
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Evil Empire

Rank 30 Free Company "Evil Empire" was formed on and registered on with ID 9231112598714386861. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

 STOP! ZONA DE HABLA HISPANA  Brindamos ayuda en todo aspecto del juego. Formamos jugadores Mid-core

Operates on Lamia, Primal, leaving tags "EVIL" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "FC Evil Empire House" on plot 15 in ward 6 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

 FC LATINA EVIL La Mansion del mal c:

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Elementa
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
173 56 494
31 51 493
117 27 494
21 21 493
26 24 491
33 24 493
49 34 498
25 49 505
11 17 511
31 15 508
17 15 509
13 15 511
12 15 511
12 17 511
24 26 509
15 22 511
40 22 510
42 22 509
35 14 508
12 14 507
23 14 508
23 12 508
20 21 410
31 23 402
49 23 400
17 14 395
10 12 400
13 12 396
35 27 378
35 12 378
8 4 366
16 6 196

Current members:

Akross Leviathan Master of Evil Akross Leviathan Rin Hecate Rango Temporal Rin Hecate Kalladin Stormbless Evil Support  Kalladin Stormbless Kestrel Stormguard Evil Support  Kestrel Stormguard Saya Skye Master Craft  Saya Skye Syndra Valethar Master Craft  Syndra Valethar Black Lamb . Elite ★★★ Black Lamb Laky Ta . Elite ★★★ Laky Ta Mephice Thamn . Elite ★★★ Mephice Thamn Sakura Deemo . Elite ★★★ Sakura Deemo Alassea Ringeril Leader  Alassea Ringeril Fushi Linx Leader  Fushi Linx Kri Lanzelo Leader  Kri Lanzelo Rosie Moon Leader  Rosie Moon Zohra Hrana Leader  Zohra Hrana Aennisa Ironwill Warrior  Aennisa Ironwill Denk Uwu Warrior  Denk Uwu Rhan Vestras Warrior  Rhan Vestras Sesshomaru Inugami Warrior  Sesshomaru Inugami Adolin Khollin Adventurous  Adolin Khollin Aegir Stormstout Adventurous  Aegir Stormstout Aeris Valantine Adventurous  Aeris Valantine Aimatsu Mangekyou Adventurous  Aimatsu Mangekyou Aketza Scolnick Adventurous  Aketza Scolnick Akkane Yanagi Adventurous  Akkane Yanagi Akritas Digenis Adventurous  Akritas Digenis Alaia Farah Adventurous  Alaia Farah Aldith Silverhand Adventurous  Aldith Silverhand Aldreth Heid Adventurous  Aldreth Heid Ale Rsv Adventurous  Ale Rsv Altaiiir Kusushi Adventurous  Altaiiir Kusushi Alys Atheleys Adventurous  Alys Atheleys Amalya Smoked Adventurous  Amalya Smoked Amber Light Adventurous  Amber Light Anasui Yenn Adventurous  Anasui Yenn Angel Eclair Adventurous  Angel Eclair April Nightfall Adventurous  April Nightfall Arashi Kori Adventurous  Arashi Kori Arlett Evalieri Adventurous  Arlett Evalieri Ars' Alix Adventurous  Ars' Alix Astrid Morningstar Adventurous  Astrid Morningstar Aurahel Mirkwud Adventurous  Aurahel Mirkwud Auriel Darn Adventurous  Auriel Darn Ayane Dragoon Adventurous  Ayane Dragoon Azael Lion Adventurous  Azael Lion Azireas Moonrest Adventurous  Azireas Moonrest Aznael Crosslight Adventurous  Aznael Crosslight Balthier Bunanza Adventurous  Balthier Bunanza Banana Knight Adventurous  Banana Knight