
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Rank 30 Free Company "ColdBrew!" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232097761132890249. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:


Operates on Diabolos, Crystal, leaving tags "Brew" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Briarcliffe Castle" on plot 32 in ward 5 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Looking for a fresh start? Join ColdBrew! A fun FC with a Large house, FC buffs, Choco stable, Discord + more! ♥ Everyone is welcome! ♥

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP
Has an open community.

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 3 other names:

  • Chains
  • Eielson
  • Organization 13 Keys
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
46 56 95
56 61 91
52 48 92
77 45 113
65 57 114
70 46 98
46 48 93
49 48 90
58 48 84
50 48 80
92 90 76
67 90 77
56 87 58
73 87 54
73 39 50
69 39 50
97 39 49
28 39 53
33 39 51
33 119 50
147 264 13
485 264 11
314 264 7
340 264 6
492 120 1
290 120 1
181 120 1

Current members:

Jarrin Alexander ♥♥ Big Brew ♥♥ Jarrin Alexander Aleria Sepuliar ★ Latte ★ Aleria Sepuliar Eona Fal ★ Latte ★ Eona Fal Isuka Uto ★ Latte ★ Isuka Uto Persephonee Kore ★ Latte ★ Persephonee Kore Jiang Lin ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Jiang Lin Lial Serf ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Lial Serf Lillie Kindley ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Lillie Kindley Mido Amagawa ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Mido Amagawa Shiro Mutsu ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Shiro Mutsu Sinzen Zephyrgrim ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Sinzen Zephyrgrim Zarina Flint ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Zarina Flint Zazre Zephyrgrim ♣★ Macchiato ★♣ Zazre Zephyrgrim Aranya Vin  Java  Aranya Vin Gary Gilbert  Java  Gary Gilbert Lilac Nightmare  Java  Lilac Nightmare Mojo Papabojo  Java  Mojo Papabojo Noxy Amore  Java  Noxy Amore Alyce T'calis ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Alyce T'calis Arlo Pollock ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Arlo Pollock Ashelia Dalmascas ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Ashelia Dalmascas Bangeon Starstrider ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Bangeon Starstrider Hansom Bellator ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Hansom Bellator Jarl Ulfr ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Jarl Ulfr Julie Calabria ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Julie Calabria Mai Kairose ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Mai Kairose Rose Belladona ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Rose Belladona Trutheus Rawn ♥★ Affogato ★♥ Trutheus Rawn Athadan Taleros  Decaf Athadan Taleros Auxion Regalos  Decaf Auxion Regalos Delenn Lotath  Decaf Delenn Lotath Eon Silversun  Decaf Eon Silversun Epic Problem  Decaf Epic Problem Jelly Buns  Decaf Jelly Buns Lemon Meringue  Decaf Lemon Meringue Lysandra Urumet  Decaf Lysandra Urumet Nonva Litnesi  Decaf Nonva Litnesi Nyxia Cytherea  Decaf Nyxia Cytherea O'chako Midoriya  Decaf O'chako Midoriya Piku Pancakes  Decaf Piku Pancakes Silly Pammy  Decaf Silly Pammy Sir Zexion  Decaf Sir Zexion Tuity Fruity  Decaf Tuity Fruity Abyssmaul Nihl ★★ Espresso ★★ Abyssmaul Nihl Agrean Dakwhil ★★ Espresso ★★ Agrean Dakwhil Aylerin Caiven ★★ Espresso ★★ Aylerin Caiven Benedict Blackpool ★★ Espresso ★★ Benedict Blackpool Berklee Jensen ★★ Espresso ★★ Berklee Jensen Blair Aoyagi ★★ Espresso ★★ Blair Aoyagi C'mokarhi Enah ★★ Espresso ★★ C'mokarhi Enah Catlin Brekker ★★ Espresso ★★ Catlin Brekker Da Juice ★★ Espresso ★★ Da Juice Dantes Inferno ★★ Espresso ★★ Dantes Inferno Deku Gozen ★★ Espresso ★★ Deku Gozen Delwin Windshade ★★ Espresso ★★ Delwin Windshade Elele Ele ★★ Espresso ★★ Elele Ele Etherial Nigh ★★ Espresso ★★ Etherial Nigh Giddeon Dawnbringer ★★ Espresso ★★ Giddeon Dawnbringer Goro Blownapart ★★ Espresso ★★ Goro Blownapart Ishida Kitsurei ★★ Espresso ★★ Ishida Kitsurei Jomer Semaj ★★ Espresso ★★ Jomer Semaj Kenshin Satoru ★★ Espresso ★★ Kenshin Satoru Kirara Neko ★★ Espresso ★★ Kirara Neko Lillian Fae ★★ Espresso ★★ Lillian Fae Malassa Darkness ★★ Espresso ★★ Malassa Darkness Matcha Au'lait ★★ Espresso ★★ Matcha Au'lait Max Ronand ★★ Espresso ★★ Max Ronand Monarch Spirit ★★ Espresso ★★ Monarch Spirit Morgaine Katayin ★★ Espresso ★★ Morgaine Katayin Napoleon Blownapart ★★ Espresso ★★ Napoleon Blownapart Niskos Nyxx ★★ Espresso ★★ Niskos Nyxx Nyan Jiro ★★ Espresso ★★ Nyan Jiro Parfait Escoffier ★★ Espresso ★★ Parfait Escoffier Popola Arkwright ★★ Espresso ★★ Popola Arkwright Proserpina Visvesta ★★ Espresso ★★ Proserpina Visvesta Ritsuka' Aoyagi' ★★ Espresso ★★ Ritsuka' Aoyagi' Rycerze Tsepesh ★★ Espresso ★★ Rycerze Tsepesh Sam Jetstream ★★ Espresso ★★ Sam Jetstream Sapphire Kei ★★ Espresso ★★ Sapphire Kei Scykyo Hazdro ★★ Espresso ★★ Scykyo Hazdro Slow Danger ★★ Espresso ★★ Slow Danger Soleil Ignatius ★★ Espresso ★★ Soleil Ignatius Spy Jackflack ★★ Espresso ★★ Spy Jackflack Suki Tsurikawa ★★ Espresso ★★ Suki Tsurikawa Sumi Otegine ★★ Espresso ★★ Sumi Otegine Thariyon Riversong ★★ Espresso ★★ Thariyon Riversong Therlan Vor'enas ★★ Espresso ★★ Therlan Vor'enas Thoendithas Urthadar ★★ Espresso ★★ Thoendithas Urthadar Truffle Ay ★★ Espresso ★★ Truffle Ay Truthandra Rawn ★★ Espresso ★★ Truthandra Rawn Ujin Goro ★★ Espresso ★★ Ujin Goro Viona Crowe ★★ Espresso ★★ Viona Crowe Waabug Moo ★★ Espresso ★★ Waabug Moo Yumi'a Mori ★★ Espresso ★★ Yumi'a Mori Yurick Akuras ★★ Espresso ★★ Yurick Akuras