
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Cthulhus Revenant

Rank 30 Free Company "Cthulhus Revenant" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232097761132811672. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

We're usually nekkid. ^^

Operates on Diabolos, Crystal, leaving tags "Ktulu" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Gustaberg Manor" on plot 30 in ward 1 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

We are most likely naked

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
17 10 149
22 21 164
29 19 177
7 7 171
11 7 169
6 18 163
23 17 172
12 11 177
13 9 182
15 9 183
9 7 311
7 7 310
7 16 309
12 16 309
16 16 314
17 16 314
17 10 308
5 4 325
3 4 333
7 4 325
2 7 326
7 7 338
5 7 337
6 8 328
4 2 318
1 2 318
1 2 316
4 1 314
4 1 315
2 1 335
3 1 327
2 1 327
1 1 326
1 1 325
1 1 324
1 1 325
1 1 303
1 3 284
3 3 289
3 3 288
3 3 285
15 10 201
1 2 400

Current members:

Tak Yon Azathoth Tak Yon Vipir Magekiller Nyarlathotep Vipir Magekiller Thea Crazed Gug Thea Crazed Chain Spell Yog-Sothoth Chain Spell Hustle Bonez Yog-Sothoth Hustle Bonez Optical Hat Yog-Sothoth Optical Hat Ardbert Thefirst Tsathoggua Ardbert Thefirst Bhri Battousai Tsathoggua Bhri Battousai Bhridean Battousai Tsathoggua Bhridean Battousai Dregonius Delusious Tsathoggua Dregonius Delusious Frood Song Tsathoggua Frood Song Lore Kupolight Tsathoggua Lore Kupolight Valerian Draconia Tsathoggua Valerian Draconia Andy Reinhart Shoggoth Andy Reinhart Beyond Alive Shoggoth Beyond Alive Ejin Arimaea Shoggoth Ejin Arimaea Erisa Fiore Shoggoth Erisa Fiore Horus Tristram Shoggoth Horus Tristram Infamous Greed Shoggoth Infamous Greed Jean Cull Shoggoth Jean Cull Locke Clardy Shoggoth Locke Clardy Lyssa Clardy Shoggoth Lyssa Clardy Puspus Kitty Shoggoth Puspus Kitty Rinoa Lionhart Shoggoth Rinoa Lionhart Rohls Royce Shoggoth Rohls Royce Satori Sora Shoggoth Satori Sora Templar Soulstrum Shoggoth Templar Soulstrum Yun Fang Shoggoth Yun Fang Apollo Astolla Night-Gaunt Apollo Astolla Arya Fuorgest Night-Gaunt Arya Fuorgest Beau Dazzle Night-Gaunt Beau Dazzle Cerylia Orra Night-Gaunt Cerylia Orra Cheesecake Billie Night-Gaunt Cheesecake Billie Edea Paine Night-Gaunt Edea Paine Kizuna Ai Night-Gaunt Kizuna Ai Koenma Sir Night-Gaunt Koenma Sir Lilbitty Ryanc Night-Gaunt Lilbitty Ryanc Recklessx Freak Night-Gaunt Recklessx Freak Royce Maxwell Night-Gaunt Royce Maxwell Ryan Clardy Night-Gaunt Ryan Clardy Shayla Mushi Night-Gaunt Shayla Mushi Ai Yoshino Favored One Ai Yoshino Albin Oslion Favored One Albin Oslion Angy Bean Favored One Angy Bean Aravae Calytrix Favored One Aravae Calytrix Arwen Undomiel Favored One Arwen Undomiel Aryana Nephilim Favored One Aryana Nephilim Ashelia Penelo Favored One Ashelia Penelo Aurelia Revae Favored One Aurelia Revae Avesia Shepard Favored One Avesia Shepard Bucephalus Ragnarson Favored One Bucephalus Ragnarson Carigililly Carigil Favored One Carigililly Carigil Daris Dasvaun Favored One Daris Dasvaun Dyonile Kaim Favored One Dyonile Kaim Elizabeth Bauglir Favored One Elizabeth Bauglir Faine Valtin Favored One Faine Valtin Flaru Floreo Favored One Flaru Floreo Gordon Shumway Favored One Gordon Shumway Haru Akagi Favored One Haru Akagi Hitsuji Horo Favored One Hitsuji Horo Ifalna Roman Favored One Ifalna Roman Illryia Ackerman Favored One Illryia Ackerman Kaiser Roman Favored One Kaiser Roman Keiro Khan Favored One Keiro Khan Kirakel Necrodark Favored One Kirakel Necrodark Komugi Kasanui Favored One Komugi Kasanui Lynk Tower