
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Lucky Star Co.

Rank 30 Free Company "Lucky Star Co." was formed on and registered on with ID 9233505136016364956. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

メンバーは運が上がるぞ~ バイリンガルと世界中の人たちのフリーカンパニーです~★
Luck Stat increase for all members. Bilingual Multicultural Free Company.

Operates on Tonberry, Elemental, leaving tags "Lucky" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Lucky Star Palace" on plot 30 in ward 7 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Lucky Star Co. HQ
〒 いただきストリート

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
253 243 140
253 174 140
45 18 141
7 80 141
15 80 141
19 80 141
18 80 141
114 458 137
29 18 157
23 18 156
23 6 156
33 6 156
7 6 154
5 6 154
5 5 154
6 18 142
24 24 140
42 24 129
16 24 129
36 76 132
40 63 128
88 45 144
52 22 144
16 34 141
38 26 134
21 17 129

Current members:

Shihiko Star Master ( ・ω・)つ旦 Shihiko Star Aeolist Orateur Commander (-。-) Aeolist Orateur Haneul Hyeon'in Meister (´・ω・`) Haneul Hyeon'in Milktea Withpearls Gardener (^○^) Milktea Withpearls Starina Star  Starina Star Vivieria Mimmers Gatherer (o*) Vivieria Mimmers Celeste Sione Crafter Ψ(`∇´)Ψ Celeste Sione Nemasu Tempest Crafter Ψ(`∇´)Ψ Nemasu Tempest Beowulf Harklight Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Beowulf Harklight Dierk Rosencranz Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Dierk Rosencranz Hikami Aiko Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Hikami Aiko Jozzai Kabuski Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Jozzai Kabuski Neridia Neririncia Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Neridia Neririncia Purpurr Rhapsody Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Purpurr Rhapsody Toma Hawk Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Toma Hawk Tsukuyomi Crescent Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Tsukuyomi Crescent Yuzuki Hikari Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Yuzuki Hikari Zushin Ro Guardian★ヽ(°□°) Zushin Ro Aela Lunara Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Aela Lunara Asakura Annaa Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Asakura Annaa Dabbin' Taynos Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Dabbin' Taynos Iowa Jo Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Iowa Jo Light Rampant Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Light Rampant Lucresia Crescent Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Lucresia Crescent Mimoiath Mimmers Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Mimoiath Mimmers Mochi Sochi Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Mochi Sochi O'moj Boze Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) O'moj Boze Tenzen Taihaku Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Tenzen Taihaku Wind-up Lalafell Alt-Ego φ(・_・;) Wind-up Lalafell Aero Ttick Blackhole Aero Ttick Chael Tamerlaen Blackhole Chael Tamerlaen Dracian Tataris Blackhole Dracian Tataris Elaine Valoria Blackhole Elaine Valoria Friederike Branch Blackhole Friederike Branch Jade Cerulean Blackhole Jade Cerulean Juicy Lucy Blackhole Juicy Lucy Kit Lau Blackhole Kit Lau Lil Giggles Blackhole Lil Giggles Maazicus Arcanum Blackhole Maazicus Arcanum Maron Pafe Blackhole Maron Pafe Mavis Hart Blackhole Mavis Hart Meril Mint Blackhole Meril Mint Mutard Crotchslime Blackhole Mutard Crotchslime Myrrine Kleos Blackhole Myrrine Kleos Nana Sue Blackhole Nana Sue Oschamo Doff Blackhole Oschamo Doff Phlogisto Aethere Blackhole Phlogisto Aethere Salted Egg Blackhole Salted Egg Serena Love Blackhole Serena Love Tenzurk Todtentanz Blackhole Tenzurk Todtentanz Walfisch Telford Blackhole Walfisch Telford Alexandra Arkwright Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Alexandra Arkwright Alisa Rust Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Alisa Rust Anne Arkwright Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Anne Arkwright Apricoth Daenya Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Apricoth Daenya Asakura Yoh Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Asakura Yoh Captain Potato Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Captain Potato Debba Moon Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Debba Moon Dios Mio Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Dios