Bastessia Nimbus Adventurous  Bastessia Nimbus Bea Boyer Adventurous  Bea Boyer Beckhy Uyagir Adventurous  Beckhy Uyagir Bell Cranell Adventurous  Bell Cranell Benjaigni Dakk Adventurous  Benjaigni Dakk Bio Mewrilah Adventurous  Bio Mewrilah Blue Black Adventurous  Blue Black Blue Silver Adventurous  Blue Silver Brandir Kisaragi Adventurous  Brandir Kisaragi Catatsuki Jaeger Adventurous  Catatsuki Jaeger Chencho Uchiha Adventurous  Chencho Uchiha Chris Kong Adventurous  Chris Kong Cirrot Hohenheim Adventurous  Cirrot Hohenheim Code Unknown Adventurous  Code Unknown Conveniente Palatrama Adventurous  Conveniente Palatrama Crystal Glaze Adventurous  Crystal Glaze Daddy Gwyn Adventurous  Daddy Gwyn Daevied Shirogane Adventurous  Daevied Shirogane Dagran Ornitier Adventurous  Dagran Ornitier Dantoz Solomon Adventurous  Dantoz Solomon Darat Fermal Adventurous  Darat Fermal De Pleur Adventurous  De Pleur Dendary Crux Adventurous  Dendary Crux Deranor Shalanore Adventurous  Deranor Shalanore Don Cumo Adventurous  Don Cumo Doomgaze Xiii Adventurous  Doomgaze Xiii Drake Kiryu Adventurous  Drake Kiryu Drakel Sun Adventurous  Drakel Sun Eishiro Huntard Adventurous  Eishiro Huntard Elay Re Adventurous  Elay Re Elbragol Indahil Adventurous  Elbragol Indahil Elvy Slashelv Adventurous  Elvy Slashelv Empolvao Suika Adventurous  Empolvao Suika Ex Sandenus Adventurous  Ex Sandenus Exviz Koizumi Adventurous  Exviz Koizumi Flip Silvermoon Adventurous  Flip Silvermoon Frisep Sparrowhawk Adventurous  Frisep Sparrowhawk Frozan Argent Adventurous  Frozan Argent Gabriel Xander Adventurous  Gabriel Xander Galahad Bancroft Adventurous  Galahad Bancroft Gale Kallen Adventurous  Gale Kallen Geth Machine Adventurous  Geth Machine Ginn Ashe Adventurous  Ginn Ashe Gosame Gorch Adventurous  Gosame Gorch Gusi Forever Adventurous  Gusi Forever Gyo Danbur Adventurous  Gyo Danbur Hao Plex Adventurous  Hao Plex Healer Adjust Adventurous  Healer Adjust Hikari Usagihime Adventurous  Hikari Usagihime Hikaru Karu Adventurous  Hikaru Karu Holy Usui Adventurous  Holy Usui Isildur Mythrael Adventurous  Isildur Mythrael Isuka Nagae Adventurous  Isuka Nagae Itsuki Akiba Adventurous  Itsuki Akiba Jack Zehro Adventurous  Jack Zehro Jey Narukami Adventurous  Jey Narukami Joakyn Loustaunau Adventurous  Joakyn Loustaunau Jonathan Joung Adventurous  Jonathan Joung Josmell Bouroncle Adventurous  Josmell Bouroncle Juan Vainas Adventurous  Juan Vainas Kaede Kujikawa Adventurous  Kaede Kujikawa Kai Reinford Adventurous  Kai Reinford Karmila Bathory Adventurous  Karmila Bathory Kaya Vernie Adventurous  Kaya Vernie Kenlises Harvey Adventurous  Kenlises Harvey Key Kid Adventurous  Key Kid King Hassan Adventurous  King Hassan Kismet Starfell Adventurous  Kismet Starfell Kurasi Stormrage Adventurous  Kurasi Stormrage Kusagi Kanno Adventurous  Kusagi Kanno Kusanagi Takeru Adventurous  Kusanagi Takeru Kyria Drachen Adventurous  Kyria Drachen Kzyle Nova Adventurous  Kzyle Nova Laringe Verde Adventurous  