
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Rank 30 Free Company "Trolls" was formed on and registered on with ID 9231394073691146672. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

What'chu want? You come get da Voodoo. Spirits be with ya mon.

Operates on Siren, Aether, leaving tags "Troll" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "The Troll Hole" on plot 60 in ward 23 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

You gotta pay the Troll toll to get into the Trolls' soul.
You gotta pay the Troll toll to get in.

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • The Originals
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
417 355 93
18 11 212
9 11 211
19 8 210
5 8 202
7 8 201
7 28 201
21 22 295
22 22 276
27 18 257

Current members:

Kat Kyle MotherOfTrolls Kat Kyle Kari Merthlin TrueTrollMother Kari Merthlin Ari Snow Star Lord Ari Snow Inch High Star Lord Inch High Star Scream Star Lord Star Scream Finn Onishi Advisor Finn Onishi Kenpachi Zaroki Advisor Kenpachi Zaroki Mooshy Poo Advisor Mooshy Poo Silvaire Merthlin Advisor Silvaire Merthlin Star Prophet Advisor Star Prophet Aojra Camoa Townsman Aojra Camoa Dankus Maximus Townsman Dankus Maximus Deven Phillips Townsman Deven Phillips Lucid Rue Townsman Lucid Rue Mara Damus Townsman Mara Damus Nissa Vasilios Townsman Nissa Vasilios Ranni Snow Townsman Ranni Snow Sedda Garany Townsman Sedda Garany Aislynn Aybara Freelancer Aislynn Aybara Amelia Sheppard Freelancer Amelia Sheppard Andostre Dragonar Freelancer Andostre Dragonar Arkanis Bellveil Freelancer Arkanis Bellveil Atrimalous Dragonscar Freelancer Atrimalous Dragonscar Axi Ironmist Freelancer Axi Ironmist Celestial Icegoddess Freelancer Celestial Icegoddess Dollie Shade Freelancer Dollie Shade Hy Brid Freelancer Hy Brid Kornia Dragonos Freelancer Kornia Dragonos Lizerea Aldrick Freelancer Lizerea Aldrick Meat Cheerio Freelancer Meat Cheerio Mittens Incarnate Freelancer Mittens Incarnate Nanpa Lionheart Freelancer Nanpa Lionheart Rolo Dex Freelancer Rolo Dex Rorry Mercury Freelancer Rorry Mercury Shady Summer Freelancer Shady Summer Slendas Lock Freelancer Slendas Lock Steamy Nicks Freelancer Steamy Nicks Summer Apple Freelancer Summer Apple Trix Ruby Freelancer Trix Ruby Vica Bunn Freelancer Vica Bunn Xetoris Orochi Freelancer Xetoris Orochi Yuno Meh Freelancer Yuno Meh Alexander Khelthun AFK Trolls Alexander Khelthun Altani Qoeurl AFK Trolls Altani Qoeurl Aluna Ori AFK Trolls Aluna Ori Amethyst Winter AFK Trolls Amethyst Winter Arail Moondancer AFK Trolls Arail Moondancer Arawn Rhi AFK Trolls Arawn Rhi Autuin Beauregard AFK Trolls Autuin Beauregard Azura Verdigraes AFK Trolls Azura Verdigraes Azure Winter AFK Trolls Azure Winter Clouds O'smoke AFK Trolls Clouds O'smoke Daddy Neck AFK Trolls Daddy Neck Dainjur Ura AFK Trolls Dainjur Ura Deis Windrunner AFK Trolls Deis Windrunner Dirty Dangles AFK Trolls Dirty Dangles Dragon Punch AFK Trolls Dragon Punch Durasao Noryni AFK Trolls Durasao Noryni El Maxima AFK Trolls El Maxima Erik Humanheart AFK Trolls Erik Humanheart Erza Rose AFK Trolls Erza Rose Grimm Steel AFK Trolls Grimm Steel Gryphn Tarutaru AFK Trolls Gryphn Tarutaru Halspawn Treewalker AFK Trolls Halspawn Treewalker Harro Dare AFK Trolls Harro Dare Kel Renoux AFK Trolls Kel Renoux Kerzeh Malith AFK Trolls Kerzeh Malith Kit-kit Kitten AFK Trolls Kit-kit Kitten Koh'a Bajhiri AFK Trolls Koh'a Bajhiri Lady Liralen AFK Trolls Lady Liralen Le Wakz AFK Trolls Le Wakz Lehlii Tavii AFK Trolls Lehlii Tavii Lorien Sarell AFK Trolls Lorien Sarell Lunasa Kusadansu AFK Trolls Lunasa Kusadansu Mimisawa Mimi AFK Trolls Mimisawa Mimi Mochil Mochiil AFK Trolls Mochil Mochiil Mykal Boozie AFK Trolls Mykal Boozie N'eon Starwind AFK Trolls N'eon Starwind Notorious Businessman AFK Trolls Notorious Businessman Oda Sorth AFK Trolls Oda Sorth Qestra Bysnoe AFK Trolls Qestra Bysnoe Scaldris Uldezac AFK Trolls Scaldris Uldezac Sceave Vonsweet AFK Trolls Sceave Vonsweet Shady Sumz AFK Trolls Shady Sumz Space Station AFK Trolls Space Station Surtur Raynes AFK Trolls Surtur Raynes Ta'akumi Indra AFK Trolls Ta'akumi Indra Toepher Vanhorn AFK Trolls Toepher Vanhorn Trixie Tang AFK Trolls Trixie Tang Una Camoa AFK Trolls Una Camoa Verosh Sandayin AFK Trolls Verosh Sandayin Weebee Clubbin' AFK Trolls Weebee Clubbin' X'ia Uribirith AFK Trolls X'ia Uribirith