaq Agent Perry Trusted Agent Perry Dj Notnice Trusted Dj Notnice Guck Niisama Trusted Guck Niisama Heron Selunite Trusted Heron Selunite Kitty Barry Trusted Kitty Barry Lamb Waifu Trusted Lamb Waifu Lucy Levane Trusted Lucy Levane Maze Smith Trusted Maze Smith Mithrandir Fairclough Trusted Mithrandir Fairclough Revnyn Gentleheart Trusted Revnyn Gentleheart Sunlady Light Trusted Sunlady Light Yama Kasuga Trusted Yama Kasuga Aaron Gard Initiate Aaron Gard Aizen Redtower Initiate Aizen Redtower Allen Xwalker Initiate Allen Xwalker Aviendha Aesedai Initiate Aviendha Aesedai Baien Abumi Initiate Baien Abumi Barem Onghir Initiate Barem Onghir Basil Iteya Initiate Basil Iteya Bianca Abel Initiate Bianca Abel Brandain Johannes Initiate Brandain Johannes Brandon Oakfell Initiate Brandon Oakfell Brei Von'valahan Initiate Brei Von'valahan Ceku Isik Initiate Ceku Isik Cendra Sunderland Initiate Cendra Sunderland Chef Chewbacca Initiate Chef Chewbacca Chris P-bacon Initiate Chris P-bacon Chyron Bane Initiate Chyron Bane Clementine Tommo Initiate Clementine Tommo Daenerys Clarke Initiate Daenerys Clarke Dagger Pogger Initiate Dagger Pogger Deyan Belmont Initiate Deyan Belmont Diyllan Vailliere Initiate Diyllan Vailliere Dora Pitaya Initiate Dora Pitaya Dramalama Sun Initiate Dramalama Sun Dying Wolf Initiate Dying Wolf Elned Abelya Initiate Elned Abelya Emanuel Veritan Initiate Emanuel Veritan Emil Kanin Initiate Emil Kanin Ess'ee Ecks Initiate Ess'ee Ecks Euraphicus Tor Initiate Euraphicus Tor Faklor Gakunin Initiate Faklor Gakunin Femia Leni Initiate Femia Leni Fhrey Nemferu Initiate Fhrey Nemferu Fixion North Initiate Fixion North Furyk Fairclough Initiate Furyk Fairclough G'intana Alba Initiate G'intana Alba Gaetan Sirko Initiate Gaetan Sirko Godwyn Warsong Initiate Godwyn Warsong Greet Dhen Initiate Greet Dhen Groo Hel Initiate Groo Hel Grown Ladun Initiate Grown Ladun Guts Bersirk Initiate Guts Bersirk Hallon Sorbet Initiate Hallon Sorbet Hanner Draig Initiate Hanner Draig Hayden Dumblefox Initiate Hayden Dumblefox Healery Buff Initiate Healery Buff Hyanor Wolf Initiate Hyanor Wolf Icarus Black Initiate Icarus Black Icarus Esmeray Initiate Icarus Esmeray Ima Hooman Initiate Ima Hooman J'kash Nunh Initiate J'kash Nunh Jaro Vit Initiate Jaro Vit Jonathan Dotharl Initiate Jonathan Dotharl Juliett Fath Initiate Juliett Fath Junia Saffira Initiate Junia Saffira Kaffe Torsk Initiate Kaffe Torsk Kara Raye Initiate Kara Raye Kayleon Summers Initiate Kayleon Summers Ken Jack Initiate Ken Jack Kendo Bendo Initiate Kendo Bendo Kevin Geass Initiate Kevin Geass King Apo Initiate King Apo Kitt Onat Initiate Kitt Onat Kiyoshi Kazuya Initiate Kiyoshi Kazuya Koijitun Escreon Initiate Koijitun Escreon Koko Arulaq Initiate Koko Arulaq Kukule Kule Initiate Kukule Kule L'yoh Corvus Initiate L'yoh Corvus Lanki Lokir Initiate Lanki Lokir Lets Fight Initiate Lets Fight Lijhin