Laringe Verde Laxis Dyster Adventurous  Laxis Dyster Laycross Pugi Adventurous  Laycross Pugi Leboan Doomhand Adventurous  Leboan Doomhand Lenneth Aesir Adventurous  Lenneth Aesir Leonstriker Gilga Adventurous  Leonstriker Gilga Lethe Nash Adventurous  Lethe Nash Licrian Yune Adventurous  Licrian Yune Lion Shin Adventurous  Lion Shin Lith Velk Adventurous  Lith Velk Lithdrelil Ai Adventurous  Lithdrelil Ai Little Strawberry Adventurous  Little Strawberry Liviont Tachikake Adventurous  Liviont Tachikake Loh'ki Gun Adventurous  Loh'ki Gun Lomitax Rol Adventurous  Lomitax Rol Luciel Aurien Adventurous  Luciel Aurien Luke Corwen Adventurous  Luke Corwen Luki Uwu Adventurous  Luki Uwu Lun Laliut Adventurous  Lun Laliut Magic Shadows Adventurous  Magic Shadows Mahonesa Helma Adventurous  Mahonesa Helma Mar Verde Adventurous  Mar Verde Marrek Black Adventurous  Marrek Black Martin Cas Adventurous  Martin Cas Memeru Uchiha Adventurous  Memeru Uchiha Miidgar Liindblum Adventurous  Miidgar Liindblum Mikan Yuki Adventurous  Mikan Yuki Miriam Mont Adventurous  Miriam Mont Miyuki Terumi Adventurous  Miyuki Terumi Moonlf Nix Adventurous  Moonlf Nix Natsu Arclight Adventurous  Natsu Arclight Niir Klon Adventurous  Niir Klon Nimuro Matsu Adventurous  Nimuro Matsu Noir Branwen Adventurous  Noir Branwen Noober Thanyou Adventurous  Noober Thanyou Nova Morningstar Adventurous  Nova Morningstar Nura Raizel Adventurous  Nura Raizel Nyx Jumper Adventurous  Nyx Jumper Oliver Love Adventurous  Oliver Love Paty Patu Adventurous  Paty Patu Pelao Okamii Adventurous  Pelao Okamii Peter Lawrence Adventurous  Peter Lawrence Prae Senti Adventurous  Prae Senti Princesa Guerrera Adventurous  Princesa Guerrera Raedan Pax Adventurous  Raedan Pax Rafael' Martinez Adventurous  Rafael' Martinez Rakol Seyren Adventurous  Rakol Seyren Rasec Marquez Adventurous  Rasec Marquez Ratoni Tuntoni Adventurous  Ratoni Tuntoni Rauro Erthcrown Adventurous  Rauro Erthcrown Ray Tekka Adventurous  Ray Tekka Rayeart Arknight Adventurous  Rayeart Arknight Red Arboretum Adventurous  Red Arboretum Redd Xiii Adventurous  Redd Xiii Regis Nex Adventurous  Regis Nex Rojo Carmesi Adventurous  Rojo Carmesi Saintgaturro Tia Adventurous  Saintgaturro Tia Salvi Shulton Adventurous  Salvi Shulton Sashaxx Koneko Adventurous  Sashaxx Koneko Satan's Soul Adventurous  Satan's Soul Scarlet Fenix Adventurous  Scarlet Fenix Serah Palazzo Adventurous  Serah Palazzo Seregon Lionheart Adventurous  Seregon Lionheart Setaly Fairclough Adventurous  Setaly Fairclough Setsugetsuka Amatsu Adventurous  Setsugetsuka Amatsu Shadow Equinox Adventurous  Shadow Equinox Shakese Stem Adventurous  Shakese Stem Shiroha Amatsu Adventurous  Shiroha Amatsu Shui Wu Adventurous  Shui Wu Shunnen Erthcrown Adventurous  Shunnen Erthcrown Shynme Aether Adventurous  Shynme Aether Sidney Lucis Adventurous  Sidney Lucis Silver Zero Adventurous  Silver Zero Skedj Chlorine Adventurous  Skedj Chlorine Sliph Vento Adventurous  Sliph Vento Slizeh Ejinn Adventurous  Slizeh Ejinn Solannie Vancreux Adventurous  Solannie Vancreux Soul Ryu Adventurous  Soul Ryu Surimi Kon Adventurous  Surimi Kon Sylphy Sylfynford Adventurous  Sylphy Sylfynford Syrenne Valtrois Adventurous  Syrenne Valtrois Syrieth Kong Adventurous  Syrieth Kong Takito Sudaho Adventurous  Takito Sudaho Tauriiel An Adventurous  Tauriiel An Tekyla Inmortal Adventurous  Tekyla Inmortal Tez Catlipoca Adventurous  Tez Catlipoca Thoma Videbunt Adventurous  Thoma Videbunt Tom Bolcetti Adventurous  Tom Bolcetti Trapo Pan Adventurous  Trapo Pan Umbreon Xi Adventurous  Umbreon Xi Usagi Tsu' Adventurous  Usagi Tsu' Vasha Vani Adventurous  Vasha Vani Velkan Baryx Adventurous  Velkan Baryx Vent Tech Adventurous  Vent Tech Wamba Lupster Adventurous  Wamba Lupster Whiet Ryne Adventurous  Whiet Ryne Willstar Charlotte Adventurous  Willstar Charlotte Wulfric Reginleif Adventurous  Wulfric Reginleif Xaref Dragulia Adventurous  Xaref Dragulia Xenophon Morgenstern Adventurous  Xenophon Morgenstern Xer Van Adventurous  Xer Van Xivhar Xivanger Adventurous  Xivhar Xivanger Yami Tomoko Adventurous  Yami Tomoko Yonyx Thezombie Adventurous  Yonyx Thezombie Zaimara Oak Adventurous  Zaimara Oak Zazamai Nanamai Adventurous  Zazamai Nanamai Zelgius Tempest Adventurous  Zelgius Tempest Zerho Frost Adventurous  Zerho Frost Zhou Fan Adventurous  Zhou Fan Zhou Yuu Adventurous  Zhou Yuu Zireael Riannon Adventurous  Zireael Riannon Aderi Fyuji Adventurous  Aderi Fyuji Ainon Jr Adventurous  Ainon Jr Akiles Loki Adventurous  Akiles Loki Akroma Diaz Adventurous  Akroma Diaz Alberik Drakenhart Adventurous  Alberik Drakenhart Alcapuria Nanamai Adventurous  Alcapuria Nanamai Alek Perez Adventurous  Alek Perez Aliciell Liddell Adventurous  Aliciell Liddell Alissia Levinton Adventurous  Alissia Levinton Andii Dubstep Adventurous  Andii Dubstep Anielle Nestani Adventurous  Anielle Nestani Areus Z'rah Adventurous  Areus Z'rah Aril Ballard Adventurous  Aril Ballard Arka Nix Adventurous  Arka Nix Arka Roshi Adventurous  Arka Roshi Artorias Gwynever Adventurous  Artorias Gwynever Arzel Luz Adventurous  Arzel Luz Ashe Ivalice Adventurous  Ashe Ivalice Aura Skogvind Adventurous  Aura Skogvind Ayane Senshi Adventurous  Ayane Senshi Balder Merh'f Adventurous  Balder Merh'f Barbatos Prodmore Adventurous  Barbatos Prodmore Beat Red Adventurous  Beat Red Bella Notte Adventurous  Bella Notte Ben Elrapido Adventurous  Ben Elrapido Berto Soto Adventurous  Berto Soto Beryl Liona Adventurous  Beryl Liona Beussieu Tempest Adventurous  Beussieu Tempest Blazershot Lockhart Adventurous  Blazershot Lockhart Boa San Adventurous  Boa San Bonjji Rou Adventurous  Bonjji Rou Borack Kei Adventurous  Borack Kei Bronto Koy Adventurous  Bronto Koy Bryemaz Slender Adventurous  Bryemaz Slender Brynjolfur Hvar Adventurous  Brynjolfur Hvar Bubastis Iltux Adventurous  Bubastis Iltux Cachetes Trueshot Adventurous  Cachetes Trueshot Calmita Reborn Adventurous  Calmita Reborn Chany Ra Adventurous  Chany Ra Charle Volta