
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Cactuar Salad

Rank 30 Free Company "Cactuar Salad" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232519973597886130. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Don't stop. Never give up. Hold your head high and reach the top.

Operates on Midgardsormr, Aether, leaving tags "Tasty" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Salad Bar" on plot 46 in ward 17 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

The Salad Bar is open!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
357 252 134
138 193 136
75 97 136
160 128 134
292 107 111
126 107 111
126 147 111
168 147 111
142 147 112
215 147 112
215 250 112
118 158 113
203 158 113
104 52 114
178 52 115
97 52 115
48 49 103
38 59 102
132 80 99
35 35 86

Current members:

Myna Jinjahl Marshal Myna Jinjahl Relkyn Delat Recruit Relkyn Delat Champ Van'doren Captain Champ Van'doren Elendir Anduil Captain Elendir Anduil Nice Job Captain Nice Job Kupo Bot Curator Kupo Bot Lady Jaye Curator Lady Jaye Utsusemi Ichi Curator Utsusemi Ichi Utsusemi Ni Curator Utsusemi Ni Alexois Funebris Lieutenant Alexois Funebris Dawnfire K'sheyna Lieutenant Dawnfire K'sheyna Kyren Wotless Lieutenant Kyren Wotless Mya Urleaux Lieutenant Mya Urleaux Puffball Mcstuffins Lieutenant Puffball Mcstuffins Scyver Farshadow Lieutenant Scyver Farshadow Aravil Sianodel Corporal Aravil Sianodel Backdoor Bandit Corporal Backdoor Bandit Backdoor Bunny Corporal Backdoor Bunny Brik House Corporal Brik House Dapper Chap Corporal Dapper Chap Darling Quinzel Corporal Darling Quinzel Dynier Blackleaf Corporal Dynier Blackleaf Icarus Qt Corporal Icarus Qt Ick Queue't Corporal Ick Queue't Kiritsugu Kurokitsu Corporal Kiritsugu Kurokitsu Loctavi Milha Corporal Loctavi Milha Madame Roo Corporal Madame Roo Midnyte Queue't Corporal Midnyte Queue't Momo Modi Corporal Momo Modi Mydknyght Shadow Corporal Mydknyght Shadow Okaji Biscotti Corporal Okaji Biscotti Orda Ishiku Corporal Orda Ishiku Proto Ziggurat Corporal Proto Ziggurat Radlia Hawke Corporal Radlia Hawke Selece Arashi Corporal Selece Arashi Selece Valerian Corporal Selece Valerian Solar Wind Corporal Solar Wind Talon Avalon Corporal Talon Avalon Tempestus Nox Corporal Tempestus Nox Weeperz Jeeperz Corporal Weeperz Jeeperz Air Max AWOL Air Max Albedo Mercury AWOL Albedo Mercury Alexander Armstrong AWOL Alexander Armstrong Asura Czar AWOL Asura Czar Azcar Akachi AWOL Azcar Akachi Beathag Gallagher AWOL Beathag Gallagher Brik Tova AWOL Brik Tova Chaosgrimm Winsock AWOL Chaosgrimm Winsock Chidori Kusakari AWOL Chidori Kusakari Chii Bi AWOL Chii Bi Chinza At'tenagra AWOL Chinza At'tenagra Cid Skyfire AWOL Cid Skyfire Darmok Hisarmswide AWOL Darmok Hisarmswide Dawn Summers AWOL Dawn Summers Dela Vero AWOL Dela Vero Devlos Ulfrand AWOL Devlos Ulfrand E'trucion Jaab AWOL E'trucion Jaab Echlo Mondavi AWOL Echlo Mondavi El Sunder AWOL El Sunder Elbow Rocket AWOL Elbow Rocket Elsa Arendelle AWOL Elsa Arendelle Emperor Wu AWOL Emperor Wu Eternal Hunt AWOL Eternal Hunt Farren Andraste AWOL Farren Andraste Filthy Fred AWOL Filthy Fred Final Sting AWOL Final Sting Frisky Fastpaws AWOL Frisky Fastpaws Froyo Man AWOL Froyo Man Galinath Gercovah AWOL Galinath Gercovah Genesis' Rhapsodos AWOL Genesis' Rhapsodos Harley Topper AWOL Harley Topper Havok Rosenburg AWOL Havok Rosenburg Howlze Yaj AWOL Howlze Yaj Hue Mann AWOL Hue Mann Hux Fux AWOL Hux Fux Javi O'neill AWOL Javi O'neill Jay Booty AWOL Jay Booty Kaiser Vega AWOL Kaiser Vega Katarina Asuna AWOL Katarina Asuna Kazane Crynn AWOL Kazane Crynn Kevan Razoron AWOL Kevan Razoron Kevlar Vest AWOL Kevlar Vest Kiza Kizamoiku AWOL Kiza Kizamoiku Kryptic Star AWOL Kryptic Star Kura Zushi AWOL Kura Zushi Kuranji Andraste AWOL Kuranji Andraste Little Dreamer AWOL Little Dreamer Logistic Inc AWOL Logistic Inc Lustywench Maximus AWOL Lustywench Maximus Magnus Hightower AWOL Magnus Hightower Maraba Abaram AWOL Maraba Abaram Maussa Ivreloup AWOL Maussa Ivreloup Menino Fofo AWOL Menino Fofo Mia Zoran AWOL Mia Zoran Mihti Zhwan AWOL Mihti Zhwan Mikhail Nikolaievitch AWOL Mikhail Nikolaievitch Mimir O'rourke AWOL Mimir O'rourke Minse Desil AWOL Minse Desil Miuramir Cuthalion AWOL Miuramir Cuthalion Nardonius Kovarek AWOL Nardonius Kovarek Nasty Ned AWOL Nasty Ned Newt Trophe AWOL Newt Trophe Nikari Aleath AWOL Nikari Aleath Nim Arashi AWOL Nim Arashi Nimmy Nyan AWOL Nimmy Nyan Nixia Kocuro AWOL Nixia Kocuro Noj Poj AWOL Noj Poj Omega Lingnus AWOL Omega Lingnus Percival Blackbird AWOL Percival Blackbird Perfect Blue AWOL Perfect Blue Pound Pound AWOL Pound Pound Pp Sauce AWOL Pp Sauce Quatre Setora AWOL Quatre Setora Ramza Beoulve' AWOL Ramza Beoulve' Raven Kovarek AWOL Raven Kovarek Rhyden Strongwood AWOL Rhyden Strongwood Rhydin Steelwill AWOL Rhydin Steelwill Ricky Nimbles AWOL Ricky Nimbles Rident Quetzalcoatl AWOL Rident Quetzalcoatl Rin Noctua AWOL Rin Noctua Roddy Hotrod AWOL Roddy Hotrod Roranoa Zoro AWOL Roranoa Zoro Saphira Moonfire AWOL Saphira Moonfire Sauce Bauce AWOL Sauce Bauce Seschat Vatarre AWOL Seschat Vatarre Sweet Petite AWOL Sweet Petite Switchblade Goinin AWOL Switchblade Goinin The Wu AWOL The Wu Tiana Hi'ilani AWOL Tiana Hi'ilani Tinyzila Arashi AWOL Tinyzila Arashi Uber Streek AWOL Uber Streek Wave Racer AWOL Wave Racer Yahiko Moira AWOL Yahiko Moira Yumimi Mix AWOL Yumimi Mix