
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Good Vibes Only

Rank 30 Free Company "Good Vibes Only" was formed on and registered on with ID 9232660711086358572. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

An Active, Chill FC with Discord, events, FC buffs and more!! 3 We are here to play the game! Casual and hardcore! Come Join us! 3

Operates on Odin, Light, leaving tags "Vibes" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "House of Vibes" on plot 37 in ward 1 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the House of Vibes!
Where the Vibes are Good and the Company is Better!! 3

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP
Has an open community.

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
11 10 186
9 17 182
26 17 179
12 12 181
12 34 182
31 34 186
37 30 184
21 12 208
7 9 211
8 10 210
12 10 211
9 10 210
17 8 206
8 10 201
256 203 18
256 220 17
172 220 19
120 220 19
419 220 20

Current members:

Meli Bee Big Boss Viber! Meli Bee Akeno Milvra Housing Savage Akeno Milvra Lala Bee Housing Savage Lala Bee Lily Alter Housing Savage Lily Alter Dara Davis Leading Vibes! Dara Davis Godan Rinam Leading Vibes! Godan Rinam Reyna Moon Leading Vibes! Reyna Moon Len Haru Guiding Vibes! Len Haru Mythandral Raas Guiding Vibes! Mythandral Raas Perseus Laskaris Guiding Vibes! Perseus Laskaris Blackpool Tower Founding Vibes! Blackpool Tower Dynameis Legatus Founding Vibes! Dynameis Legatus Irina Etheri Founding Vibes! Irina Etheri Little Thunder Founding Vibes! Little Thunder Mana Crystal Founding Vibes! Mana Crystal Maya Fleur Founding Vibes! Maya Fleur Air Zero Vacation Vibe Air Zero Ava Vittore Vacation Vibe Ava Vittore Captain Crustysocks Vacation Vibe Captain Crustysocks Claudio Gaato Vacation Vibe Claudio Gaato Deejay Cactus Vacation Vibe Deejay Cactus Eden Sage Vacation Vibe Eden Sage Evelyn Parker Vacation Vibe Evelyn Parker Fenris Lionheart Vacation Vibe Fenris Lionheart Freya Lionheart Vacation Vibe Freya Lionheart Gnarl Goldfist Vacation Vibe Gnarl Goldfist Jingle'my Bells Vacation Vibe Jingle'my Bells Kassi Hatsapur Vacation Vibe Kassi Hatsapur Kylle Vittore Vacation Vibe Kylle Vittore Meredy Himi Vacation Vibe Meredy Himi Nehli Nenehli Vacation Vibe Nehli Nenehli Nhala Priderock Vacation Vibe Nhala Priderock Raeyna Venture Vacation Vibe Raeyna Venture Sheyn D'pax Vacation Vibe Sheyn D'pax Shion Skyfell Vacation Vibe Shion Skyfell Slay Demons Vacation Vibe Slay Demons Small Myth Vacation Vibe Small Myth Solar Fleur Vacation Vibe Solar Fleur Supersheyn Theory Vacation Vibe Supersheyn Theory Uke Lala Vacation Vibe Uke Lala Wind-up Arisuke Vacation Vibe Wind-up Arisuke Xanxus Castiel Vacation Vibe Xanxus Castiel Zipper Nefario Vacation Vibe Zipper Nefario A'ri Thul VIBING!! A'ri Thul Aela Valeris VIBING!! Aela Valeris Akeno San VIBING!! Akeno San Alaya Mortania VIBING!! Alaya Mortania Ashaf Crowe VIBING!! Ashaf Crowe Azelus Skye VIBING!! Azelus Skye Baatu Kha VIBING!! Baatu Kha Betinho Delas VIBING!! Betinho Delas Bewi Nya VIBING!! Bewi Nya Cora Lux VIBING!! Cora Lux Devon Ross VIBING!! Devon Ross Ealysha Silver VIBING!! Ealysha Silver Eir Ambrosia VIBING!! Eir Ambrosia Flat Bati VIBING!! Flat Bati Freya Merlin VIBING!! Freya Merlin Gereon Eisenbald VIBING!! Gereon Eisenbald Gucci Flipflops VIBING!! Gucci Flipflops Gwen Kizzle VIBING!! Gwen Kizzle Hanzo Hasashi VIBING!! Hanzo Hasashi Heimdal Ambrosia VIBING!! Heimdal Ambrosia Ida Snow VIBING!! Ida Snow Imbiamba Jombes VIBING!! Imbiamba Jombes Kachoi Nilothi VIBING!! Kachoi Nilothi Koko Rosha VIBING!! Koko Rosha Kuro Moon VIBING!! Kuro Moon Lacuna Majere VIBING!! Lacuna Majere Leems Bannings VIBING!! Leems Bannings Lenna Nightfall VIBING!! Lenna Nightfall Little Havly VIBING!! Little Havly Lovefox Kaze VIBING!! Lovefox Kaze Lydia Flower VIBING!! Lydia Flower Lyxiana Vahros VIBING!! Lyxiana Vahros Nyan Ko VIBING!! Nyan Ko Pulvis Marau VIBING!! Pulvis Marau Raina Laerwen VIBING!! Raina Laerwen Razzix Ravel VIBING!! Razzix Ravel Roque Fabii VIBING!! Roque Fabii Rosierro Aventi