
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "BEGINNERs" was formed on and registered on with ID 9229564486342412249. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:


Operates on Anima, Mana, leaving tags "BEGs" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "BEGINNERs'sAGITating" on plot 35 in ward 29 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

ーーー Free company BEGINNERs ーーー

Is recruiting, but does not specify whom.

Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
74 212 94
42 212 94
315 382 94
77 486 94
485 304 94

Current members:

Piyo Sangoh 隊長 Piyo Sangoh Aya Luana 副隊長 Aya Luana Chris Ritter 副隊長 Chris Ritter Ekahi Luana 副隊長 Ekahi Luana Maki Mr 副隊長 Maki Mr Motti Kinako 副隊長 Motti Kinako Stella Himukai 副隊長 Stella Himukai Tycho Artemis 副隊長 Tycho Artemis Azoo Strife 隊員 Azoo Strife Ice Coffin 隊員 Ice Coffin Kage Hoge 隊員 Kage Hoge Kaneudo Vageena 隊員 Kaneudo Vageena Lloyd Stark 隊員 Lloyd Stark Marsh Mallown 隊員 Marsh Mallown Mat Horner 隊員 Mat Horner Mos San 隊員 Mos San Namyi Nineteen 隊員 Namyi Nineteen Ryama Han 隊員 Ryama Han Sakura Bellwood 隊員 Sakura Bellwood Vernal Equinox 隊員 Vernal Equinox Abarth Bianchi ★体験中★ Abarth Bianchi Aki Setsura ★体験中★ Aki Setsura Ala Leonhardt ★体験中★ Ala Leonhardt Altair Summers ★体験中★ Altair Summers Asterisk Rare ★体験中★ Asterisk Rare Ayaka Lady ★体験中★ Ayaka Lady Baya Tiku ★体験中★ Baya Tiku Bianca Martini ★体験中★ Bianca Martini Blood Borne ★体験中★ Blood Borne Can Tom ★体験中★ Can Tom Celia Arnell ★体験中★ Celia Arnell Chatra Crown ★体験中★ Chatra Crown Chocolate Mix ★体験中★ Chocolate Mix Classic Lager ★体験中★ Classic Lager Coco Cat ★体験中★ Coco Cat Eri Ayase ★体験中★ Eri Ayase Fiona Wedgewood ★体験中★ Fiona Wedgewood Fuujin Raijin ★体験中★ Fuujin Raijin Gob Waver ★体験中★ Gob Waver Harua Sixth ★体験中★ Harua Sixth Hibari Mithra ★体験中★ Hibari Mithra Hiyuki Sellfield ★体験中★ Hiyuki Sellfield Iorin Hide ★体験中★ Iorin Hide Jack Baruru ★体験中★ Jack Baruru July Ocean ★体験中★ July Ocean Kay Castle ★体験中★ Kay Castle Ken Suzu ★体験中★ Ken Suzu Kommon Jail ★体験中★ Kommon Jail Kujou Negi ★体験中★ Kujou Negi Kuroe Lstar ★体験中★ Kuroe Lstar Lavis Quinn ★体験中★ Lavis Quinn Lili Heaven ★体験中★ Lili Heaven Loud Hawke ★体験中★ Loud Hawke Luna Lanford ★体験中★ Luna Lanford Marici Will ★体験中★ Marici Will Marimomo Toi ★体験中★ Marimomo Toi Megu Little ★体験中★ Megu Little Minami Ke ★体験中★ Minami Ke Minato Cyan ★体験中★ Minato Cyan Minco Stark ★体験中★ Minco Stark Mirai Wakusei ★体験中★ Mirai Wakusei Miro Sagittarius ★体験中★ Miro Sagittarius Monkey Punch ★体験中★ Monkey Punch Moro Boo ★体験中★ Moro Boo Mura Mura ★体験中★ Mura Mura Navio Cavio ★体験中★ Navio Cavio Nepurisu Hollyheart ★体験中★ Nepurisu Hollyheart Nox Rector ★体験中★ Nox Rector Nucoco Neco ★体験中★ Nucoco Neco Pika Zzz ★体験中★ Pika Zzz Pikarl Ungaro ★体験中★ Pikarl Ungaro Pony Forestriver ★体験中★ Pony Forestriver Pop Short ★体験中★ Pop Short Raika Shin ★体験中★ Raika Shin Renya Portgus ★体験中★ Renya Portgus Ripuka Lucent ★体験中★ Ripuka Lucent Seras Hallconnen ★体験中★ Seras Hallconnen Solaris Solaris ★体験中★ Solaris Solaris Soybean Tank ★体験中★ Soybean Tank Spirit Smoke ★体験中★ Spirit Smoke Straight Flush ★体験中★ Straight Flush Suine Limisel ★体験中★ Suine Limisel Sukenari San ★体験中★ Sukenari San Syans Kirschwasser ★体験中★ Syans Kirschwasser Tibi Chan ★体験中★ Tibi Chan Touwa Erin ★体験中★ Touwa Erin Uni Un ★体験中★ Uni Un Virginal Azeyma ★体験中★ Virginal Azeyma Way Third ★体験中★ Way Third Yossan Ace ★体験中★ Yossan Ace Yu Zu ★体験中★ Yu Zu Yume Hosaka ★体験中★ Yume Hosaka Yuu Muu ★体験中★ Yuu Muu Zelo Crono ★体験中★ Zelo Crono