
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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The Crystarium

Rank 30 Free Company "The Crystarium" was formed on and registered on with ID 9230971861226093281. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

•The future is where my destiny awaits•

Operates on Faerie, Aether, leaving tags "graha" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a small base named "Ocular" on plot 26 in ward 8 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome, take a seat and have some tea and sandwiches with us♥

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • TheGuardian
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
378 339 182
388 339 182

Current members:

Susaino Hashibira •Crystal Exarch Susaino Hashibira Anh Jack •G'raha Simp ♥ Anh Jack Astaris Durai •G'raha Simp ♥ Astaris Durai Ilae Derym •G'raha Simp ♥ Ilae Derym Ginhaha Steele •G'raha Expert♠ Ginhaha Steele Sleep Nycto •G'raha Expert♠ Sleep Nycto Katsuo Sakyo •Vice-Leader Katsuo Sakyo Nightmare Auralis •Vice-Leader Nightmare Auralis Nightmare Greystone •Vice-Leader Nightmare Greystone Nightmare Hashibira •Vice-Leader Nightmare Hashibira Ru R'zula •Vice-Leader Ru R'zula Ryuhei Usui •Vice-Leader Ryuhei Usui Sylvie Draken •Vice-Leader Sylvie Draken Woyao Bingchilling •Vice-Leader Woyao Bingchilling Yinne Auralis •Vice-Leader Yinne Auralis Aiko Kruger •G'raha Freak○ Aiko Kruger Aurora Fayth •G'raha Freak○ Aurora Fayth Hisao Shippaikuni •G'raha Freak○ Hisao Shippaikuni Jovi Jovi •G'raha Freak○ Jovi Jovi Luminadia Durai •G'raha Freak○ Luminadia Durai Sprort Durai •G'raha Freak○ Sprort Durai Suzumiya Haruhi •G'raha Freak○ Suzumiya Haruhi Vladimir Draevyn •G'raha Freak○ Vladimir Draevyn Yuki Chiyo •G'raha Freak○ Yuki Chiyo Alucard Draken •Sprout ♣ Alucard Draken Ashuna Truthcaller •Sprout ♣ Ashuna Truthcaller Bertie La •Sprout ♣ Bertie La Cain Hardhand •Sprout ♣ Cain Hardhand Callie Auxiliatrix •Sprout ♣ Callie Auxiliatrix Camilla Rickshaw •Sprout ♣ Camilla Rickshaw Clio Arvense •Sprout ♣ Clio Arvense Coen Dollie •Sprout ♣ Coen Dollie Dheez Nahtz •Sprout ♣ Dheez Nahtz E'thena Nove •Sprout ♣ E'thena Nove Eimi Farron •Sprout ♣ Eimi Farron Elric Larkson •Sprout ♣ Elric Larkson Firager Keyes •Sprout ♣ Firager Keyes Gustavian Beaumont •Sprout ♣ Gustavian Beaumont Halla Nightfall •Sprout ♣ Halla Nightfall Huey Le'one •Sprout ♣ Huey Le'one Ignia Flamehorn •Sprout ♣ Ignia Flamehorn Isaiah Lard •Sprout ♣ Isaiah Lard Izzy Stormborn •Sprout ♣ Izzy Stormborn Jiraiya Senju •Sprout ♣ Jiraiya Senju Juneau Tayuun •Sprout ♣ Juneau Tayuun Lyn N'onon •Sprout ♣ Lyn N'onon Makoto Sakai •Sprout ♣ Makoto Sakai Malak Arulaq •Sprout ♣ Malak Arulaq Marissa Va'al •Sprout ♣ Marissa Va'al Pharaoh Statice •Sprout ♣ Pharaoh Statice Pluto Bonbon •Sprout ♣ Pluto Bonbon Rhiki Khilo •Sprout ♣ Rhiki Khilo Shinning Sparrow •Sprout ♣ Shinning Sparrow Terok Nor •Sprout ♣ Terok Nor Testius Mccharacter •Sprout ♣ Testius Mccharacter Zeldrashi Moon •Sprout ♣ Zeldrashi Moon Aladianda Crowe •G'raha Fan↑ Aladianda Crowe Atticus Steelborne •G'raha Fan↑ Atticus Steelborne Autmn Seas •G'raha Fan↑ Autmn Seas Barking Taco •G'raha Fan↑ Barking Taco Bella Mara •G'raha Fan↑ Bella Mara Beppu Vajra •G'raha Fan↑ Beppu Vajra Celena Bohen •G'raha Fan↑ Celena Bohen Deneb Ophiuch •G'raha Fan↑ Deneb Ophiuch Emma Grace •G'raha Fan↑ Emma Grace Exos Endoxus •G'raha Fan↑ Exos Endoxus Faye Fowler •G'raha Fan↑ Faye Fowler Finnea Greeny •G'raha Fan↑ Finnea Greeny Galaxy Scaremoon •G'raha Fan↑ Galaxy Scaremoon Hope Usui •G'raha Fan↑ Hope Usui Ilja Dragunov •G'raha Fan↑ Ilja Dragunov Kaede La'vey •G'raha Fan↑ Kaede La'vey Kalani Aeternus •G'raha Fan↑ Kalani Aeternus Keylee Key •G'raha Fan↑ Keylee Key Kirhon'a Ohulus •G'raha Fan↑ Kirhon'a Ohulus Little Puff •G'raha Fan↑ Little Puff Lovintus Evasear •G'raha Fan↑ Lovintus Evasear Myystie Frostine •G'raha Fan↑ Myystie Frostine Naoki Ohara •G'raha Fan↑ Naoki Ohara Raishin Kuri •G'raha Fan↑ Raishin Kuri Reizei Alice •G'raha Fan↑ Reizei Alice Sera Valentine •G'raha Fan↑ Sera Valentine Sharon Trinity •G'raha Fan↑ Sharon Trinity Suji Coso •G'raha Fan↑ Suji Coso Tabula Redglare •G'raha Fan↑ Tabula Redglare Tai Namo •G'raha Fan↑ Tai Namo Thalion Balstad •G'raha Fan↑ Thalion Balstad Tomoki Mikazuki •G'raha Fan↑ Tomoki Mikazuki Trim Modine •G'raha Fan↑ Trim Modine X'zula Sirus •G'raha Fan↑ X'zula Sirus Yayoi Benitoki •G'raha Fan↑ Yayoi Benitoki Yuumi Kaisuri •G'raha Fan↑ Yuumi Kaisuri Aegeus East •Vacation ♪ Aegeus East Amy Lala •Vacation ♪ Amy Lala Antonius Attano •Vacation ♪ Antonius Attano Arabian Nomad •Vacation ♪ Arabian Nomad Arthur Pendragonxiv •Vacation ♪ Arthur Pendragonxiv Aurelle Bardelaurain •Vacation ♪ Aurelle Bardelaurain Azra'el Dakwhil •Vacation ♪ Azra'el Dakwhil Boneluvs Smashley •Vacation ♪ Boneluvs Smashley Bradonis Cureall •Vacation ♪ Bradonis Cureall Caro Pepperspice •Vacation ♪ Caro Pepperspice Cecilia Ohn •Vacation ♪ Cecilia Ohn Celeste Ebonkyn •Vacation ♪ Celeste Ebonkyn Cheri Kristian •Vacation ♪ Cheri Kristian Clowd Kushy •Vacation ♪ Clowd Kushy Crazy Dameon •Vacation ♪ Crazy Dameon Denna Astrid •Vacation ♪ Denna Astrid Draco Pendragon •Vacation ♪ Draco Pendragon Duron Qeldroma •Vacation ♪ Duron Qeldroma Echo W' •Vacation ♪ Echo W' Elwen Irvin •Vacation ♪ Elwen Irvin