VIBING!! Rosierro Aventi Seras Artorias VIBING!! Seras Artorias Sinora Celah VIBING!! Sinora Celah Stupid Stitch VIBING!! Stupid Stitch Sykoah Magi VIBING!! Sykoah Magi Tadashi Nakashima VIBING!! Tadashi Nakashima Toby Shepherd VIBING!! Toby Shepherd Trip Shots VIBING!! Trip Shots Vaeril Vatumal VIBING!! Vaeril Vatumal Violet Lizha VIBING!! Violet Lizha Wilson Castaway VIBING!! Wilson Castaway Xyv Ire VIBING!! Xyv Ire Zobi Fun VIBING!! Zobi Fun Age Kon Good Vibes! Age Kon Ahri Hatzuki Good Vibes! Ahri Hatzuki Aideen Kell Good Vibes! Aideen Kell Alain Ravensong Good Vibes! Alain Ravensong Alastor Magne Good Vibes! Alastor Magne Ama Tethys Good Vibes! Ama Tethys Anna Purna Good Vibes! Anna Purna Arisuke Himaa Good Vibes! Arisuke Himaa Arthur Hyun Good Vibes! Arthur Hyun Banana Muffin Good Vibes! Banana Muffin Biggie Biggs Good Vibes! Biggie Biggs Boogie Knight Good Vibes! Boogie Knight Brandy Ryuu Good Vibes! Brandy Ryuu Bruce Holmes Good Vibes! Bruce Holmes Bun Wick Good Vibes! Bun Wick Canopus Lightfeather Good Vibes! Canopus Lightfeather Cremchen Gg Good Vibes! Cremchen Gg Diablos Freelander Good Vibes! Diablos Freelander Duke Majed Good Vibes! Duke Majed Dzolaz Igles Good Vibes! Dzolaz Igles Edd Mishima Good Vibes! Edd Mishima Eileen Dover Good Vibes! Eileen Dover Eljyth Reneas Good Vibes! Eljyth Reneas Esculd Elerevest Good Vibes! Esculd Elerevest Ethyl Stan Good Vibes! Ethyl Stan Ewelysia Floofmoon Good Vibes! Ewelysia Floofmoon Faust Azrael Good Vibes! Faust Azrael Feikker Zarquon Good Vibes! Feikker Zarquon Felen Sythia Good Vibes! Felen Sythia Fernea Liase Good Vibes! Fernea Liase Gt Spider Good Vibes! Gt Spider Gwyn's Mightybolts Good Vibes! Gwyn's Mightybolts Haise Ken Good Vibes! Haise Ken Helmi Vindr Good Vibes! Helmi Vindr Howard Caelum Good Vibes! Howard Caelum Ihate Laundryday Good Vibes! Ihate Laundryday J'atoha Tia Good Vibes! J'atoha Tia Jenny Arafeel Good Vibes! Jenny Arafeel Jojo Tethys Good Vibes! Jojo Tethys Jupiter Blue Good Vibes! Jupiter Blue K'yhara Zaya Good Vibes! K'yhara Zaya Kenny Senior Good Vibes! Kenny Senior Khun Jun Good Vibes! Khun Jun Kiba Akiyama Good Vibes! Kiba Akiyama Kinara Gugoza Good Vibes! Kinara Gugoza Kitt Argus Good Vibes! Kitt Argus Koi Koi Good Vibes! Koi Koi Lawrence Xander Good Vibes! Lawrence Xander Leigh Sama Good Vibes! Leigh Sama Lin Arr Good Vibes! Lin Arr Liquid Hedgehog Good Vibes! Liquid Hedgehog Luwe Nuchuwe Good Vibes! Luwe Nuchuwe Mahica Isma Good Vibes! Mahica Isma Malisandei Sirnica Good Vibes! Malisandei Sirnica Mirabella Nie Good Vibes! Mirabella Nie Moebka Weatherwax Good Vibes! Moebka Weatherwax Moonlight Charizard Good Vibes! Moonlight Charizard Muesli Moo Good Vibes! Muesli Moo Nami Rose Good Vibes! Nami Rose Neeps'n Tatties Good Vibes! Neeps'n Tatties Neyli Isma Good Vibes! Neyli Isma Nych Eia Good Vibes! Nych Eia On On Good Vibes! On On Ophiona Lorabwynn Good Vibes! Ophiona Lorabwynn Papa Sharts Good Vibes! Papa Sharts Paradox Phase Good Vibes! Paradox Phase Pat Wolfshadow Good Vibes! Pat Wolfshadow Pierson Dimon Good Vibes! Pierson Dimon Predur Apllewellyn Good Vibes! Predur Apllewellyn Psycho Hendy Good Vibes! Psycho Hendy Psycho Rain Good Vibes! Psycho Rain Rael Mio Good Vibes! Rael Mio Renya Moon Good Vibes! Renya Moon Rhaq Whisperwind Good Vibes! Rhaq Whisperwind Rock Starcade Good Vibes! Rock Starcade Rune Raider Good Vibes! Rune Raider Sarek Terani Good Vibes! Sarek Terani Seia Sinclair Good Vibes! Seia Sinclair Seph Darkmoon Good Vibes! Seph Darkmoon Severa Artorius Good Vibes! Severa Artorius Sir Snugglesworth Good Vibes! Sir Snugglesworth Sirin Darkmoon Good Vibes! Sirin Darkmoon Sky Drakion Good Vibes! Sky Drakion Sleipner Myrrh Good Vibes! Sleipner Myrrh Souffle Cupcake Good Vibes! Souffle Cupcake Stefi Cel'tare Good Vibes! Stefi Cel'tare Syurp Noir Good Vibes! Syurp Noir Taha Batabane Good Vibes! Taha Batabane Voryn Tenecor Good Vibes! Voryn Tenecor Yoyore Iori Good Vibes! Yoyore Iori Yumiko Yuuki Good Vibes! Yumiko Yuuki Zazli Fern Good Vibes! Zazli Fern Zeke Castiel Good Vibes! Zeke Castiel