Mio Fara Fafara Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Fara Fafara Guppi Gjohnson Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Guppi Gjohnson In Fiamma Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ In Fiamma Isel La'tanael Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Isel La'tanael J'ioh Tia Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ J'ioh Tia J'oni Onisdottir Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ J'oni Onisdottir Jo Jestari Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Jo Jestari Kayah Tempest Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Kayah Tempest Kiyoyo Kiyo Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Kiyoyo Kiyo Kurisu Rururisu Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Kurisu Rururisu Liras Mhar Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Liras Mhar Lizantus Aerentir Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Lizantus Aerentir Mairead Ateres Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Mairead Ateres Milk Resentment Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Milk Resentment Nopelet Whiteflour Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Nopelet Whiteflour Pocari Eisenhart Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Pocari Eisenhart Rabbit Mage Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Rabbit Mage Rei Kayoshi Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Rei Kayoshi Resona Kunagisa Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Resona Kunagisa Ringmer Gan Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Ringmer Gan Rislyei Issos Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Rislyei Issos T'riza Vi'lyria Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ T'riza Vi'lyria Trae'ka Lunara Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Trae'ka Lunara Yotsuyu Hasu Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Yotsuyu Hasu Z' Ra Lucky ★*\(^o^)/ Z' Ra A'rkero Gemingu New Star ☆*彡 A'rkero Gemingu Adalberht Adelbert New Star ☆*彡 Adalberht Adelbert Aira Neige New Star ☆*彡 Aira Neige Aiza Snow New Star ☆*彡 Aiza Snow Akarui Ariadust New Star ☆*彡 Akarui Ariadust Alissa Athane New Star ☆*彡 Alissa Athane Apricoth Deanya New Star ☆*彡 Apricoth Deanya Asura Potatoken New Star ☆*彡 Asura Potatoken Cali Cali New Star ☆*彡 Cali Cali Claire Valesco New Star ☆*彡 Claire Valesco Cleigne Sanguis New Star ☆*彡 Cleigne Sanguis Comfy Mage New Star ☆*彡 Comfy Mage Czarina Krad New Star ☆*彡 Czarina Krad Dax Albatros New Star ☆*彡 Dax Albatros Dean Helwikus New Star ☆*彡 Dean Helwikus Dororo Lightfoot New Star ☆*彡 Dororo Lightfoot Faldorn Bruhme New Star ☆*彡 Faldorn Bruhme Favor Adamah New Star ☆*彡 Favor Adamah Fran Ciotta New Star ☆*彡 Fran Ciotta Golden Viking New Star ☆*彡 Golden Viking Gundobald's Snitch New Star ☆*彡 Gundobald's Snitch Hilde Valkyrja New Star ☆*彡 Hilde Valkyrja James Rosewill New Star ☆*彡 James Rosewill John Mac New Star ☆*彡 John Mac Kahri Cella New Star ☆*彡 Kahri Cella Kare Chocolatar New Star ☆*彡 Kare Chocolatar Kin Lockheart New Star ☆*彡 Kin Lockheart Kouya Kabuski New Star ☆*彡 Kouya Kabuski Lil Nublet New Star ☆*彡 Lil Nublet Maimai Chan New Star ☆*彡 Maimai Chan Marcus Daenya New Star ☆*彡 Marcus Daenya Marquis Myobu New Star ☆*彡 Marquis Myobu Minm Tsinsim New Star ☆*彡 Minm Tsinsim Nandos Periperi New Star ☆*彡 Nandos Periperi Nayr Samoht New Star ☆*彡 Nayr Samoht Nemaya Florence New Star ☆*彡 Nemaya Florence Nostarik Star-seeker New Star ☆*彡 Nostarik Star-seeker Nu Itsuki New Star ☆*彡 Nu Itsuki Only Heals New Star ☆*彡 Only Heals Oyugun Rhapsody New Star ☆*彡 Oyugun Rhapsody Pyrrha Dve New Star ☆*彡 Pyrrha Dve Ripplet Whiteflour New Star ☆*彡 Ripplet Whiteflour S'hiromi Arrowny New Star ☆*彡 S'hiromi Arrowny Serpentine Fire New Star ☆*彡 Serpentine Fire Setsuna Sekai New Star ☆*彡 Setsuna Sekai Slaithe Sol New Star ☆*彡 Slaithe Sol Srdjan Fierjy New Star ☆*彡 Srdjan Fierjy Stars Inthesky New Star ☆*彡 Stars Inthesky Trevor Turkoman New Star ☆*彡 Trevor Turkoman Tris Black New Star ☆*彡 Tris Black Valon Mangoslicer New Star ☆*彡 Valon Mangoslicer Veriska Fromer New Star ☆*彡 Veriska Fromer Versalis Chartreux New Star ☆*彡 Versalis Chartreux Weiss Eiskonigin New Star ☆*彡 Weiss Eiskonigin Yuune Yuu New Star ☆*彡 Yuune Yuu Zero Onimatsu New Star ☆*彡 Zero Onimatsu