
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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The Tribe

Rank 30 Free Company "The Tribe" was formed on and registered on with ID 9230831123737763730. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Friends can soothe a soul

Operates on Exodus, Primal, leaving tags "TRIBE" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a small base named "The TRIBE" on plot 59 in ward 14 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to The TRIBE company hall!

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
62 64 93
78 64 92
67 64 89
121 141 84
123 223 79
209 405 80
83 69 76

Current members:

Neseah Raven Operator Neseah Raven Ryden Solas Second Operator Ryden Solas Amaya Rose Expert Amaya Rose Owl Miau Expert Owl Miau Darius Mesus Journeyman Darius Mesus Emerant Nightingale Journeyman Emerant Nightingale Inji Yotanae Journeyman Inji Yotanae Jun Cosma Journeyman Jun Cosma Brynhild Ironbrow Trusted Master Brynhild Ironbrow Ganymede Mayhem Trusted Master Ganymede Mayhem Kat Jam Trusted Master Kat Jam Moss Head Trusted Master Moss Head Spartan Pride Trusted Master Spartan Pride Clark Outcast Apprentice Clark Outcast Draven Solaire Apprentice Draven Solaire Lone Lampost Apprentice Lone Lampost Luna Amalia Apprentice Luna Amalia Mido Miko Apprentice Mido Miko Mori Jr Apprentice Mori Jr Thorstein Leonidas Apprentice Thorstein Leonidas Vynavii Malheur Apprentice Vynavii Malheur Woodlyre Yatusabe Apprentice Woodlyre Yatusabe Wrath Highwind Apprentice Wrath Highwind Zarvac Fellruin Apprentice Zarvac Fellruin A'lhea Naweh Novice A'lhea Naweh Adam Ardentious Novice Adam Ardentious Ahenobarbus Henocied Novice Ahenobarbus Henocied Aira Nahta Novice Aira Nahta Alysanne Dracarys Novice Alysanne Dracarys Ariana Valentine Novice Ariana Valentine Ariane Zeasiere Novice Ariane Zeasiere Ava Cesnik Novice Ava Cesnik Azhreal Silvertears Novice Azhreal Silvertears Bea Bonifacio Novice Bea Bonifacio Bellim Nanzka Novice Bellim Nanzka Belopepped Arkwright Novice Belopepped Arkwright Dante Shadowhonour Novice Dante Shadowhonour Daros Nevarre Novice Daros Nevarre Dolrin Moonseeker Novice Dolrin Moonseeker Dormer Cioran Novice Dormer Cioran Dufin Yemin Novice Dufin Yemin Eobard Zipmeister Novice Eobard Zipmeister Ethane Welx Novice Ethane Welx Falsarah Solace Novice Falsarah Solace Gaia Lyn Novice Gaia Lyn Gretch Trace Novice Gretch Trace Hanekawa Kuro Novice Hanekawa Kuro Hatake Minato Novice Hatake Minato Hem Groot Novice Hem Groot Het Swiftfoot Novice Het Swiftfoot Hinataaaaaa Hyuga Novice Hinataaaaaa Hyuga Huy Battousai Novice Huy Battousai Jayron Nightwing Novice Jayron Nightwing Kameki Tempest Novice Kameki Tempest Kinara Goldroun Novice Kinara Goldroun Kisara Dragonia Novice Kisara Dragonia Kite Isle Novice Kite Isle Kondai Higinzu Novice Kondai Higinzu Laurie Ax Novice Laurie Ax Lil Slim Novice Lil Slim Lil Stink Novice Lil Stink Lil'leeroyyy Jankums Novice Lil'leeroyyy Jankums Lilleeroy Jankums Novice Lilleeroy Jankums Little Celize Novice Little Celize Lizzie Sp Novice Lizzie Sp Luna Reyaldi Novice Luna Reyaldi Maiko Cesnik Novice Maiko Cesnik Mocaa Aoba Novice Mocaa Aoba Moore Wahfuls Novice Moore Wahfuls Nisha Poe Novice Nisha Poe Nyl Delta Novice Nyl Delta Oscar Marx Novice Oscar Marx Qehmi Ronye Novice Qehmi Ronye Rhianna Cesnik Novice Rhianna Cesnik Ririmun Tempest Novice Ririmun Tempest Rogrod Rabbit Novice Rogrod Rabbit Rose Hathaway Novice Rose Hathaway Ryu Haruyuki Novice Ryu Haruyuki Sighlas Gid Novice Sighlas Gid Straw-hat Luffy Novice Straw-hat Luffy Taka Yotanae Novice Taka Yotanae Tanjiro Lumos Novice Tanjiro Lumos Tavlic Barlow Novice Tavlic Barlow Trexan Kline Novice Trexan Kline Velka Darklighter Novice Velka Darklighter Vilma Tempest Novice Vilma Tempest Vins Trigun Novice Vins Trigun Wild Chants Novice Wild Chants Wild Thang Novice Wild Thang Wrexial Belmont Novice Wrexial Belmont Yoko Kadachi Novice Yoko Kadachi Yukihime Ashenwitch Novice Yukihime Ashenwitch Zarkan Yarvin Novice Zarkan Yarvin