
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Sweet n Sour Chocobo

Rank 30 Free Company "Sweet n Sour Chocobo" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232519973597876682. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Venimus vidimus vicimus SweetnSourChocobo.com is a FFXIV Free Company organized in Beta, incorporated 18th September 2013 on Midgardsormr,

Operates on Midgardsormr, Aether, leaving tags "NOmsg" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Sweet n Sour Chocobo" on plot 5 in ward 3 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Please vists SweetnSourChocobo.com and Follow our Social Media

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
330 326 149
315 143 149
83 188 151
141 188 151
125 188 151
191 402 144
157 402 142
97 137 259
167 137 260
167 112 262
186 112 263
180 112 267
94 112 266
94 99 266
107 106 305
83 102 305
145 102 306
228 197 384
155 197 386
263 240 393
179 231 397
365 231 399
227 184 410
227 184 411
287 295 10

Current members:

Jaolen Skinner  Jaolen Skinner Ravek Darkbreaker Raveks Spc Rnk Ravek Darkbreaker Cerrid Wyn ♥ Cerrid Wyn Clock Spots ♥ Clock Spots Jamie Dragongirl ♥ Jamie Dragongirl Lyzette Roqueforte ♥ Lyzette Roqueforte Raging Flares ♥ Raging Flares Riley Bear ♥ Riley Bear Alittle Snack  Alittle Snack Dorian'll Legend  Dorian'll Legend Fryevia Lionheart  Fryevia Lionheart Irilisa Fasun  Irilisa Fasun Maddie Toes  Maddie Toes Mignonne Aubergine  Mignonne Aubergine Mina Yarhu  Mina Yarhu No- Love  No- Love Thuran The'mad  Thuran The'mad Virtue Absolute  Virtue Absolute Yakuza Black  Yakuza Black Acid Mochi  Acid Mochi Adam Rivermore  Adam Rivermore Aevar Mirrors  Aevar Mirrors Akasha Sanguine  Akasha Sanguine Alistre Sorrowlyre  Alistre Sorrowlyre Amacha Mushiatsui  Amacha Mushiatsui Ankhalrex Sylar  Ankhalrex Sylar Arsillda Monsoon  Arsillda Monsoon Artemis Aurifort  Artemis Aurifort Ashedo Maru  Ashedo Maru Ausk Brasher  Ausk Brasher Ayame Bane  Ayame Bane Aze Bloodheart  Aze Bloodheart B'aal Ick  B'aal Ick Barron Cade  Barron Cade Binx Sarnai  Binx Sarnai Blood Rainna  Blood Rainna Bobo Bibbles  Bobo Bibbles Boss Huggy  Boss Huggy Bowie Bon  Bowie Bon Cath Ordair  Cath Ordair Chaechae Won  Chaechae Won Chiana Rose  Chiana Rose Chris Webb  Chris Webb Crimxion Megus  Crimxion Megus Cristina Meiken  Cristina Meiken Daeryc Draugnar  Daeryc Draugnar Dart Yuki'zun  Dart Yuki'zun Doxo Rubocyn  Doxo Rubocyn Draeggoon Samurai  Draeggoon Samurai Draklor Lannis  Draklor Lannis Elena Lunesia  Elena Lunesia Elhaym Houten  Elhaym Houten Emmet Weekes  Emmet Weekes Ersorth Ruzintyn  Ersorth Ruzintyn Fallen Gone  Fallen Gone Francisco Giglio  Francisco Giglio Freya Faire  Freya Faire Frisky Turtle  Frisky Turtle G'reya Thea  G'reya Thea