
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Unsundered" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232379236109601878. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Remember us...
Remember that we once lived.

Operates on Leviathan, Primal, leaving tags "Elpis" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Etheirys" on plot 36 in ward 26 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to our modernized Ishgardian home!

Participates in:

  • HardcoreHardcore

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Automata
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
315 282 51
293 377 66
124 128 64
368 219 62
478 367 61
374 473 44
171 260 49
415 292 47
421 173 47
428 278 35
72 114 37

Current members: