
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Illusio Excitavit

Rank 30 Free Company "Illusio Excitavit" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232519973597983634. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

The friendliest free company on Midgardsormr ^_^

Operates on Midgardsormr, Aether, leaving tags "Myrth" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Myrth House" on plot 58 in ward 7 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the House of Myrth, where the members of «Myrth» reside. Please come in, make yourself comfortable, and have a few laughs with us! ^^

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 2 other names:

  • Myth Arcanum
  • Mythos of the Void
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
75 212 173
187 184 173
87 26 181
21 11 181
15 32 173
22 32 174
33 35 172
41 60 176
44 60 179
21 11 301
26 11 299
26 16 297
8 16 296
27 16 301
12 16 301
12 12 302
16 9 301
7 11 300
10 11 293

Current members:

Mibaut Eudestand Archivist Mibaut Eudestand Nn Seek Time Out Nn Seek Roy Catty Co-Archvist Roy Catty Aethin Felin First Consul Aethin Felin Kanna Kobayashi First Consul Kanna Kobayashi Lil' Bavvy First Consul Lil' Bavvy Rex Endrit First Consul Rex Endrit Terriel Luse First Consul Terriel Luse Ipheaux Fourchenault Novus Ipheaux Fourchenault Storm Strike Novus Storm Strike Viktor Vaudeville Novus Viktor Vaudeville Bloom Bountiful Hiatus Bloom Bountiful Kahlan Goodkind Hiatus Kahlan Goodkind Leifr Firesight Hiatus Leifr Firesight Puff Restyle Hiatus Puff Restyle Pulsar Star Hiatus Pulsar Star Achlys Noirterel Consul Achlys Noirterel Hailfire Barrage Consul Hailfire Barrage Lenneth Bunkyrie Consul Lenneth Bunkyrie Sako Koi Consul Sako Koi Aelin Felin Centurion Aelin Felin Aladine Mightwormr Centurion Aladine Mightwormr Aldyn Dawncloak Centurion Aldyn Dawncloak Alistair Nevarion Centurion Alistair Nevarion Aoi Minase Centurion Aoi Minase Eliana White Centurion Eliana White Gadreel Seraph Centurion Gadreel Seraph Gnarf Gnarf Centurion Gnarf Gnarf Hanabi Yatsurugi Centurion Hanabi Yatsurugi Heaventh Moon Centurion Heaventh Moon Hey Mhakaracca Centurion Hey Mhakaracca Hisana Kuchiki Centurion Hisana Kuchiki Iceli Falin Centurion Iceli Falin Ivory Ischten Centurion Ivory Ischten Kamahl Otaria Centurion Kamahl Otaria Kubla Jon Centurion Kubla Jon Lady Simp Centurion Lady Simp Laram Nhi Centurion Laram Nhi Leilani Nala'e Centurion Leilani Nala'e M'asuna Shikhu Centurion M'asuna Shikhu Makoto Hatasashi Centurion Makoto Hatasashi Maral Nulos Centurion Maral Nulos Moons Above Centurion Moons Above Net Werx Centurion Net Werx Puff Restyled Centurion Puff Restyled Seru Kisne Centurion Seru Kisne Servi Royle Centurion Servi Royle Sleepy Head Centurion Sleepy Head Soube Miseux Centurion Soube Miseux Teddy Vonmirror Centurion Teddy Vonmirror Tsuki Cookie Centurion Tsuki Cookie Tsunehide Sal'vis Centurion Tsunehide Sal'vis Vardaok Za'eduardo Centurion Vardaok Za'eduardo Vaylin Cross Centurion Vaylin Cross Vox Crowe Centurion Vox Crowe Abaddon Reverie Hoplite Abaddon Reverie Aben Droth Hoplite Aben Droth Abigail Furukane Hoplite Abigail Furukane Adhara Vidraal Hoplite Adhara Vidraal Agni Littlewood Hoplite Agni Littlewood Al'ahan Akmad Hoplite Al'ahan Akmad Algae Benut Hoplite Algae Benut Annie Livingston Hoplite Annie Livingston Aosoth Zhwan Hoplite Aosoth Zhwan Ashe Scott Hoplite Ashe Scott Asriel Cross Hoplite Asriel Cross Az'rael Crux Hoplite Az'rael Crux Belinda Bysnoe Hoplite Belinda Bysnoe Big Bub Hoplite Big Bub Bri Bakermin Hoplite Bri Bakermin Calista Fatali Hoplite Calista Fatali Carmine Catastrophe Hoplite Carmine Catastrophe Cecilie Nellemond Hoplite Cecilie Nellemond Charlotte Maddern Hoplite Charlotte Maddern Chibi Acheronus Hoplite Chibi Acheronus Cobalt Catastrophe Hoplite Cobalt Catastrophe Cora Aurora Hoplite Cora Aurora Cuilleann Frost Hoplite Cuilleann Frost Danielle Blackthorne Hoplite Danielle Blackthorne Dave Thecat Hoplite Dave Thecat Dekkar Nytebane Hoplite Dekkar Nytebane Dirtywork Yodamosh Hoplite Dirtywork Yodamosh Elia Martell Hoplite Elia Martell Elijah Oloron Hoplite Elijah Oloron Elvira Vira Hoplite Elvira Vira Eshi Nishi Hoplite Eshi Nishi Euron Blood-eye Hoplite Euron Blood-eye Faeble Nocte Hoplite Faeble Nocte Fer Gucci Hoplite Fer Gucci Feyre Ky'rissean Hoplite Feyre Ky'rissean Fio Malvasi Hoplite Fio Malvasi Freyr Luna Hoplite Freyr Luna Goth Milk Hoplite Goth Milk Hare Monte Hoplite Hare Monte Hasseo Thedeath Hoplite Hasseo Thedeath Hollow Chocolate Hoplite Hollow Chocolate Hollow Lute Hoplite Hollow Lute Illiyanna Rivencroft Hoplite Illiyanna Rivencroft Izumi Abyss Hoplite Izumi Abyss Jay Chavez Hoplite Jay Chavez Johanna Aerunsberg Hoplite Johanna Aerunsberg Jubee Estrella Hoplite Jubee Estrella Juniper Arianell Hoplite Juniper Arianell Kaladin Noirterel Hoplite Kaladin Noirterel Kardia Fyta Hoplite Kardia Fyta Kargath Forscythe Hoplite Kargath Forscythe Katharsis Poe Hoplite Katharsis Poe Kayle Heart Hoplite Kayle Heart Kayn Reverie Hoplite Kayn Reverie Keith Blaster Hoplite Keith Blaster Kelala Kela Hoplite Kelala Kela Kethra Hayes Hoplite Kethra Hayes Kinah Ghalto Hoplite Kinah Ghalto Kitcat Fourtwenty Hoplite Kitcat Fourtwenty Kith Dorsatum Hoplite Kith Dorsatum Kith Sharda Hoplite Kith Sharda Kitty Tyrell Hoplite Kitty Tyrell Knic Knaque Hoplite Knic Knaque Kreeger Brahm Hoplite Kreeger Brahm Lilja Bouncie-buns Hoplite Lilja Bouncie-buns Lucina Thorne Hoplite Lucina Thorne Luna Amatista Hoplite Luna Amatista Lunalah Mayborne Hoplite Lunalah Mayborne Magnus Draken Hoplite Magnus Draken Malvina Cafellua Hoplite Malvina Cafellua Marn Nya Hoplite Marn Nya Mersenne D'layleaux Hoplite Mersenne D'layleaux Myrr Lin Hoplite Myrr Lin Mythic Hawk Hoplite Mythic Hawk Nelia Valnarock Hoplite Nelia Valnarock Niceal Rate Hoplite Niceal Rate Nierin Mao Hoplite Nierin Mao Oberyn Martel Hoplite Oberyn Martel Obsidian Shiiface Hoplite Obsidian Shiiface Omnom Nomnom Hoplite Omnom Nomnom Ozrik Oksaras Hoplite Ozrik Oksaras Phox Estrella Hoplite Phox Estrella Praline Opaline Hoplite Praline Opaline Qata Akhabila Hoplite Qata Akhabila Rafiki Msafiri Hoplite Rafiki Msafiri Reaver Dracon Hoplite Reaver Dracon Red Crown Hoplite Red Crown Risa Halha Hoplite Risa Halha Rongo Akonga Hoplite Rongo Akonga Ryukogajin Fairyu Hoplite Ryukogajin Fairyu Sae Midori Hoplite Sae Midori Saltyy Boudge Hoplite Saltyy Boudge Sicarius Rex Hoplite Sicarius Rex Sorkhaghtani Gesi Hoplite Sorkhaghtani Gesi Stitch Lihzeh Hoplite Stitch Lihzeh Taichu Baron Hoplite Taichu Baron Taishi Sal'vis Hoplite Taishi Sal'vis Talisien Nocte Hoplite Talisien Nocte Talyn Gainsborough Hoplite Talyn Gainsborough Ternan Eruk Hoplite Ternan Eruk The Gobbler Hoplite The Gobbler Treasure Coffer Hoplite Treasure Coffer Treyen Lightfoot Hoplite Treyen Lightfoot Tripple Caution Hoplite Tripple Caution Tsubasa Satsugai Hoplite Tsubasa Satsugai Violet Ghost Hoplite Violet Ghost Will Branonhad Hoplite Will Branonhad Wilmetta Greywood Hoplite Wilmetta Greywood Winter Fell Hoplite Winter Fell Wolverskunk Bangerang Hoplite Wolverskunk Bangerang Y'shola Linara Hoplite Y'shola Linara Yenzelle Mercurio Hoplite Yenzelle Mercurio Yisu D'layleaux Hoplite Yisu D'layleaux Yodyl Arda Hoplite Yodyl Arda Yossi Stauffer Hoplite Yossi Stauffer Zabinkz Swallow Hoplite Zabinkz Swallow Zorudo Starudo Hoplite Zorudo Starudo Zuki Papaya Hoplite Zuki Papaya