
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Garlean Empire

Rank 30 Free Company "Garlean Empire" was formed on and registered on with ID 9231816286156120496. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:


Operates on Ramuh, Meteor, leaving tags "Ga" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Imperial Palace" on plot 45 in ward 5 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

カストルム・ミスト・ヴィレッジ ( Castrum Mist )

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
72 117 170
173 360 170
299 280 169
110 370 170
139 370 170
486 77 171
11 8 208
11 7 208
8 7 208
6 7 210
7 7 210
7 6 210
5 3 211
3 3 211
3 6 211
5 6 213

Current members:

Curip Sith 帝国軍兵士 Curip Sith Gigira Gira 帝国軍予備役 Gigira Gira Ruthe Sith 帝国軍予備役 Ruthe Sith Ace Rub'rum 帝国臣民 Ace Rub'rum Aki Bow 帝国臣民 Aki Bow Albert Ayler 帝国臣民 Albert Ayler Alexes Dk 帝国臣民 Alexes Dk Alice Milktea 帝国臣民 Alice Milktea Amane Nisia 帝国臣民 Amane Nisia Angelica Luster 帝国臣民 Angelica Luster Aoto Lewisia 帝国臣民 Aoto Lewisia Aran Ford 帝国臣民 Aran Ford Ash Ackerman 帝国臣民 Ash Ackerman Aula Loki 帝国臣民 Aula Loki Ayano Yukishiro 帝国臣民 Ayano Yukishiro Azeldes Acrophia 帝国臣民 Azeldes Acrophia Azul Ouranos 帝国臣民 Azul Ouranos Bang Hunter 帝国臣民 Bang Hunter Blair Sheeran 帝国臣民 Blair Sheeran Bob Joynn 帝国臣民 Bob Joynn Bomu San 帝国臣民 Bomu San Canon Pachelbel 帝国臣民 Canon Pachelbel Chay Chan 帝国臣民 Chay Chan Chi Mint 帝国臣民 Chi Mint Chip Zack 帝国臣民 Chip Zack Choco Caramel 帝国臣民 Choco Caramel Comi Leonard 帝国臣民 Comi Leonard Crew River 帝国臣民 Crew River Dai Kitty 帝国臣民 Dai Kitty Death Star 帝国臣民 Death Star Destine' Forlorda 帝国臣民 Destine' Forlorda Dg Baki 帝国臣民 Dg Baki Dontacos Stratos 帝国臣民 Dontacos Stratos Eco System 帝国臣民 Eco System Eiger Redfox 帝国臣民 Eiger Redfox Eilaill Juutilain 帝国臣民 Eilaill Juutilain El Mongibello 帝国臣民 El Mongibello Eldred Vermilion 帝国臣民 Eldred Vermilion Epyon Buppa 帝国臣民 Epyon Buppa Estrella Sol 帝国臣民 Estrella Sol Ex Fukiage 帝国臣民 Ex Fukiage Fan Marie 帝国臣民 Fan Marie Fhet Berk 帝国臣民 Fhet Berk Finn Solas 帝国臣民 Finn Solas Fni Fni 帝国臣民 Fni Fni Freyja Loki 帝国臣民 Freyja Loki Fugaku Nolifemountain 帝国臣民 Fugaku Nolifemountain Genghis Khan 帝国臣民 Genghis Khan Gerolt Blackthon 帝国臣民 Gerolt Blackthon Goulle Andre 帝国臣民 Goulle Andre Guyusu Ravina'sorel 帝国臣民 Guyusu Ravina'sorel Hatch Fhey 帝国臣民 Hatch Fhey Haus Kick 帝国臣民 Haus Kick Helene Stein 帝国臣民 Helene Stein Hibazaza Gugu-ma 帝国臣民 Hibazaza Gugu-ma Hino Nyait 帝国臣民 Hino Nyait Hisui Kurogane 帝国臣民 Hisui Kurogane Hokke Sudachi 帝国臣民 Hokke Sudachi Jerico Beans 帝国臣民 Jerico Beans Jessical Xinyu 帝国臣民 Jessical Xinyu Johnjames Rambo 帝国臣民 Johnjames Rambo Jose' Football 帝国臣民 Jose' Football Joseph Carmine 帝国臣民 Joseph Carmine Joshua Stanley 帝国臣民 Joshua Stanley Julius Clyne 帝国臣民 Julius Clyne Juri Marimari 帝国臣民 Juri Marimari Kanade Neneko 帝国臣民 Kanade Neneko Kaname Ootori 帝国臣民 Kaname Ootori Kanata Tokisaka 帝国臣民 Kanata Tokisaka Kankitu Yagi 帝国臣民 Kankitu Yagi Kashiwa Omochi 帝国臣民 Kashiwa Omochi Kei Keikei 帝国臣民 Kei Keikei Ken Ashford 帝国臣民 Ken Ashford Kinaco Mochiii 帝国臣民 Kinaco