
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Doom and Cuteness

Rank 30 Free Company "Doom and Cuteness" was formed on and registered on with ID 9231112598714321436. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow

Operates on Lamia, Primal, leaving tags "D&C" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a medium base named "Home of my Family" on plot 11 in ward 3 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

/\__/\ /\__/\
(=^.^=) Salutations From Doom&Cuteness!!! (=^.^=)

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
81 101 180
255 234 180
178 167 178
166 103 177
254 196 179
260 196 179
260 250 180
264 250 180
117 250 182
278 250 182
278 259 182
202 252 182
345 256 182
304 268 182
237 268 182
46 50 192
77 39 192
79 39 191
16 34 193
16 51 193
38 70 187
51 34 170

Current members:

Morvelaira Camgini Mistress Morvelaira Camgini Lahdi Oolong All-Rounders Lahdi Oolong Nayelle Morvyene All-Rounders Nayelle Morvyene Tortuun Terrah All-Rounders Tortuun Terrah Alaria Vandu Gamgee Alaria Vandu Krys Emlyn Gamgee Krys Emlyn Ritsu Voices Gamgee Ritsu Voices Angie Foxtrot Master Raiders Angie Foxtrot Mini Minfilia Master Raiders Mini Minfilia Nairo Shinku Master Raiders Nairo Shinku Senryo Scotsman Master Raiders Senryo Scotsman Amelia Flameheart Master Crafters Amelia Flameheart Applequist Axolotl Master Crafters Applequist Axolotl Ariel Corisen Master Crafters Ariel Corisen Lenneth Lightblade Master Crafters Lenneth Lightblade Ne'oh Joh'ka Master Crafters Ne'oh Joh'ka Scy Nagato Master Crafters Scy Nagato Spam Blackstone Master Crafters Spam Blackstone Alexander Landstradd Officer Alexander Landstradd Hans Delbruck Officer Hans Delbruck Inga Delbruck Officer Inga Delbruck Ravenessa Trickstera Officer Ravenessa Trickstera Smoulder Thundersnow Officer Smoulder Thundersnow Sparky Frostfyre Officer Sparky Frostfyre Taryn Winterblade Officer Taryn Winterblade Thanas Corisen Officer Thanas Corisen Abaka A'valti Alts Abaka A'valti Anathale Spiritfury Alts Anathale Spiritfury Asuna Muri Alts Asuna Muri Aura Foxtrot Alts Aura Foxtrot Butch Coolidge Alts Butch Coolidge Caelyn Spiritfury Alts Caelyn Spiritfury Corisa Lerli Alts Corisa Lerli Emery Glow Alts Emery Glow Farin Shinku Alts Farin Shinku Ingri Striker Alts Ingri Striker Kanael Melak'taus Alts Kanael Melak'taus Mynie Morvy Alts Mynie Morvy Noble Valkyrinn Alts Noble Valkyrinn Shar Neo'ette Alts Shar Neo'ette T'ara Spiritfury Alts T'ara Spiritfury Talia Frostfyre Alts Talia Frostfyre Yippy Skippy Alts Yippy Skippy Abby Normal Recruit Abby Normal Astas Timtam Recruit Astas Timtam Bertious Shadowguard Recruit Bertious Shadowguard Blood Adept Recruit Blood Adept Cain Jacobi Recruit Cain Jacobi Ciara Ashwind Recruit Ciara Ashwind Ddriag Goch Recruit Ddriag Goch Demonaci Lordkin Recruit Demonaci Lordkin Dwen Ti'las Recruit Dwen Ti'las Gareth Uth'matar Recruit Gareth Uth'matar Gerrell Twinfang Recruit Gerrell Twinfang Gigi Blood Recruit Gigi Blood Grim Sycthe Recruit Grim Sycthe Hahsika Tilles Recruit Hahsika Tilles Ian Thecart Recruit Ian Thecart Jaison Silverswift Recruit Jaison Silverswift Jay Imbertain Recruit Jay Imbertain Jute Loot Recruit Jute Loot Kaeren Sunstrike Recruit Kaeren Sunstrike Kanealia Nighthark Recruit Kanealia Nighthark Katri Ravenwind Recruit Katri Ravenwind Kayla Ti'las Recruit Kayla Ti'las Kazuma Kiryu Recruit Kazuma Kiryu Keyestus Sylvari Recruit Keyestus Sylvari Kikito Kito Recruit Kikito Kito Kobayashi Maru Recruit Kobayashi Maru Landyn Rose Recruit Landyn Rose Lomo Fishy Recruit Lomo Fishy Malkei Lizha Recruit Malkei Lizha Malkushiel Umbeltaire Recruit Malkushiel Umbeltaire Moon Drixx Recruit Moon Drixx Nooska Panterpe Recruit Nooska Panterpe Pietro Rosa Recruit Pietro Rosa Rakkie Sunrise Recruit Rakkie Sunrise Renaius Windmoore Recruit Renaius Windmoore Sakura Zios Recruit Sakura Zios Shiko Nacala Recruit Shiko Nacala Soral Thesol Recruit Soral Thesol Sunike