
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Homeless-Warrior" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233505136016419934. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

To the ends of the Horizon

Operates on Tonberry, Elemental, leaving tags ".Hobo" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named ".LIFE" on plot 58 in ward 16 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

NEVER SURRENDER! 諦めんな、譲られん、兎に角突っ走れ!

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • NO LIFE Pirates
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
489 436 109
388 401 110
365 401 110
232 421 110
114 210 114
197 475 112
224 475 103
441 475 104
471 475 104
423 447 103
208 99 112
136 99 112
125 86 112
103 86 112
66 71 114
83 94 96
445 182 77

Current members:

Mide Ugund 大本営 [Admiralty] Mide Ugund Freya Fannar 司令官[Commander] Freya Fannar Deus Astal 専門家[Specialist] Deus Astal Fere Honey 狩人[Huntmistress Fere Honey Bukidai Mankhad Lord Windfalls Bukidai Mankhad Silfrena Lucky 一等航海士 [1stMate] Silfrena Lucky Vanessa Zio 一等航海士 [1stMate] Vanessa Zio Harklein Livestrong 二等航海士 [2ndMate] Harklein Livestrong Master Of-kek 二等航海士 [2ndMate] Master Of-kek Naomi Light 二等航海士 [2ndMate] Naomi Light Aelron Storm 需品 [QtrMaster] Aelron Storm Klaus Sunstrider 需品 [QtrMaster] Klaus Sunstrider Musashi Kami 需品 [QtrMaster] Musashi Kami Nimu Lucky 需品 [QtrMaster] Nimu Lucky Reiya Miyamoto 需品 [QtrMaster] Reiya Miyamoto Sir Lancastrian 需品 [QtrMaster] Sir Lancastrian Xyrald Wei-jey 需品 [QtrMaster] Xyrald Wei-jey Aedan Martell ボースン[Boatswain] Aedan Martell Aibekk Bronn ボースン[Boatswain] Aibekk Bronn Azumar Vega ボースン[Boatswain] Azumar Vega Kaelira Bellweather ボースン[Boatswain] Kaelira Bellweather Layne Lenori ボースン[Boatswain] Layne Lenori Myr Tyrex ボースン[Boatswain] Myr Tyrex Popoyo Momoyo ボースン[Boatswain] Popoyo Momoyo Vindict Lawless ボースン[Boatswain] Vindict Lawless Acchan Xia セーラー [Sailor] Acchan Xia Alise Reinhart セーラー [Sailor] Alise Reinhart Archangel Beast セーラー [Sailor] Archangel Beast Bleuhorizon Ishere セーラー [Sailor] Bleuhorizon Ishere Carnilas Iavas セーラー [Sailor] Carnilas Iavas Catface Mcwhisker セーラー [Sailor] Catface Mcwhisker Chano Jacobs セーラー [Sailor] Chano Jacobs Craban Magady セーラー [Sailor] Craban Magady Crimson Lockwood セーラー [Sailor] Crimson Lockwood Drgn King セーラー [Sailor] Drgn King Feilura Aifeilegein セーラー [Sailor] Feilura Aifeilegein Goku Sun セーラー [Sailor] Goku Sun Jade Ixora セーラー [Sailor] Jade Ixora Kuzarin Kaiga セーラー [Sailor] Kuzarin Kaiga Little Kng セーラー [Sailor] Little Kng Lord Jupiter セーラー [Sailor] Lord Jupiter Luna Spacebbq セーラー [Sailor] Luna Spacebbq Micah Nephalem セーラー [Sailor] Micah Nephalem Morte Kane セーラー [Sailor] Morte Kane Oreo Donuts セーラー [Sailor] Oreo Donuts