
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Dragon Army

Rank 30 Free Company "Dragon Army" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232097761132844648. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Friendship before content any day. (But we do content too :P)

Operates on Diabolos, Crystal, leaving tags "D.A." all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "The HQ" on plot 15 in ward 8 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Cookies and booze forever!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
400 299 92
367 493 95
152 318 96
267 318 94
264 156 92
223 156 90
203 156 90
203 277 90
425 376 89
450 376 89
381 434 89
358 434 89
124 194 150
220 137 150
281 137 150
240 137 150
113 66 150
57 66 151
68 56 151
68 56 152
185 164 129
62 105 55

Current members:

Vaspera Sidris KittyQueenLord Vaspera Sidris Orion Ironsong Amphiptere Orion Ironsong Metal Barbie Wyrmling Metal Barbie Kyo Nari Elder Kyo Nari Nora Evolet Hatchling Nora Evolet Tomaki Dravenhorn Hatchling Tomaki Dravenhorn Emma Chan Ancient Emma Chan Odin Prime Ancient Odin Prime Ali'a Elakha Wyrm Ali'a Elakha Aodhan Temporum Wyrm Aodhan Temporum Danivolous Rivermore Wyrm Danivolous Rivermore Guinivere Rolior Wyrm Guinivere Rolior Thrynn Faulkner Wyrm Thrynn Faulkner Adori Scai Primordial Wyrm Adori Scai Baso Thuas Primordial Wyrm Baso Thuas Micalus Lur Primordial Wyrm Micalus Lur Rhika Tommo Primordial Wyrm Rhika Tommo Sommer Sonnenbrand Primordial Wyrm Sommer Sonnenbrand Viseroth Vorpalblade Primordial Wyrm Viseroth Vorpalblade Elley Geirfinna Doppelgangers Elley Geirfinna Ellyonaire Sefireaux Doppelgangers Ellyonaire Sefireaux Ku'zu Sanbansmith Doppelgangers Ku'zu Sanbansmith Setsuna Yamamoto Doppelgangers Setsuna Yamamoto Shianava Smith Doppelgangers Shianava Smith Shiro Raion Doppelgangers Shiro Raion Zansei Kodakumi Doppelgangers Zansei Kodakumi Dar'zu Smith Dragon Tamer Dar'zu Smith Elly'a Gainsborough Dragon Tamer Elly'a Gainsborough Gallae Frey Dragon Tamer Gallae Frey Guardian Sidris Dragon Tamer Guardian Sidris Kuki Sanban Dragon Tamer Kuki Sanban Luner Sage Dragon Tamer Luner Sage Miriel Malvys Dragon Tamer Miriel Malvys Ami Chevalier Wyvern Ami Chevalier Ayano Yukiko Wyvern Ayano Yukiko Gimpizle Silk Wyvern Gimpizle Silk Katsuki Hishime Wyvern Katsuki Hishime Khaos Grim Wyvern Khaos Grim Kiyoshi Rin Wyvern Kiyoshi Rin Luv Cat Wyvern Luv Cat Rayne Allestra Wyvern Rayne Allestra Saphira Moon Wyvern Saphira Moon Tom Bombadiil Wyvern Tom Bombadiil Vennie Fox Wyvern Vennie Fox Anomen Blackthorn The Fallen Anomen Blackthorn Asa Lionheart The Fallen Asa Lionheart Baby Chi The Fallen Baby Chi Blue Beard The Fallen Blue Beard Bob Bilbo The Fallen Bob Bilbo Chucky Norris' The Fallen Chucky Norris' Daftkrunk Iv The Fallen Daftkrunk Iv Fairy Hulkster The Fallen Fairy Hulkster Fire Haven The Fallen Fire Haven Gabriel Gorgo The Fallen Gabriel Gorgo Gmonius Rivermore The Fallen Gmonius Rivermore Hollow Wolf The Fallen Hollow Wolf Juniper Beryl The Fallen Juniper Beryl Kadaj Prime The Fallen Kadaj Prime Kel Isolda The Fallen Kel Isolda Ken' Hammer The Fallen Ken' Hammer Kenn'uhm Ur The Fallen Kenn'uhm Ur Khord Stormrage The Fallen Khord Stormrage Kindra Firborn The Fallen Kindra Firborn Kyleigh Bloodchaser The Fallen Kyleigh Bloodchaser Laiz Scai The Fallen Laiz Scai Lux Novanta The Fallen Lux Novanta Mc Phillymac The Fallen Mc Phillymac Mc Thunder The Fallen Mc Thunder Misa Delaunay The Fallen Misa Delaunay Mitsuki Subaru The Fallen Mitsuki Subaru Miya Lambert The Fallen Miya Lambert Moka Tiptan The Fallen Moka Tiptan Muri Solcaller The Fallen Muri Solcaller Nero Walker The Fallen Nero Walker Nirvanic Prime The Fallen Nirvanic Prime Olerin Greyhame The Fallen Olerin Greyhame Rainbow Cookie The Fallen Rainbow Cookie Redxiii Nanaki The Fallen Redxiii Nanaki Shiv Delgrimm The Fallen Shiv Delgrimm Shiver Coldborn The Fallen Shiver Coldborn Sona Maven The Fallen Sona Maven Sypha Stoneclaw The Fallen Sypha Stoneclaw Sythe Lannister The Fallen Sythe Lannister Tezrend Fieras The Fallen Tezrend Fieras Thuran Duil The Fallen Thuran Duil Vakri Vorpalblade The Fallen Vakri Vorpalblade Vanse Kelart The Fallen Vanse Kelart Venomous Dragonsbane The Fallen Venomous Dragonsbane Vultrex Moshantu The Fallen Vultrex Moshantu Zora Zeppeli The Fallen Zora Zeppeli