Frosttail Recruit Sunike Frosttail Synria Twinfang Recruit Synria Twinfang Trennor Ariston Recruit Trennor Ariston Truechaos Lionnellais Recruit Truechaos Lionnellais Valado Vulado Recruit Valado Vulado Vallerin Euderstand Recruit Vallerin Euderstand Varek Raith Recruit Varek Raith Venassa Rosegarden Recruit Venassa Rosegarden Wryxian Shainzo Recruit Wryxian Shainzo Zuri Neladrie Recruit Zuri Neladrie Adyaphede Huuis Levelers Adyaphede Huuis Aiden Etams Levelers Aiden Etams Alexandria L'blanche Levelers Alexandria L'blanche Alicia Tyre'sawl Levelers Alicia Tyre'sawl Alycia Sapphire Levelers Alycia Sapphire Anzaria Tooray Levelers Anzaria Tooray Ardent Bear Levelers Ardent Bear Artesia Schwarzrose Levelers Artesia Schwarzrose Asmodeus Abaddon Levelers Asmodeus Abaddon Astaana Evergloam Levelers Astaana Evergloam Azrael Wyrmheart Levelers Azrael Wyrmheart Caelin Spiritfury Levelers Caelin Spiritfury Chayra Jestre Levelers Chayra Jestre Chozo Izo Levelers Chozo Izo Chris Bes Levelers Chris Bes Danger Clam Levelers Danger Clam Danso Cerealus Levelers Danso Cerealus Draigon Exallis Levelers Draigon Exallis Dwarf Ginger-beard Levelers Dwarf Ginger-beard Ember Hena Levelers Ember Hena Erin'ria Kitnor Levelers Erin'ria Kitnor Evil Slayer Levelers Evil Slayer Ezmerelda Ladyfish Levelers Ezmerelda Ladyfish Felecia Soulbrig Levelers Felecia Soulbrig Filera Eranor Levelers Filera Eranor Finn Hawkeye Levelers Finn Hawkeye Frauke Shadowpaw Levelers Frauke Shadowpaw Fyrn Nightbloom Levelers Fyrn Nightbloom Garrick Stalkingwolf Levelers Garrick Stalkingwolf Gregar Silverwolf Levelers Gregar Silverwolf Gueniver Karana Levelers Gueniver Karana Hayashi Kitsune Levelers Hayashi Kitsune Holy Deadspell Levelers Holy Deadspell Ianna Corwell Levelers Ianna Corwell Illiphus Blackroote Levelers Illiphus Blackroote Ima Lune Levelers Ima Lune J'cintra Melknow Levelers J'cintra Melknow Ka'rin Maaka Levelers Ka'rin Maaka Kibo Pederser Levelers Kibo Pederser Kirito Yahru Levelers Kirito Yahru Kitan Luna Levelers Kitan Luna Kryllyk Sertania Levelers Kryllyk Sertania Kunor Ashwind Levelers Kunor Ashwind Laia Alfedel Levelers Laia Alfedel Le'vivi Blood Levelers Le'vivi Blood Lirael Evenglade Levelers Lirael Evenglade Lolonen Shushunen Levelers Lolonen Shushunen Lunchleinn Jenkins Levelers Lunchleinn Jenkins Lyrichi Rivania Levelers Lyrichi Rivania Majorcast Elune Levelers Majorcast Elune Maracil Jestre Levelers Maracil Jestre Marsh Mallow Levelers Marsh Mallow Miah Coyote Levelers Miah Coyote Mimomo Shushunen Levelers Mimomo Shushunen Mommick Gorgonbutt Levelers Mommick Gorgonbutt Mortuest Exinferis Levelers Mortuest Exinferis Mourning Chap Levelers Mourning Chap Mydia Muruc Levelers Mydia Muruc Neskoo Pinha Levelers Neskoo Pinha Noire Penumbra Levelers Noire Penumbra Nyaomi Nebberoni Levelers Nyaomi Nebberoni Pardissa Panterpe Levelers Pardissa Panterpe Pentacus Calx Levelers Pentacus Calx Perynn Sachern Levelers Perynn Sachern Pika Prentis Levelers Pika Prentis Purple Mentat Levelers Purple Mentat Rebain Savriel Levelers Rebain Savriel Rily Elune Levelers Rily Elune Rorax Viera Levelers Rorax Viera Roshan Celah Levelers Roshan Celah Ryali Nyanhat Levelers Ryali Nyanhat Sabata Rossellini Levelers Sabata Rossellini Sapphire Orchid Levelers Sapphire Orchid Shadow Skysong Levelers Shadow Skysong Sir Ariston Levelers Sir Ariston Sonant Arkwright Levelers Sonant Arkwright Syncro Strike Levelers Syncro Strike Taidahn Riftwalker Levelers Taidahn Riftwalker Thane Aloeman Levelers Thane Aloeman Tiax Awandah Levelers Tiax Awandah Tsarmina Trunn Levelers Tsarmina Trunn Tshakka Magra'hara Levelers Tshakka Magra'hara V'apa Banhat Levelers V'apa Banhat Valkyrinn Leone Levelers Valkyrinn Leone Wulfgar Harvey Levelers Wulfgar Harvey Yougirasu Tsukimiya Levelers Yougirasu Tsukimiya Yuuka Garnifer Levelers Yuuka Garnifer Zelda Greywolfdragon Levelers Zelda Greywolfdragon Zillton Zaphiasen Levelers Zillton Zaphiasen