Pika Chu セーラー [Sailor] Pika Chu Red Reduction セーラー [Sailor] Red Reduction Ryrvir Blazeshaper セーラー [Sailor] Ryrvir Blazeshaper Sanura Arunas セーラー [Sailor] Sanura Arunas Scarlet Black セーラー [Sailor] Scarlet Black Sion Leal セーラー [Sailor] Sion Leal Sleepy Ab セーラー [Sailor] Sleepy Ab Takahashi Misaki セーラー [Sailor] Takahashi Misaki U'wu Ohmoh セーラー [Sailor] U'wu Ohmoh Za'era Zedalots セーラー [Sailor] Za'era Zedalots Zaelun'a Vaire セーラー [Sailor] Zaelun'a Vaire Acse Flair 船員 [Deckhands] Acse Flair Azu Serentine 船員 [Deckhands] Azu Serentine Champion Putt 船員 [Deckhands] Champion Putt Code Fi've 船員 [Deckhands] Code Fi've Daadult Letsgoooo 船員 [Deckhands] Daadult Letsgoooo Dee Piddy 船員 [Deckhands] Dee Piddy Dee Xyden 船員 [Deckhands] Dee Xyden Donnovan Warhammer 船員 [Deckhands] Donnovan Warhammer Ecnelis Kekmeister 船員 [Deckhands] Ecnelis Kekmeister Faux Vycsel 船員 [Deckhands] Faux Vycsel Final Hope 船員 [Deckhands] Final Hope Gatts Maataea 船員 [Deckhands] Gatts Maataea Ice Qx 船員 [Deckhands] Ice Qx Ichimoku Rin 船員 [Deckhands] Ichimoku Rin Jedi Belle 船員 [Deckhands] Jedi Belle Jedicat Aamir 船員 [Deckhands] Jedicat Aamir Jiraishuu Ahoy 船員 [Deckhands] Jiraishuu Ahoy Kellik Hellion 船員 [Deckhands] Kellik Hellion Kitteh Mctitteh 船員 [Deckhands] Kitteh Mctitteh Kopral Jono 船員 [Deckhands] Kopral Jono Lambard Frostwyght 船員 [Deckhands] Lambard Frostwyght Lianna Realta 船員 [Deckhands] Lianna Realta Lilith Fryevia 船員 [Deckhands] Lilith Fryevia Lord Thundorian 船員 [Deckhands] Lord Thundorian Maddeliene Cat 船員 [Deckhands] Maddeliene Cat Midgard Svonsvield 船員 [Deckhands] Midgard Svonsvield Miyuki Rie 船員 [Deckhands] Miyuki Rie Mr Baiter 船員 [Deckhands] Mr Baiter Nenavist Onitsuki 船員 [Deckhands] Nenavist Onitsuki Nikich Rofler 船員 [Deckhands] Nikich Rofler Nunura Nuage 船員 [Deckhands] Nunura Nuage Oros Nithe 船員 [Deckhands] Oros Nithe Phantom Hearts 船員 [Deckhands] Phantom Hearts Ravann Rayut 船員 [Deckhands] Ravann Rayut Raving Rabid 船員 [Deckhands] Raving Rabid Rianisa Valentina 船員 [Deckhands] Rianisa Valentina Rick Lapize 船員 [Deckhands] Rick Lapize Rori Mercury 船員 [Deckhands] Rori Mercury Shana Fates 船員 [Deckhands] Shana Fates Somia Jay 船員 [Deckhands] Somia Jay Supqt Gee 船員 [Deckhands] Supqt Gee Vajay Jay 船員 [Deckhands] Vajay Jay Valkyrie Bloodfury 船員 [Deckhands] Valkyrie Bloodfury Velara Thori'dal 船員 [Deckhands] Velara Thori'dal Venuous Ashford 船員 [Deckhands] Venuous Ashford Veritison Morningstar 船員 [Deckhands] Veritison Morningstar Voxx Yorac 船員 [Deckhands] Voxx Yorac Vulpiana Moonwood 船員 [Deckhands] Vulpiana Moonwood Waddle Dee 船員 [Deckhands] Waddle Dee Watarujonn Lok 船員 [Deckhands] Watarujonn Lok Xillios Estrial 船員 [Deckhands] Xillios Estrial Yisu Qatun 船員 [Deckhands] Yisu Qatun Yurep Kitile 船員 [Deckhands] Yurep Kitile