
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Home Grown

Rank 30 Free Company "Home Grown" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232379236109551390. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Home Grown is a social FC welcoming players of all levels and experience! Put down your roots and grow with us. ♥ More info: https://bloomfc.crd.co/

Operates on Leviathan, Primal, leaving tags "bloom" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to our humble abode! Sit back, grab a book, & make yourself comfy.
Visiting? Find out more about us at https://bloomfc.crd.co/

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Spectrum
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
20 77 106
109 110 107
72 110 108
75 43 105
43 25 116
29 35 112
24 35 111
49 77 102
65 64 101
47 84 65
58 64 65
145 64 63
74 64 63
74 74 63
45 67 62
110 67 62
77 88 62
31 88 62
122 88 62
153 88 62
9 6 120
12 12 115
14 12 118
35 8 124
10 8 121
10 8 123
7 6 124
7 6 122
5 5 122
11 6 132
11 6 131
2 6 122
18 11 97

Current members:

Lunar Heaven Lily Lunar Heaven Trouble Maker Orchid Trouble Maker Chevalier Anderstone Hyacinth Chevalier Anderstone Dr Dead Hyacinth Dr Dead Flemely L'mel Hyacinth Flemely L'mel Ghost Tea Hyacinth Ghost Tea Huff Puff Hyacinth Huff Puff Lin Il'vek Hyacinth Lin Il'vek Lune Fantasia Hyacinth Lune Fantasia San Bunonoke Hyacinth San Bunonoke Adrian Lindzei Marigold Adrian Lindzei Ahelissa Reed Marigold Ahelissa Reed Artayen Girenstrom Marigold Artayen Girenstrom Ashley Nicole Marigold Ashley Nicole Bun Ni Marigold Bun Ni Cuacja Eryut Marigold Cuacja Eryut Deloi Ka'eyssae Marigold Deloi Ka'eyssae Duty Calls Marigold Duty Calls East Surtr Marigold East Surtr Fervent Aithris Marigold Fervent Aithris Fihpo'lia Akhabila Marigold Fihpo'lia Akhabila Fran Golmar Marigold Fran Golmar Fyan Dayngo Marigold Fyan Dayngo Ilyia Celeane Marigold Ilyia Celeane Kon Kon Marigold Kon Kon Kynthia Benz Marigold Kynthia Benz Leif Djt-setlas Marigold Leif Djt-setlas Little Beepo Marigold Little Beepo Lynndi Aria Marigold Lynndi Aria Melian Faewyn Marigold Melian Faewyn Mimu Minatozaki Marigold Mimu Minatozaki Pork Champ Marigold Pork Champ Rai Menethil Marigold Rai Menethil Rukaajec Mankhad Marigold Rukaajec Mankhad Rum Machinen Marigold Rum Machinen Rumble Fish Marigold Rumble Fish Shuvi Parvus Marigold Shuvi Parvus Sienna Kisne Marigold Sienna Kisne Snoop Dragon Marigold Snoop Dragon Soft'and Wet Marigold Soft'and Wet Soront Debroulliard Marigold Soront Debroulliard Swim Dream Marigold Swim Dream Teardon Glyph Marigold Teardon Glyph The Spaghet Marigold The Spaghet Umiko Hinode Marigold Umiko Hinode Uta Onizuru Marigold Uta Onizuru Vairemont Sondraix Marigold Vairemont Sondraix Werewolf W' Marigold Werewolf W' Aelfric Stout Violet Aelfric Stout Alphabet Soup Violet Alphabet Soup Atatakai Yuurumatsuri Violet Atatakai Yuurumatsuri Au'riel Duskwarden Violet Au'riel Duskwarden Aythiel Parrhe Violet Aythiel Parrhe Berni Ni Violet Berni Ni Caim Blackthorn Violet Caim Blackthorn Cap'n Smash Violet Cap'n Smash Cerberius Draconis Violet Cerberius Draconis Clumsy Tofu Violet Clumsy Tofu Constance Noa Violet Constance Noa Dee Yu Violet Dee Yu Don Raydell Violet Don Raydell Elaith Yinralei Violet Elaith Yinralei Esadorra Celeste Violet Esadorra Celeste Fei Kanavion Violet Fei Kanavion Ferilina Catalina Violet Ferilina Catalina Frizzy Bumbum Violet Frizzy Bumbum Haruna Astir Violet Haruna Astir Has Boob Violet Has Boob Jae'nia Vandale Violet Jae'nia Vandale Jin Kanavion Violet Jin Kanavion Joxi Sosko Violet Joxi Sosko K'aihra Shadewind Violet K'aihra Shadewind K'atar Lightbringer Violet K'atar Lightbringer Kialine Black Violet Kialine Black Kinara Qoet Violet Kinara Qoet Kroos Kokodayo Violet Kroos Kokodayo Kumo Kumah Violet Kumo Kumah Lara Fantasia Violet Lara Fantasia Levarriah Stormshadow Violet Levarriah Stormshadow Lily Ki Violet Lily Ki Lily Lune Violet Lily Lune Lith Vandale Violet Lith Vandale Lunabelle Moonchild Violet Lunabelle Moonchild Luxadin Carwyn Violet Luxadin Carwyn Maesli Rae Violet Maesli Rae Magnus Jinkai Violet Magnus Jinkai Mareck Attano Violet Mareck Attano Mikkel Vos Violet Mikkel Vos Mirrah Dawnwarden Violet Mirrah Dawnwarden Mollytov Cockteal Violet Mollytov Cockteal Momoko Lune Violet Momoko Lune Monokuma Cake Violet Monokuma Cake Myxi Nibblenabble Violet Myxi Nibblenabble Odas Fordri Violet Odas Fordri Pato Mime Violet Pato Mime Reina Hanasaki Violet Reina Hanasaki Robin Bookwyrm Violet Robin Bookwyrm Robo Zhibium Violet Robo Zhibium Shaiith Nauquellar Violet Shaiith Nauquellar Sora Evalor Violet Sora Evalor Tahti Linnunrata Violet Tahti Linnunrata Taran Ashe Violet Taran Ashe Tea Light Violet Tea Light Thumbilina Princess Violet Thumbilina Princess Warrior Wanabe Violet Warrior Wanabe Zybard Serephim Violet Zybard Serephim