
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Pocket-Soup" was formed on and registered on with ID 9230971861226044036. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?! (^:

Operates on Faerie, Aether, leaving tags "ZOOP" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to ZOOP! We hope yer not lookin' for soup! We offer free pocket soup!

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 11 other names:

  • Church of Hostility
  • Church of Zodiark
  • Drunken Moogles
  • Error Not Found
  • Forever Castle
  • Knights of Hydaelyn
  • Lusty Milk Maids
  • Malicious Nature
  • Ninja Space Pirates
  • Not Implemented
  • Temple of Sin
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
254 238 88
191 254 90
65 205 87
67 205 89
216 471 80
108 116 40
108 71 40
93 71 40
153 71 38
80 71 37
80 85 27

Current members:

Matoimaru Akiro MaîtreDeCringé Matoimaru Akiro Ashe Shieldbearer AUS Work Visa Ashe Shieldbearer Azenar Hydes AUS Work Visa Azenar Hydes Kathrine Surina AUS Work Visa Kathrine Surina Mithradia Neave AUS Work Visa Mithradia Neave Ruru Muun AUS Work Visa Ruru Muun Stygian Surina AUS Work Visa Stygian Surina Tama Hagane AUS Work Visa Tama Hagane Velithas Zathril AUS Work Visa Velithas Zathril Wind-up Maria AUS Work Visa Wind-up Maria Aluber Kisne Souper Soupé Aluber Kisne Daddy War-crimes Souper Soupé Daddy War-crimes Endra Eld Souper Soupé Endra Eld Ingvarr Panjaka Souper Soupé Ingvarr Panjaka Judas Noe Souper Soupé Judas Noe Lillith Brightsun Souper Soupé Lillith Brightsun Myur Dyur Souper Soupé Myur Dyur Non Ei Souper Soupé Non Ei Toxic Nep Souper Soupé Toxic Nep Victim-of War-crimes Souper Soupé Victim-of War-crimes Zettsuna Urahara Souper Soupé Zettsuna Urahara Axenos Ad-astra AFK Soup Axenos Ad-astra Brandis Evern AFK Soup Brandis Evern Certifiably Average AFK Soup Certifiably Average Daru Larriet AFK Soup Daru Larriet Er Parser AFK Soup Er Parser Freya Halbschatten AFK Soup Freya Halbschatten Fumiko Kawa AFK Soup Fumiko Kawa Gigga Chad AFK Soup Gigga Chad Hu Mungus AFK Soup Hu Mungus Ignus Rosche AFK Soup Ignus Rosche Kang Hyewon AFK Soup Kang Hyewon Lunakins Azerael AFK Soup Lunakins Azerael Lythi Grr AFK Soup Lythi Grr Maylina Wildrose AFK Soup Maylina Wildrose Medusa Stone AFK Soup Medusa Stone Meryn Trip AFK Soup Meryn Trip Oaklan Owa AFK Soup Oaklan Owa Seryl Lin AFK Soup Seryl Lin Solid Stone AFK Soup Solid Stone Tentative Ayanami-rei AFK Soup Tentative Ayanami-rei Tokes Goodtree AFK Soup Tokes Goodtree Xia Yuning AFK Soup Xia Yuning Aeragi Swiftblades Soupe Populaire Aeragi Swiftblades Asintyr Vorum Soupe Populaire Asintyr Vorum Athena Jarjayes Soupe Populaire Athena Jarjayes Bunter Toast Soupe Populaire Bunter Toast Cafer Kiwi Soupe Populaire Cafer Kiwi Chimken Alph'raido Soupe Populaire Chimken Alph'raido Cole Wolf Soupe Populaire Cole Wolf Crimsun King Soupe Populaire Crimsun King Dirty Meowtini Soupe Populaire Dirty Meowtini Docz Wew Soupe Populaire Docz Wew Endedsoul Zero Soupe Populaire Endedsoul Zero Erza Rainteau Soupe Populaire Erza Rainteau Flick Sorluna Soupe Populaire Flick Sorluna Galadrio Odinson Soupe Populaire Galadrio Odinson Glug Jugg Soupe Populaire Glug Jugg Imma Cutie Soupe Populaire Imma Cutie Jade Wildsong Soupe Populaire Jade Wildsong Jennie Jenjen Soupe Populaire Jennie Jenjen Jus Dorange Soupe Populaire Jus Dorange Kai Tsukino Soupe Populaire Kai Tsukino Kang Soohwa Soupe Populaire Kang Soohwa Kira Jarjayes Soupe Populaire Kira Jarjayes Kura Nai Soupe Populaire Kura Nai Larka Fetters Soupe Populaire Larka Fetters Lessica Niles Soupe Populaire Lessica Niles Liara Rose Soupe Populaire Liara Rose Maria Gabrel Soupe Populaire Maria Gabrel Maya Cosmah Soupe Populaire Maya Cosmah Milk Enthusiast Soupe Populaire Milk Enthusiast Mizuhiki Senrigan Soupe Populaire Mizuhiki Senrigan Mommy War-crimes Soupe Populaire Mommy War-crimes Nor Blackwyne Soupe Populaire Nor Blackwyne Persephone Jarjayes Soupe Populaire Persephone Jarjayes Ramuda Amemura Soupe Populaire Ramuda Amemura Rei Wolf Soupe Populaire Rei Wolf Reyzana Reldraxi Soupe Populaire Reyzana Reldraxi Selicah Kirisame Soupe Populaire Selicah Kirisame Shaman Shaman Soupe Populaire Shaman Shaman Soul Wolf Soupe Populaire Soul Wolf Spookmaster Zero Soupe Populaire Spookmaster Zero Tanji Ko Soupe Populaire Tanji Ko Vik Surina Soupe Populaire Vik Surina Xan Tailchaser Soupe Populaire Xan Tailchaser Yukito Mitsukiryu Soupe Populaire Yukito Mitsukiryu Zynovia Harukawa Soupe Populaire Zynovia Harukawa