Adventurous  Charle Volta Cinq Ornitier Adventurous  Cinq Ornitier Codicia General Adventurous  Codicia General Comma Dot Adventurous  Comma Dot Crainte Valdis Adventurous  Crainte Valdis Creito Ooops Adventurous  Creito Ooops Criticalnex Kyujyu Adventurous  Criticalnex Kyujyu Crowley Miqo'tete Adventurous  Crowley Miqo'tete Dae Yrax Adventurous  Dae Yrax Daeron Tasartir Adventurous  Daeron Tasartir Dahariel Van Adventurous  Dahariel Van Daito Shirogane Adventurous  Daito Shirogane Daki Kny Adventurous  Daki Kny Dakiuz Strife Adventurous  Dakiuz Strife Damian Furrietore Adventurous  Damian Furrietore Darmarz Sogrub Adventurous  Darmarz Sogrub Dayy Dream Adventurous  Dayy Dream Deadly Insanity Adventurous  Deadly Insanity Deus Verlice Adventurous  Deus Verlice Dino Nyan Adventurous  Dino Nyan Dragneel Heimdall Adventurous  Dragneel Heimdall Dren Vanvett Adventurous  Dren Vanvett Dxmon Tx Adventurous  Dxmon Tx Eddy Gonzo Adventurous  Eddy Gonzo Eillaen Grymyllyon Adventurous  Eillaen Grymyllyon Elaina Celestira Adventurous  Elaina Celestira Eleanor Von-alexandro Adventurous  Eleanor Von-alexandro Elian Moon Adventurous  Elian Moon Elora Morningstar Adventurous  Elora Morningstar Emma Langley Adventurous  Emma Langley Ennis Glaslough Adventurous  Ennis Glaslough Erebos Phyrexian Adventurous  Erebos Phyrexian Erick Alexis Adventurous  Erick Alexis Fabfenix Strike Adventurous  Fabfenix Strike Felipe Dfx Adventurous  Felipe Dfx Fenrir Ackerman Adventurous  Fenrir Ackerman Fetalox Darksoul Adventurous  Fetalox Darksoul Forbiden Jc Adventurous  Forbiden Jc Frana Arana Adventurous  Frana Arana Freezer Vera Adventurous  Freezer Vera Gabriel Arcangel Adventurous  Gabriel Arcangel Ghintek Fallenmoon Adventurous  Ghintek Fallenmoon Gian Black Adventurous  Gian Black Gilu Mhafaire Adventurous  Gilu Mhafaire Goloso Style Adventurous  Goloso Style Gran Chivito Adventurous  Gran Chivito Grima Voidbreaker Adventurous  Grima Voidbreaker Guero Caelum Adventurous  Guero Caelum Hakumo Delsol Adventurous  Hakumo Delsol Hansaku Chosai Adventurous  Hansaku Chosai Hazel Katniss Adventurous  Hazel Katniss I'zana Bolenan Adventurous  I'zana Bolenan Iaso Wayne Adventurous  Iaso Wayne Isarion Chez Adventurous  Isarion Chez Isse Senryu Adventurous  Isse Senryu Italic Mrahc Adventurous  Italic Mrahc Itashi Omega Adventurous  Itashi Omega Izet Avira Adventurous  Izet Avira Jetrue Tensine Adventurous  Jetrue Tensine Jindrich Silvermoon Adventurous  Jindrich Silvermoon Joe Might Adventurous  Joe Might Jolyne Kujo Adventurous  Jolyne Kujo Joseph Robinettepres Adventurous  Joseph Robinettepres Josue Arax Adventurous  Josue Arax Jugadora Casual Adventurous  Jugadora Casual Julious Noname Adventurous  Julious Noname Kalliome Amatsu Adventurous  Kalliome Amatsu Kanamy Leviathan Adventurous  Kanamy Leviathan Kaoru Holyray Adventurous  Kaoru Holyray Kayn Alan Adventurous  Kayn Alan Keenraptor Cm Adventurous  Keenraptor Cm Keepo Stormrage Adventurous  Keepo Stormrage Keko Jones Adventurous  