
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Legion Of The Damned

Rank 30 Free Company "Legion Of The Damned" was formed on and registered on with ID 9230971861226041587. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Friendly FC that is always welcoming new players and veterans. LGBTQA+ friendly! Casual Purging the Heretic

Operates on Faerie, Aether, leaving tags "PURGE" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "House Of Pleasures" on plot 33 in ward 24 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Delicious Cake

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 4 other names:

  • Crab Wranglers
  • House-of-Pleasure
  • The Booty Bandits
  • The Cake Factory
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
49 94 216
63 158 252
32 44 349
60 37 350
29 37 358
54 376 367
13 16 437
8 16 450
84 95 141
84 99 136
117 99 138
97 99 109
139 99 109
139 82 109
227 349 94
245 223 102
316 223 118
320 223 120
223 332 32
272 229 73
14 126 54
14 126 55
172 420 32

Current members:

Luka Silvermoon Chapter Master Luka Silvermoon Calwyn Antaris Apothecary (50) Calwyn Antaris Cherissa Wells Apothecary (50) Cherissa Wells Daniela Oliveira Apothecary (50) Daniela Oliveira Kasumi Nakasu Apothecary (50) Kasumi Nakasu Nala Tsukino Apothecary (50) Nala Tsukino Vasilyssa Mudraya Apothecary (50) Vasilyssa Mudraya Alex Faust 1st Company Alex Faust Layna Kitten Vet. BladeGuard Layna Kitten Logann Grimmar Vet. BladeGuard Logann Grimmar Luna Witch Vet. BladeGuard Luna Witch Luna Yaxin Lieutenant (60) Luna Yaxin Miia Aozora Lieutenant (60) Miia Aozora Robin Urabito Lieutenant (60) Robin Urabito Arata Omura Champion (80) Arata Omura Cillien Dailemont Champion (80) Cillien Dailemont Edward Lowenherz Champion (80) Edward Lowenherz Freya Iron-tail Champion (80) Freya Iron-tail Haku Ren Champion (80) Haku Ren Jameson Hatasashi Champion (80) Jameson Hatasashi Jenna Degurechaff Champion (80) Jenna Degurechaff Kit Ariel Champion (80) Kit Ariel Lilya Vithras Champion (80) Lilya Vithras M'yet Catulus Champion (80) M'yet Catulus Mivlo Foixewesfv Champion (80) Mivlo Foixewesfv Mooky Misunderstood Champion (80) Mooky Misunderstood Mystia Dawn Champion (80) Mystia Dawn Nas Kyuzaki Champion (80) Nas Kyuzaki Petra Rose Champion (80) Petra Rose Runic Hickory Champion (80) Runic Hickory Shanoa Eclesia Champion (80) Shanoa Eclesia Siren Rivers Champion (80) Siren Rivers Taisie Dahlia Champion (80) Taisie Dahlia Wackus Bonkus Champion (80) Wackus Bonkus Katrina Silvermoon Mistress Katrina Silvermoon Cerzor Ekaf The FALLEN Cerzor Ekaf Donut Good The FALLEN Donut Good Fenry Fenrir The FALLEN Fenry Fenrir Jamie Nyaah The FALLEN Jamie Nyaah Jellybean Sweets The FALLEN Jellybean Sweets Jellybean Turtle The FALLEN Jellybean Turtle Juhn'to Texas The FALLEN Juhn'to Texas Lily Jade The FALLEN Lily Jade Mental Patient The FALLEN Mental Patient Mental Pixie The FALLEN Mental Pixie Meowly Cyrus The FALLEN Meowly Cyrus Mia Mocha The FALLEN Mia Mocha Nixiah Burning-star The FALLEN Nixiah Burning-star Pip Stormblessed The FALLEN Pip Stormblessed Pixie Akira The FALLEN Pixie Akira Poe Dameron The FALLEN Poe Dameron Shinta Yuy The FALLEN Shinta Yuy Siserone Suresteel The FALLEN Siserone Suresteel Aldith North Captain (100) Aldith North Aurora Oakenshield Captain (100) Aurora Oakenshield Cera Ce Captain (100) Cera Ce Colus Meltz Captain (100) Colus Meltz Delta Codex Captain (100) Delta Codex Eleonore Podebrat