Mochiii Koara Araok 帝国臣民 Koara Araok Lafu Lanbatal 帝国臣民 Lafu Lanbatal Lark Aka 帝国臣民 Lark Aka Laurus Curat 帝国臣民 Laurus Curat Lehko Habhoka 帝国臣民 Lehko Habhoka Leki White 帝国臣民 Leki White Lele Machi 帝国臣民 Lele Machi Lib Cronus 帝国臣民 Lib Cronus Lidia Mist 帝国臣民 Lidia Mist Liliset Nakazy 帝国臣民 Liliset Nakazy Luna Gainsborough 帝国臣民 Luna Gainsborough Luna Martin 帝国臣民 Luna Martin Lurrea Harphe 帝国臣民 Lurrea Harphe Luru Mana 帝国臣民 Luru Mana Marco Locasio 帝国臣民 Marco Locasio Maro Gherita 帝国臣民 Maro Gherita Mat Atarow 帝国臣民 Mat Atarow Melon Berry 帝国臣民 Melon Berry Minivan Grants 帝国臣民 Minivan Grants Mistina Rimskaya 帝国臣民 Mistina Rimskaya Mitsuru Papa 帝国臣民 Mitsuru Papa Mochi Comet 帝国臣民 Mochi Comet Momo Fu-ji 帝国臣民 Momo Fu-ji Muse Aeterna 帝国臣民 Muse Aeterna Nache Crites 帝国臣民 Nache Crites Nalu Mano 帝国臣民 Nalu Mano Nanaya Amane 帝国臣民 Nanaya Amane Natlie Smith 帝国臣民 Natlie Smith Neige Elderflowers 帝国臣民 Neige Elderflowers Neko Makura 帝国臣民 Neko Makura Neko Rin 帝国臣民 Neko Rin Neo Osoba 帝国臣民 Neo Osoba Nyanmi Yuzuki 帝国臣民 Nyanmi Yuzuki Omochi Kuriyama 帝国臣民 Omochi Kuriyama Ormira Oktunia 帝国臣民 Ormira Oktunia Osushi Syari 帝国臣民 Osushi Syari Otsu Ai 帝国臣民 Otsu Ai Palom Polom 帝国臣民 Palom Polom Pcell Sanakan 帝国臣民 Pcell Sanakan Pcxw Esp 帝国臣民 Pcxw Esp Pina Cat's 帝国臣民 Pina Cat's Pinkamena Diane-pie 帝国臣民 Pinkamena Diane-pie Qatun Urumet 帝国臣民 Qatun Urumet Ratics Arkwright 帝国臣民 Ratics Arkwright Rau Nanan 帝国臣民 Rau Nanan Rin Goo 帝国臣民 Rin Goo Roberto Chocolat 帝国臣民 Roberto Chocolat Roger Glover 帝国臣民 Roger Glover Rokuto Lyehger 帝国臣民 Rokuto Lyehger Rowena Blackthon 帝国臣民 Rowena Blackthon Ruka Riot 帝国臣民 Ruka Riot Runa Uryu 帝国臣民 Runa Uryu Rusa Lka 帝国臣民 Rusa Lka Ryo Tnk 帝国臣民 Ryo Tnk Ryuji Azuma 帝国臣民 Ryuji Azuma Saeko Sae 帝国臣民 Saeko Sae Sakura Yotuba 帝国臣民 Sakura Yotuba Sakutaro Mame 帝国臣民 Sakutaro Mame Sekai Anastasia 帝国臣民 Sekai Anastasia Shilva Uni 帝国臣民 Shilva Uni Shinn Ishkur 帝国臣民 Shinn Ishkur Shion Omochi 帝国臣民 Shion Omochi Shiro Chocolat 帝国臣民 Shiro Chocolat Sironum Charmygorilla 帝国臣民 Sironum Charmygorilla Solt Blackvalley 帝国臣民 Solt Blackvalley Sore Tonaku 帝国臣民 Sore Tonaku Suguru F-sk 帝国臣民 Suguru F-sk Suiren Kou 帝国臣民 Suiren Kou Suiren Yotuba 帝国臣民 Suiren Yotuba Syobon Syobobon 帝国臣民 Syobon Syobobon Tafia Jerome 帝国臣民 Tafia Jerome Tagliare Nauts 帝国臣民 Tagliare Nauts Tarukan Baha 帝国臣民 Tarukan Baha Telomere Ouranos 帝国臣民 Telomere Ouranos Tisslia Windheart 帝国臣民 Tisslia Windheart Tm Netflix 帝国臣民 Tm Netflix Torakiti Hayami 帝国臣民 Torakiti Hayami Toshi Nishi 帝国臣民 Toshi Nishi Toto Toitoi 帝国臣民 Toto Toitoi Tyoro Vague 帝国臣民 Tyoro Vague Unagi Kokusan 帝国臣民 Unagi Kokusan Va'shir Khaelor 帝国臣民 Va'shir Khaelor Vai Albafica 帝国臣民 Vai Albafica Vells Litvyak 帝国臣民 Vells Litvyak W'rinha Tia 帝国臣民 W'rinha Tia Waltz Ende 帝国臣民 Waltz Ende Xheh Khamazom 帝国臣民 Xheh Khamazom Yakult Lady 帝国臣民 Yakult Lady Yoi Mao 帝国臣民 Yoi Mao Yoshi Nyan 帝国臣民 Yoshi Nyan Yotuga Diealot 帝国臣民 Yotuga Diealot Yu Moon 帝国臣民 Yu Moon Yuhsuke Midara 帝国臣民 Yuhsuke Midara Yuuma Rr 帝国臣民 Yuuma Rr Zoff Older 帝国臣民 Zoff Older Zyurai Kamiki 帝国臣民 Zyurai Kamiki