Keko Jones Keykpo Stormrage Adventurous  Keykpo Stormrage Kheo Kahkol Adventurous  Kheo Kahkol Kinra Matsu Adventurous  Kinra Matsu Kitsune Asamikumiho Adventurous  Kitsune Asamikumiho Klazu Hara Adventurous  Klazu Hara Knuto Squire Adventurous  Knuto Squire Kumoko Musashi Adventurous  Kumoko Musashi Kuromi Bloodfallen Adventurous  Kuromi Bloodfallen Kuruki Prime Adventurous  Kuruki Prime Kuyen Solandis Adventurous  Kuyen Solandis Kvothe Tks Adventurous  Kvothe Tks La Artes Adventurous  La Artes Lady Elaine Adventurous  Lady Elaine Laevateinn Lysithea Adventurous  Laevateinn Lysithea Lance Caelum Adventurous  Lance Caelum Lang Garth Adventurous  Lang Garth Laniakea Vion'raex Adventurous  Laniakea Vion'raex Laniela Haillenarte Adventurous  Laniela Haillenarte Leon Clemens Adventurous  Leon Clemens Leone Von-alexandros Adventurous  Leone Von-alexandros Leono Triger Adventurous  Leono Triger Light Iltz Adventurous  Light Iltz Lilum Farnights Adventurous  Lilum Farnights Linn Whitemoon Adventurous  Linn Whitemoon Lizzard Belacqua Adventurous  Lizzard Belacqua Lord Yami Adventurous  Lord Yami Lorian Braid Adventurous  Lorian Braid Luag Cin Adventurous  Luag Cin Luis Santiagio Adventurous  Luis Santiagio Lumius Dema Adventurous  Lumius Dema Lunafreyaa Greengrass Adventurous  Lunafreyaa Greengrass Lynx Gainsborough Adventurous  Lynx Gainsborough M'kar Tia Adventurous  M'kar Tia Maeve Ross Adventurous  Maeve Ross Makoto La'fey Adventurous  Makoto La'fey Mart White Adventurous  Mart White Martin Miranda Adventurous  Martin Miranda Masako Thehumorless Adventurous  Masako Thehumorless Mashiba Rio Adventurous  Mashiba Rio Maxima Lunar Adventurous  Maxima Lunar Megs Meidis Adventurous  Megs Meidis Megui Dhil Adventurous  Megui Dhil Melida Belgrift Adventurous  Melida Belgrift Memo Starkiller Adventurous  Memo Starkiller Meyneth Aeon Adventurous  Meyneth Aeon Mini Ifrit Adventurous  Mini Ifrit Mitsuki Okami Adventurous  Mitsuki Okami Murloc Kiby Adventurous  Murloc Kiby Myu Moo Adventurous  Myu Moo Nakami Otomune Adventurous  Nakami Otomune Narberal Gamma Adventurous  Narberal Gamma Nathan Thunderbolt Adventurous  Nathan Thunderbolt Nayeon Once Adventurous  Nayeon Once Neitth Zero Adventurous  Neitth Zero Nema Dauthi Adventurous  Nema Dauthi Nenya Fancy Adventurous  Nenya Fancy Nesah Sahir Adventurous  Nesah Sahir Nesha Ba Adventurous  Nesha Ba Nhyuu Nanaphellya Adventurous  Nhyuu Nanaphellya Nightx Ancrath Adventurous  Nightx Ancrath Niro Prox Adventurous  Niro Prox Noi Orcwynn Adventurous  Noi Orcwynn Numenar Mithrandir Adventurous  Numenar Mithrandir Odric Dragore Adventurous  Odric Dragore Ospi Fire Adventurous  Ospi Fire Otyg San Adventurous  Otyg San Peachy Goh Adventurous  Peachy Goh Pepper Quel'thalas Adventurous  Pepper Quel'thalas Phantom Farron Adventurous  Phantom Farron Pipee Xoxo Adventurous  Pipee Xoxo Pyha Wolndar Adventurous  Pyha Wolndar Ragnar Eukalyptus Adventurous  Ragnar Eukalyptus Raizel Max Adventurous  Raizel Max Ravel Phoenix Adventurous  