Captain (100) Eleonore Podebrat Elizabeth Belmont Captain (100) Elizabeth Belmont Folacio Wells Captain (100) Folacio Wells Isara Rose Captain (100) Isara Rose Katara Moons Captain (100) Katara Moons Lewda Crits Captain (100) Lewda Crits Lilac Heart Captain (100) Lilac Heart Litatio Rosarius Captain (100) Litatio Rosarius Lovely Hoppy Captain (100) Lovely Hoppy Mae Day Captain (100) Mae Day Mana Sae'rei Captain (100) Mana Sae'rei Mirai Moonflower Captain (100) Mirai Moonflower Natsume Kokoro Captain (100) Natsume Kokoro Nazarick Tomb Captain (100) Nazarick Tomb Neku May Captain (100) Neku May Nova Greenfield Captain (100) Nova Greenfield Okiseme Park Captain (100) Okiseme Park Palasia Lunas Captain (100) Palasia Lunas Princess Bcup Captain (100) Princess Bcup Sifan Kaityr Captain (100) Sifan Kaityr Soleil Leivan Captain (100) Soleil Leivan Strawberry Swisher Captain (100) Strawberry Swisher Torp'to Gohjima Captain (100) Torp'to Gohjima Vegeta Thundaga Captain (100) Vegeta Thundaga Venasa Paharo Captain (100) Venasa Paharo White Shoes Captain (100) White Shoes Willford Wolvesbane Captain (100) Willford Wolvesbane Yuki Twlight Captain (100) Yuki Twlight Abba Zabba Neophytes (new) Abba Zabba Adney Stonewood Neophytes (new) Adney Stonewood Adveni Nalarov Neophytes (new) Adveni Nalarov Aida Lumar Neophytes (new) Aida Lumar Akito Ikigai Neophytes (new) Akito Ikigai Akuran Inukai Neophytes (new) Akuran Inukai Ala' Mhigan Neophytes (new) Ala' Mhigan Alainna Piper Neophytes (new) Alainna Piper Alison Markov Neophytes (new) Alison Markov Amanda M'or Neophytes (new) Amanda M'or Amicia Fythe Neophytes (new) Amicia Fythe Anastasia Nemeseia Neophytes (new) Anastasia Nemeseia Arkana Nynm Neophytes (new) Arkana Nynm Aster Gardenia Neophytes (new) Aster Gardenia Asuna Inverse Neophytes (new) Asuna Inverse Ava Dahlia Neophytes (new) Ava Dahlia Ayame Hope Neophytes (new) Ayame Hope Bozja Baby Neophytes (new) Bozja Baby Brea Nix Neophytes (new) Brea Nix Brekkan Tyrell Neophytes (new) Brekkan Tyrell Bruin Trouble Neophytes (new) Bruin Trouble Calanna Elakha Neophytes (new) Calanna Elakha Cassiopeia Celeste Neophytes (new) Cassiopeia Celeste Catgirl Simulator Neophytes (new) Catgirl Simulator Cyrus Raviffet Neophytes (new) Cyrus Raviffet Dannys Valentine Neophytes (new) Dannys Valentine Delphine Belacqua Neophytes (new) Delphine Belacqua Edwad Spoon Neophytes (new) Edwad Spoon Erin-may Mc Neophytes (new) Erin-may Mc Eris Enyalios Neophytes (new) Eris Enyalios Eris Swordsmain Neophytes (new) Eris Swordsmain Eve Lunaris Neophytes (new) Eve Lunaris Everlost Lunalia Neophytes (new) Everlost Lunalia Faris Nyannyan Neophytes (new) Faris Nyannyan Fenrael Do'urden Neophytes (new) Fenrael Do'urden Fluffy Fuafua Neophytes (new) Fluffy Fuafua Gabriel Stronghammer Neophytes (new) Gabriel Stronghammer Grace Alexander Neophytes (new) Grace Alexander H'kari Fenris Neophytes (new) H'kari Fenris H'thena Mohsah Neophytes (new) H'thena Mohsah Hana Bananski Neophytes (new) Hana Bananski Hana Kodachi Neophytes (new) Hana Kodachi Hana Shiroyuki Neophytes (new) Hana Shiroyuki Hanna Bnan'a Neophytes (new) Hanna Bnan'a Iah Jhin Neophytes (new) Iah Jhin Ilmarinen Iluvatar Neophytes (new) Ilmarinen Iluvatar Imia Larna Neophytes (new) Imia Larna Isa Sylvie Neophytes (new) Isa Sylvie J'jikhu Tia Neophytes (new) J'jikhu Tia Jekyll Hyde Neophytes (new) Jekyll Hyde Joe Blow Neophytes (new) Joe Blow K'lylhi Yhara Neophytes (new) K'lylhi Yhara