Evelo Sophare •Vacation ♪ Evelo Sophare Fire Man •Vacation ♪ Fire Man Fran Clawkit •Vacation ♪ Fran Clawkit Geva Goode •Vacation ♪ Geva Goode Grandolf Wolf •Vacation ♪ Grandolf Wolf Gwenevere Rose •Vacation ♪ Gwenevere Rose Haruko Rhel •Vacation ♪ Haruko Rhel Hikaru Yumite •Vacation ♪ Hikaru Yumite Ichinen Egumi •Vacation ♪ Ichinen Egumi Indigo Kross •Vacation ♪ Indigo Kross Inflo Liernico •Vacation ♪ Inflo Liernico Jamie Rarw •Vacation ♪ Jamie Rarw Jaq Bareen •Vacation ♪ Jaq Bareen Jonna Tako •Vacation ♪ Jonna Tako K'itty Stardust •Vacation ♪ K'itty Stardust Kagamurii Strongjaw •Vacation ♪ Kagamurii Strongjaw Klownius Poundursulus •Vacation ♪ Klownius Poundursulus Koobar Tronix •Vacation ♪ Koobar Tronix Korlimon Konith •Vacation ♪ Korlimon Konith Kou Leifoh •Vacation ♪ Kou Leifoh Lieon Ness •Vacation ♪ Lieon Ness Lilium Petrichor •Vacation ♪ Lilium Petrichor Lilja Kisne •Vacation ♪ Lilja Kisne Lily Tigeris •Vacation ♪ Lily Tigeris Lion Forty •Vacation ♪ Lion Forty Lurk Petrae •Vacation ♪ Lurk Petrae Lyra Moon •Vacation ♪ Lyra Moon Mack Daddyyy •Vacation ♪ Mack Daddyyy Mavis Ashenstein •Vacation ♪ Mavis Ashenstein Mikanami Karma •Vacation ♪ Mikanami Karma Mikha Rhul •Vacation ♪ Mikha Rhul Momo Ness •Vacation ♪ Momo Ness Nelliel Odelschwank •Vacation ♪ Nelliel Odelschwank Neo Gaui •Vacation ♪ Neo Gaui Omelette Icecream •Vacation ♪ Omelette Icecream Oriza Das •Vacation ♪ Oriza Das Peachey Pie •Vacation ♪ Peachey Pie Plumbuz Slumbington •Vacation ♪ Plumbuz Slumbington Quinta Ruban •Vacation ♪ Quinta Ruban Ranga Tergiversate •Vacation ♪ Ranga Tergiversate Riain Mcguinness •Vacation ♪ Riain Mcguinness Ryoko Bushida •Vacation ♪ Ryoko Bushida Sagr Yarborough •Vacation ♪ Sagr Yarborough Sawsha Sabastion •Vacation ♪ Sawsha Sabastion Scotter Renfrey •Vacation ♪ Scotter Renfrey Skoefwyda Mhusraelwyn •Vacation ♪ Skoefwyda Mhusraelwyn Sky Lark •Vacation ♪ Sky Lark Sleep Kun •Vacation ♪ Sleep Kun Smelly Tofu •Vacation ♪ Smelly Tofu Son Hiko •Vacation ♪ Son Hiko Sora Irvin •Vacation ♪ Sora Irvin Sovetskaya Rossiya •Vacation ♪ Sovetskaya Rossiya Suga Suga •Vacation ♪ Suga Suga Sweaty Virgin •Vacation ♪ Sweaty Virgin Throaty Grip •Vacation ♪ Throaty Grip Unbreakable Soul •Vacation ♪ Unbreakable Soul Unruly Sha •Vacation ♪ Unruly Sha Viixen Stone •Vacation ♪ Viixen Stone Vilne Hrafnes •Vacation ♪ Vilne Hrafnes Vona Cat •Vacation ♪ Vona Cat Weep Brynja •Vacation ♪ Weep Brynja Xorum Blackburn •Vacation ♪ Xorum Blackburn Yasusu Yasu •Vacation ♪ Yasusu Yasu Yenzelle Arda •Vacation ♪ Yenzelle Arda Yukiguri Shiro •Vacation ♪ Yukiguri Shiro Zana'tan Elakha •Vacation ♪ Zana'tan Elakha Zedd Bearpig •Vacation ♪ Zedd Bearpig