Ravel Phoenix Ray Cassava Adventurous  Ray Cassava Reven Blue Adventurous  Reven Blue Revon Luxurian Adventurous  Revon Luxurian Rey Rol'ca Adventurous  Rey Rol'ca Rich Tempest Adventurous  Rich Tempest Rise Hope Adventurous  Rise Hope Rudeus Lockhart Adventurous  Rudeus Lockhart Rych Gegustrominer Adventurous  Rych Gegustrominer Sabreh Steelfate Adventurous  Sabreh Steelfate Sahara Orca Adventurous  Sahara Orca Sai Yagami Adventurous  Sai Yagami Sakura Manwe Adventurous  Sakura Manwe Saulot Ursuul Adventurous  Saulot Ursuul Schuber Slater Adventurous  Schuber Slater Seleen Corsair Adventurous  Seleen Corsair Semifusa Wifu Adventurous  Semifusa Wifu Serah Fair Adventurous  Serah Fair Seruen Matsuura Adventurous  Seruen Matsuura Shado Draty Adventurous  Shado Draty Shakka Atos Adventurous  Shakka Atos Shaneko Haneko Adventurous  Shaneko Haneko Shin Mura Adventurous  Shin Mura Shiro Kitsune Adventurous  Shiro Kitsune Shiro Li Adventurous  Shiro Li Silari Sark Adventurous  Silari Sark Silmeria Longstride Adventurous  Silmeria Longstride Sirifa Facendopa Adventurous  Sirifa Facendopa Soffi Ayslam Adventurous  Soffi Ayslam Solid White Adventurous  Solid White Squalll Leonheart Adventurous  Squalll Leonheart Steiner Ox Adventurous  Steiner Ox Steph Arrep Adventurous  Steph Arrep Sumire Goh Adventurous  Sumire Goh Suri Himura Adventurous  Suri Himura Sweet Jinx Adventurous  Sweet Jinx Takato Sasaki Adventurous  Takato Sasaki Takezo Shinmen Adventurous  Takezo Shinmen Tenref Aknarb Adventurous  Tenref Aknarb Theodore Thompson Adventurous  Theodore Thompson Therzul Gray Adventurous  Therzul Gray Thomasvengador Tito Adventurous  Thomasvengador Tito Tilin Tilin Adventurous  Tilin Tilin Timaeus Crowley Adventurous  Timaeus Crowley Two Be Adventurous  Two Be Verde Tank Adventurous  Verde Tank Verguenza Pequena Adventurous  Verguenza Pequena Vicen Beni Adventurous  Vicen Beni Vilant Cruz Adventurous  Vilant Cruz Vildara Avedarius Adventurous  Vildara Avedarius Vivian Asuna Adventurous  Vivian Asuna Vlad Dracule Adventurous  Vlad Dracule Vmp Kuo Adventurous  Vmp Kuo Voax Wynder Adventurous  Voax Wynder Whisper Rebirth Adventurous  Whisper Rebirth Will Sunstone Adventurous  Will Sunstone Winnie Lab Adventurous  Winnie Lab Wolf Dark Adventurous  Wolf Dark Wolf Haley Adventurous  Wolf Haley Wren Nightingale Adventurous  Wren Nightingale Xedereth Jc Adventurous  Xedereth Jc Xinogami Spirit Adventurous  Xinogami Spirit Yggdrasil Lionheart Adventurous  Yggdrasil Lionheart Youth Darling Adventurous  Youth Darling Yuii Chann Adventurous  Yuii Chann Yuii Yutaaiii Adventurous  Yuii Yutaaiii Yvar Kei Adventurous  Yvar Kei Zadri Storin Adventurous  Zadri Storin Zatiwa Haze Adventurous  Zatiwa Haze Zehel Nightfallen Adventurous  Zehel Nightfallen Zephiroth Strike Adventurous  Zephiroth Strike Zeta Lr Adventurous  Zeta Lr Zira Naari Adventurous  Zira Naari Zuviem Courie Adventurous  Zuviem Courie Zwei Thorne Adventurous  Zwei Thorne Zyrus Kenway Adventurous  Zyrus Kenway