Kameria Katz Neophytes (new) Kameria Katz Karoline Crewe Neophytes (new) Karoline Crewe Kelnara Vissa Neophytes (new) Kelnara Vissa Kickstart Myname Neophytes (new) Kickstart Myname Kida Aurelia Neophytes (new) Kida Aurelia Kikairi Forster Neophytes (new) Kikairi Forster Koruko Uuhari Neophytes (new) Koruko Uuhari Korzan Kortson Neophytes (new) Korzan Kortson Koshka Malakhova Neophytes (new) Koshka Malakhova Krysantheum Amaterasu Neophytes (new) Krysantheum Amaterasu Kukka Xv Neophytes (new) Kukka Xv Lavie Boheme Neophytes (new) Lavie Boheme Lee Know Neophytes (new) Lee Know Levania Arkness Neophytes (new) Levania Arkness Lexa Copay Neophytes (new) Lexa Copay Lilian Gremory Neophytes (new) Lilian Gremory Lucia Vespera Neophytes (new) Lucia Vespera Luvlee Kitten Neophytes (new) Luvlee Kitten Lux Saturnine Neophytes (new) Lux Saturnine Maelena Mizuhiki Neophytes (new) Maelena Mizuhiki Melancholic Tea Neophytes (new) Melancholic Tea Meleys Moondancer Neophytes (new) Meleys Moondancer Meno Likeu Neophytes (new) Meno Likeu Meso Honay Neophytes (new) Meso Honay Mira Sonnet Neophytes (new) Mira Sonnet Mizushino Shun Neophytes (new) Mizushino Shun Moiki Hyaenidae Neophytes (new) Moiki Hyaenidae Momo Littlebottom Neophytes (new) Momo Littlebottom Mordecai Zomicha Neophytes (new) Mordecai Zomicha Neekko Flui Neophytes (new) Neekko Flui Nell Danger Neophytes (new) Nell Danger Nelonie Genesis Neophytes (new) Nelonie Genesis Nikii Rae Neophytes (new) Nikii Rae Nikkos Rehw-setlas Neophytes (new) Nikkos Rehw-setlas Noire Orben Neophytes (new) Noire Orben Novrek Leo Neophytes (new) Novrek Leo Nyx Starfallen Neophytes (new) Nyx Starfallen Oddmund Witherwood Neophytes (new) Oddmund Witherwood Oden Sapphire Neophytes (new) Oden Sapphire Osk Nox Neophytes (new) Osk Nox Panty Saiyan Neophytes (new) Panty Saiyan Pat Bun'atar Neophytes (new) Pat Bun'atar Polly Briarpetal Neophytes (new) Polly Briarpetal Promyvion- Vahzl Neophytes (new) Promyvion- Vahzl Quinn Tessence Neophytes (new) Quinn Tessence Raiden Y'zor Neophytes (new) Raiden Y'zor Rauphent Dagat Neophytes (new) Rauphent Dagat Rikka Umekawa Neophytes (new) Rikka Umekawa Ry Ne Neophytes (new) Ry Ne Ryn Stahrdyst Neophytes (new) Ryn Stahrdyst Saki Amii Neophytes (new) Saki Amii Sakura Komachi Neophytes (new) Sakura Komachi Saphiria Belladonna Neophytes (new) Saphiria Belladonna Scroll Lionheart Neophytes (new) Scroll Lionheart Semi Wolndara Neophytes (new) Semi Wolndara Sera Sunless Neophytes (new) Sera Sunless Serena Iridescent Neophytes (new) Serena Iridescent Skylar Kyde Neophytes (new) Skylar Kyde Skymyst Silver Neophytes (new) Skymyst Silver Star Crescentia Neophytes (new) Star Crescentia Suhan Einherjar Neophytes (new) Suhan Einherjar Talon Sky Neophytes (new) Talon Sky Talonius Stormwing Neophytes (new) Talonius Stormwing Tandaya Taked'po Neophytes (new) Tandaya Taked'po Tether For'wain Neophytes (new) Tether For'wain Tiramisu Cake Neophytes (new) Tiramisu Cake Two B' Neophytes (new) Two B' Valkyrie Realms Neophytes (new) Valkyrie Realms Ven Dread Neophytes (new) Ven Dread Vera Harkness Neophytes (new) Vera Harkness Virgo Starfall Neophytes (new) Virgo Starfall Whale Tail Neophytes (new) Whale Tail Yui Narukami Neophytes (new) Yui Narukami Zaika Lechuga Neophytes (new) Zaika Lechuga Zashi Musashi Neophytes (new) Zashi Musashi Zevaan Stinz Neophytes (new) Zevaan Stinz Zilka Hyuga Neophytes (new) Zilka Hyuga Zoey Saturnine Neophytes (new) Zoey Saturnine