
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Odder Otter Emporium

Rank 30 Free Company "Odder Otter Emporium" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232238498621253983. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Otterly otterable odd otters looking for otter people to join in the fun!

Operates on Gilgamesh, Aether, leaving tags "Odder" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a medium base named "Odder Otter Den" on plot 11 in ward 18 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Odder otter's odd odditorium. We sell the best otters and otter accessories.

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
464 351 77
282 242 77
193 481 77
85 286 79
50 53 85
50 42 85
56 42 85
54 42 83
31 42 83
31 89 83
51 61 84
199 76 85
69 76 83
43 56 51
75 56 50
64 56 50
75 56 50
62 205 50
183 205 51
221 141 50
244 45 50
81 45 50
52 59 49
67 59 49

Current members: