
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Not Best in Slot

Rank 30 Free Company "Not Best in Slot" was formed on and registered on with ID 9230831123737743536. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

A very chill and no pressure FC, come and go as you please and enjoy the company in between! Newbie and Veteran friendly 3

Operates on Exodus, Primal, leaving tags "NBiS" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Not Best in Slot! Come on in and enjoy yourself. Watch out for the officers..... they do bite....

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Built Different.exe
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
247 271 103
237 317 97
496 371 97

Current members:

Trimir Hiruth One above all Trimir Hiruth Ikaruga Primordial SHB- Cryptlurk Ikaruga Primordial Kali Mortem SHB- Cryptlurk Kali Mortem Ophelia Shio SHB- Cryptlurk Ophelia Shio Dark Tarro SB- Scaevean Dark Tarro Eadwine Tyrer SB- Scaevean Eadwine Tyrer Raihn Rityu SB- Scaevean Raihn Rityu Jaye Faerhyl Leads Jaye Faerhyl Lee Highwing Leads Lee Highwing Sir Valtigrem Leads Sir Valtigrem Yvet Burest Leads Yvet Burest Zerik Feril Leads Zerik Feril Corrin Hak'tar HW- Hailstorm Corrin Hak'tar Mer Koh HW- Hailstorm Mer Koh Miyuki Khatayin HW- Hailstorm Miyuki Khatayin Neriakah Tier'dal HW- Hailstorm Neriakah Tier'dal Skulvir Blackhand HW- Hailstorm Skulvir Blackhand Ausuriel Sawyer ARR- Ironworks Ausuriel Sawyer Cornellius Bor'lor ARR- Ironworks Cornellius Bor'lor D'anitza Qui ARR- Ironworks D'anitza Qui Damian Tepes ARR- Ironworks Damian Tepes Dimble Yarzon ARR- Ironworks Dimble Yarzon Ellie Kira ARR- Ironworks Ellie Kira Iamsett Ionia ARR- Ironworks Iamsett Ionia Jay Frostclaw ARR- Ironworks Jay Frostclaw Jezebel Laveau ARR- Ironworks Jezebel Laveau Jonny Shrimp ARR- Ironworks Jonny Shrimp Kaleen Thelev ARR- Ironworks Kaleen Thelev Kani Niha ARR- Ironworks Kani Niha Kou Yaten ARR- Ironworks Kou Yaten Kyllan Deith ARR- Ironworks Kyllan Deith Mistyr Bigglesworth ARR- Ironworks Mistyr Bigglesworth Nix Ra ARR- Ironworks Nix Ra Phlox Vaeroise ARR- Ironworks Phlox Vaeroise Quinn Tessential ARR- Ironworks Quinn Tessential Soren Stonemore ARR- Ironworks Soren Stonemore Xara Vesper ARR- Ironworks Xara Vesper Xebs Freya ARR- Ironworks Xebs Freya Yumi Shikada ARR- Ironworks Yumi Shikada Artueria Pendragon EW- Lunar Envoy Artueria Pendragon Arwen Rivendell EW- Lunar Envoy Arwen Rivendell Clara Brett EW- Lunar Envoy Clara Brett Darkmask Ace EW- Lunar Envoy Darkmask Ace Dead Voices EW- Lunar Envoy Dead Voices Dr Snakemilk EW- Lunar Envoy Dr Snakemilk Emerald Wind EW- Lunar Envoy Emerald Wind Eren Duskear EW- Lunar Envoy Eren Duskear General Shang EW- Lunar Envoy General Shang Glavius Dusavoir EW- Lunar Envoy Glavius Dusavoir Kelta Luque EW- Lunar Envoy Kelta Luque Keyra Emberglow EW- Lunar Envoy Keyra Emberglow Kindred Forester EW- Lunar Envoy Kindred Forester Lauren Winterfell EW- Lunar Envoy Lauren Winterfell Lavelena Lacrosse EW- Lunar Envoy Lavelena Lacrosse Lyra Sionnach EW- Lunar Envoy Lyra Sionnach Master Kohnohax EW- Lunar Envoy Master Kohnohax Myria Dawnstar EW- Lunar Envoy Myria Dawnstar Priscilla Asterisk EW- Lunar Envoy Priscilla Asterisk Rose Young EW- Lunar Envoy Rose Young Sierra Elhana EW- Lunar Envoy Sierra Elhana Tal Vosah EW- Lunar Envoy Tal Vosah Vivian Lavahn EW- Lunar Envoy Vivian Lavahn A'xoni Lheima New Unarmored A'xoni Lheima Ada Yeager New Unarmored Ada Yeager Arya Felwind New Unarmored Arya Felwind Avriham Olive New Unarmored Avriham Olive Azami Aurauri New Unarmored Azami Aurauri Carn Dabz New Unarmored Carn Dabz Cicero Pasdevillet New Unarmored Cicero Pasdevillet Crit' Chance New Unarmored Crit' Chance Daphne Tiefling New Unarmored Daphne Tiefling Demador Proudmane New Unarmored Demador Proudmane Docshades Rabbit New Unarmored Docshades Rabbit Edi Conqueso New Unarmored Edi Conqueso Fooch Bunbun New Unarmored Fooch Bunbun Froya Valk New Unarmored Froya Valk Galath Gamma New Unarmored Galath Gamma Gandalfs Socks New Unarmored Gandalfs Socks Glenn Armstrong New Unarmored Glenn Armstrong Grimm End New Unarmored Grimm End Hilda Jeanne New Unarmored Hilda Jeanne Jett Ortiz New Unarmored Jett Ortiz Jon Yeager New Unarmored Jon Yeager Kalach Delirum New Unarmored Kalach Delirum Kero Kyubey New Unarmored Kero Kyubey Kintsugi Dairiseki New Unarmored Kintsugi Dairiseki Kira Lightlace New Unarmored Kira Lightlace Mac Damacy New Unarmored Mac Damacy Maux Marcy New Unarmored Maux Marcy Mikalli Alstas New Unarmored Mikalli Alstas Miroth Vexious New Unarmored Miroth Vexious Mythic Fluff New Unarmored Mythic Fluff Nerah Hinsuro New Unarmored Nerah Hinsuro Nessa Bright New Unarmored Nessa Bright S'olera Tia New Unarmored S'olera Tia September Vannica New Unarmored September Vannica Shinobu Koccho New Unarmored Shinobu Koccho Smexy Kitsune New Unarmored Smexy Kitsune Smififty Chewin New Unarmored Smififty Chewin Snakeshot Uchiha New Unarmored Snakeshot Uchiha Soryn Eclipse New Unarmored Soryn Eclipse Talithunran Sirsass New Unarmored Talithunran Sirsass Tigris Wilder New Unarmored Tigris Wilder Unrival Fate New Unarmored Unrival Fate