Zalaryah Initiate Lijhin Zalaryah Lilith Hellfire Initiate Lilith Hellfire Logicdecker Dalapas Initiate Logicdecker Dalapas Louise Vailliere Initiate Louise Vailliere Lucius Vorenius Initiate Lucius Vorenius Lumpy Merrin Initiate Lumpy Merrin Maige Gopewpew Initiate Maige Gopewpew Mallory Rumi Initiate Mallory Rumi Masatsuchi Bugai Initiate Masatsuchi Bugai Maxsim Gavotte Initiate Maxsim Gavotte Maxwell Ironford Initiate Maxwell Ironford Mazie Maze Initiate Mazie Maze Mia Rara Initiate Mia Rara Miley Ames Initiate Miley Ames Milim Mirimu Initiate Milim Mirimu Mini Biddie Initiate Mini Biddie Mira Moonshell Initiate Mira Moonshell Misa Hiragi Initiate Misa Hiragi Ml Unleashed Initiate Ml Unleashed Molrus Mjolnar Initiate Molrus Mjolnar Myrrine Leviathan Initiate Myrrine Leviathan Nira Nightbloom Initiate Nira Nightbloom Nova Polaris Initiate Nova Polaris Oragtar Lefauve Initiate Oragtar Lefauve Pa Killage Initiate Pa Killage Papasmasher Boi Initiate Papasmasher Boi Phat Fruit Initiate Phat Fruit Pizza Diavola Initiate Pizza Diavola Portus Elementos Initiate Portus Elementos Power Surge Initiate Power Surge Rand Iron Initiate Rand Iron Reckless Farzoul Initiate Reckless Farzoul Relh Kadyn Initiate Relh Kadyn Remfa Xahlatal Initiate Remfa Xahlatal Remus Sefsky Initiate Remus Sefsky Ren Hana Initiate Ren Hana Rhal Wyznbhar Initiate Rhal Wyznbhar Rhys Hygge Initiate Rhys Hygge Riah Bokuto Initiate Riah Bokuto Rinu Min Initiate Rinu Min Rojara Valeriant Initiate Rojara Valeriant Rowmand Sinnon Initiate Rowmand Sinnon Ryu Kansuro Initiate Ryu Kansuro Saeth Dawel Initiate Saeth Dawel Saggy Mike Initiate Saggy Mike Saint Griphyt Initiate Saint Griphyt Sakura Maturo Initiate Sakura Maturo Santa Slayer Initiate Santa Slayer Seifer Tia Initiate Seifer Tia Sep Theantibody Initiate Sep Theantibody Sera Findu Initiate Sera Findu Serilin Merian Initiate Serilin Merian Shivaya Rogna Initiate Shivaya Rogna Sorvus Dreagan Initiate Sorvus Dreagan Stew Dragonmark Initiate Stew Dragonmark Suika Narya Initiate Suika Narya Task Odis Initiate Task Odis Taylor Webb Initiate Taylor Webb Teke Dude Initiate Teke Dude Tenebria Daudovitch Initiate Tenebria Daudovitch Theo L'era Initiate Theo L'era Tokko Arulaq Initiate Tokko Arulaq Tsugi Blaze Initiate Tsugi Blaze Tyr Nathria Initiate Tyr Nathria Tzio Nping Initiate Tzio Nping Uchimaru Moonlight Initiate Uchimaru Moonlight Uri Peludo Initiate Uri Peludo Usagi Yuki Initiate Usagi Yuki Usefushi Bakuro Initiate Usefushi Bakuro Vaacuth Kibagami Initiate Vaacuth Kibagami Vianne Vilenova Initiate Vianne Vilenova Viky Ventner Initiate Viky Ventner Wes Fairclough Initiate Wes Fairclough Xcile Uncharted Initiate Xcile Uncharted Xena Francine Initiate Xena Francine Xera Kateria Initiate Xera Kateria Xo Thepianoob Initiate Xo Thepianoob Yenes Kael Initiate Yenes Kael Zloy Medved Initiate Zloy Medved Zurkh Haragin Initiate Zurkh Haragin