Gabriel Smith  Gabriel Smith Galen Orbarskyr  Galen Orbarskyr Gy'uto Nunh  Gy'uto Nunh Hana Kaya  Hana Kaya Harrybob Ferguson  Harrybob Ferguson Hava Nagila  Hava Nagila Hildera Fairclough  Hildera Fairclough Hylia Rosethorne  Hylia Rosethorne I'm Shapiffany  I'm Shapiffany Jacket Hawk  Jacket Hawk Jade-ann Byrne  Jade-ann Byrne Jade-ann Byrne'dotcom  Jade-ann Byrne'dotcom Jas Drag  Jas Drag Jayce Herondale  Jayce Herondale Jinxy Sanguine  Jinxy Sanguine Joosy Jocktavius  Joosy Jocktavius Just Nawnie  Just Nawnie Kai Laawnuum  Kai Laawnuum Keiho Shirogane  Keiho Shirogane Kethra Hawthorne  Kethra Hawthorne Kharlae Rynn  Kharlae Rynn Kiri Torres  Kiri Torres Konami Reyas  Konami Reyas Kuryomi Dchains  Kuryomi Dchains Kylan Demonic  Kylan Demonic Laille Ambertel  Laille Ambertel Lavian Leo  Lavian Leo Leiland Abraxas  Leiland Abraxas Lilith Fangala  Lilith Fangala Lisara Restall  Lisara Restall Logan Gyre  Logan Gyre Luv Illy  Luv Illy Mac Miller  Mac Miller Manorthia Fuzzlefeet  Manorthia Fuzzlefeet Marieyuna Sundrop  Marieyuna Sundrop Morghana Darkbreaker  Morghana Darkbreaker Naburu Negusfire  Naburu Negusfire Nakira Negus'sage  Nakira Negus'sage Narumi Bakuro  Narumi Bakuro Neko Mamushi  Neko Mamushi Northpark Winter  Northpark Winter Numgnir Saldono  Numgnir Saldono Obiwill Obiwill  Obiwill Obiwill Ollie Ollie  Ollie Ollie Oolong Soulrose  Oolong Soulrose Phedre Delaunay  Phedre Delaunay Qarajin Arulaq  Qarajin Arulaq Quidney Dar'thes  Quidney Dar'thes Quint Silverwood  Quint Silverwood R'itaria Halha  R'itaria Halha Raff Whentomeshi  Raff Whentomeshi Realius Fish  Realius Fish Rezzy Lightbringer  Rezzy Lightbringer Rhonda Oval  Rhonda Oval Rue Tempest  Rue Tempest Sage Lightbringer  Sage Lightbringer Saia Hiyama  Saia Hiyama Shadow Bringer  Shadow Bringer Sicko Valhalla  Sicko Valhalla Sion Delarose  Sion Delarose Skitter Cream  Skitter Cream Skyward Aelius  Skyward Aelius Snow Cone  Snow Cone Sushi Volcano  Sushi Volcano Sword Saint  Sword Saint Tai Ackerman  Tai Ackerman Tech Narwhal  Tech Narwhal Tenebris Darkbreaker  Tenebris Darkbreaker Tenerius Snowpelt  Tenerius Snowpelt Thicc N'juicy  Thicc N'juicy Tilly Spuhdz  Tilly Spuhdz Tootie Frootie  Tootie Frootie Tougen Atsunori  Tougen Atsunori Trey Lune  Trey Lune Twister Tony  Twister Tony Unit Yorha  Unit Yorha Valeoux Haillenarte  Valeoux Haillenarte Ventra Tatsumaki  Ventra Tatsumaki Vicgar Hawke  Vicgar Hawke Voltron Muretzerach  Voltron Muretzerach Vr'eat G'alue  Vr'eat G'alue Waebahct Seiksatzsyn  Waebahct Seiksatzsyn Warcraft Player  Warcraft Player Webbly Hadar  Webbly Hadar Wrath Martheus  Wrath Martheus Yung Money  Yung Money Yuuna Bajhiri  Yuuna Bajhiri Zero Bahamut  Zero Bahamut Zirnabyl Aishwabsyn  Zirnabyl Aishwabsyn Zozyn Mazyn  Zozyn Mazyn