
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Pretty Cure

Rank 30 Free Company "Pretty Cure" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232238498621178496. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Gilgamesh, Aether, leaving tags "Cure" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Cure Mansion" on plot 2 in ward 12 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the Pretty Cure mansion

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
231 384 110
424 384 110
303 384 110
215 420 111
386 420 112
499 158 112
349 158 113
229 158 113
55 71 114
100 40 111
93 68 104
86 69 95
98 57 84

Current members:

Selli Noblesse Cure Queen Selli Noblesse Mar Lanesse Cure Cyclone Mar Lanesse Aruru Aru Cure Shield Aruru Aru Kallistra Noblesse Cure Shield Kallistra Noblesse Kampypy Kampy Cure Shield Kampypy Kampy Y'uruka Tyaka Cure Shield Y'uruka Tyaka Cassandra Archer Cure Star Cassandra Archer Doyi Buduga Cure Star Doyi Buduga Lunari Tsuki Cure Star Lunari Tsuki Reila Circus Cure Star Reila Circus Remotay Sugoi Cure Star Remotay Sugoi Valeria Buntaoo Cure Star Valeria Buntaoo Ystasia Straya Cure Star Ystasia Straya Axel Huxley Cure Lovely Axel Huxley Bastis Nictoret Cure Lovely Bastis Nictoret Cev Mccoy Cure Lovely Cev Mccoy Duran Slavens Cure Lovely Duran Slavens Eisen Tor Cure Lovely Eisen Tor Elusive Taco Cure Lovely Elusive Taco Elyse Sedge Cure Lovely Elyse Sedge Eruru Eru Cure Lovely Eruru Eru Freya Shade Cure Lovely Freya Shade Gloomy Ghost Cure Lovely Gloomy Ghost Gloomy Lust Cure Lovely Gloomy Lust J'zith Pluzle Cure Lovely J'zith Pluzle Justin Kairn Cure Lovely Justin Kairn Lyndis Eclair Cure Lovely Lyndis Eclair Machi Latte Cure Lovely Machi Latte Marissa Fey Cure Lovely Marissa Fey Marvellous Chester Cure Lovely Marvellous Chester Micaiah Ylisse Cure Lovely Micaiah Ylisse Narathzul Arantheal Cure Lovely Narathzul Arantheal Nisha Sparkweaver Cure Lovely Nisha Sparkweaver Nokutisu Cheramu Cure Lovely Nokutisu Cheramu Priscilla Rin Cure Lovely Priscilla Rin Rey Solis Cure Lovely Rey Solis Sahira Valdez Cure Lovely Sahira Valdez Silvi Chaho Cure Lovely Silvi Chaho Soleil Eclipse Cure Lovely Soleil Eclipse Sylvia Valere Cure Lovely Sylvia Valere Syphiriah Aisaa Cure Lovely Syphiriah Aisaa Tatsuko Koma Cure Lovely Tatsuko Koma Vaem Forsaken Cure Lovely Vaem Forsaken Virgil Feu Cure Lovely Virgil Feu Whichi Chichia Cure Lovely Whichi Chichia Yui Konnu Cure Lovely Yui Konnu Akiho Suzuki Cure I Akiho Suzuki Artie Vandelay Cure I Artie Vandelay Aunt Jemima Cure I Aunt Jemima Baron'von Veigar Cure I Baron'von Veigar Bastion Nelartuna Cure I Bastion Nelartuna Cerion Elorshin Cure I Cerion Elorshin Chaosshield Aegis Cure I Chaosshield Aegis Darth Finley Cure I Darth Finley Draco Lich Cure I Draco Lich Dyngus Bung Cure I Dyngus Bung Emi Hana Cure I Emi Hana George Spitfire Cure I George Spitfire Hotaru Ichijou Cure I Hotaru Ichijou Hydaelyn's Litterbox Cure I Hydaelyn's Litterbox Khloe Chalahko Cure I Khloe Chalahko Kirima Syaro Cure I Kirima Syaro Kuroneko Mysteltainn Cure I Kuroneko Mysteltainn Kutae Moonreaper Cure I Kutae Moonreaper Laelanna Saeonna Cure I Laelanna Saeonna Lapetite Mort Cure I Lapetite Mort Leonardo Holskzedy Cure I Leonardo Holskzedy Lich King Cure I Lich King Liliana Aeth Cure I Liliana Aeth Lily Maymac Cure I Lily Maymac Lin Alexandra Cure I Lin Alexandra M'rhabye Fhey Cure I M'rhabye Fhey M'zentsa Umi Cure I M'zentsa Umi Miri Valeri Cure I Miri Valeri Moe Garth Cure I Moe Garth Nax Ramus Cure I Nax Ramus Nero Romulus Cure I Nero Romulus Nozomi Kei Cure I Nozomi Kei Obsidian Solarian Cure I Obsidian Solarian Okhi Zhwan Cure I Okhi Zhwan Oreki Aki Cure I Oreki Aki Ragnar Falgnar Cure I Ragnar Falgnar Rita Vrataski Cure I Rita Vrataski Rocket Rorschach Cure I Rocket Rorschach Senah Jinjehl Cure I Senah Jinjehl Solyu Hayashi Cure I Solyu Hayashi Sonar Amazis Cure I Sonar Amazis Tyro Dalca Cure I Tyro Dalca Your Finalfantasy Cure I Your Finalfantasy