Favored One Lynk Tower Macy Uchiha Favored One Macy Uchiha Mana Crystal Favored One Mana Crystal Mayhem Stark Favored One Mayhem Stark Mesk Dragneer Favored One Mesk Dragneer Muad'dib Atreides Favored One Muad'dib Atreides Mythos Arealias Favored One Mythos Arealias Mythriil Purpura Favored One Mythriil Purpura Naernbryda Ethro Favored One Naernbryda Ethro Pylohn Cones Favored One Pylohn Cones Rad Mage Favored One Rad Mage Rheso Azrekhel Favored One Rheso Azrekhel Runare Neko Favored One Runare Neko Rysty Trymbohn Favored One Rysty Trymbohn Sang Windseaker Favored One Sang Windseaker Sariel Nailo Favored One Sariel Nailo Ser' Ban Favored One Ser' Ban Seven Queen Favored One Seven Queen Shade Uchiha Favored One Shade Uchiha Shaggy Doo Favored One Shaggy Doo Shon Skoreskee Favored One Shon Skoreskee Spike Tokage Favored One Spike Tokage Stilgar Ben'fifrawi Favored One Stilgar Ben'fifrawi Stroya Erinysis Favored One Stroya Erinysis Talwene Shn'dar Favored One Talwene Shn'dar Tear Amare Favored One Tear Amare Toranko Hageshi Favored One Toranko Hageshi Troncat Morningstar Favored One Troncat Morningstar Umbra Qingyue Favored One Umbra Qingyue Urika Karekare Favored One Urika Karekare Valcrist Grimhowl Favored One Valcrist Grimhowl Varuna Waemterbin Favored One Varuna Waemterbin Velage Da'damaja Favored One Velage Da'damaja Waifus Plural Favored One Waifus Plural Ylva Nattmara Favored One Ylva Nattmara Zelda Hyrule Favored One Zelda Hyrule Alexanderblade Wolf Formless Spawn Alexanderblade Wolf Alistar Goodman Formless Spawn Alistar Goodman Alys Falkor Formless Spawn Alys Falkor Ashes Eternal Formless Spawn Ashes Eternal Asteria Blackstone Formless Spawn Asteria Blackstone Aurora Moonstar Formless Spawn Aurora Moonstar Balvras Matolkahn Formless Spawn Balvras Matolkahn Bob Doiley Formless Spawn Bob Doiley Brak Apart Formless Spawn Brak Apart Charlys Llewellyn Formless Spawn Charlys Llewellyn Chewey Choo Formless Spawn Chewey Choo D'omino Astora Formless Spawn D'omino Astora Eeva Beltine Formless Spawn Eeva Beltine Emul Hop Formless Spawn Emul Hop Evie Angelicafrye Formless Spawn Evie Angelicafrye F'zhorri Mhivre Formless Spawn F'zhorri Mhivre Fantasy Generator Formless Spawn Fantasy Generator Gem Kavees Formless Spawn Gem Kavees Gross Wolf Formless Spawn Gross Wolf Helles Licht Formless Spawn Helles Licht Jacques De-lion Formless Spawn Jacques De-lion Jadzia Venin Formless Spawn Jadzia Venin Kaialian Matolkahn Formless Spawn Kaialian Matolkahn Kairi Lihzeh Formless Spawn Kairi Lihzeh Keimhart Blulight Formless Spawn Keimhart Blulight Laxus Dawnstar Formless Spawn Laxus Dawnstar Linka Moonflower Formless Spawn Linka Moonflower Lokumi Ikataru Formless Spawn Lokumi Ikataru Lunara Ataru Formless Spawn Lunara Ataru Lux Rivianni Formless Spawn Lux Rivianni Mackenzie Dexter Formless Spawn Mackenzie Dexter Magnus Moonstar Formless Spawn Magnus Moonstar Minibe Tower Formless Spawn Minibe Tower Nayati Chetan Formless Spawn Nayati Chetan Nock Legacy Formless Spawn Nock Legacy Rahvul Ul'ghara Formless Spawn Rahvul Ul'ghara Saphir Averanthi Formless Spawn Saphir Averanthi Seeker Garley Formless Spawn Seeker Garley Taliis Vii Formless Spawn Taliis Vii U'ni Giri Formless Spawn U'ni Giri Vittic Vonzombie Formless Spawn Vittic Vonzombie Willow Rysto Formless Spawn Willow Rysto Xavos Kai Formless Spawn Xavos Kai Y'shtola Rhyme Formless Spawn Y'shtola Rhyme Yash Brown-man Formless Spawn Yash Brown-man Yuu Bodhidharma Formless Spawn Yuu Bodhidharma Zenobia Kin Formless Spawn Zenobia Kin