
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Argentum Bloom

Rank 30 Free Company "Argentum Bloom" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233645873504833365. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Let's grow together ♥ We have a discord, too!
A mature community just looking to have a good time~

Operates on Adamantoise, Aether, leaving tags "Bloom" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "'The Painted Lady'" on plot 15 in ward 26 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Pray, return to 'The Painted Lady'

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Nympha Morpho
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
47 152 83
208 163 83
307 338 81
67 70 106
84 70 109
128 130 126
179 130 126
71 38 115
71 28 114
56 28 115
30 28 121
28 28 119
28 34 124
24 28 122
63 47 110

Current members:

Celerith Brightstar Monarch Celerith Brightstar Braela Orphus Leader Braela Orphus Jacqueline Brightstar Leader Jacqueline Brightstar Reina Au'ra Leader Reina Au'ra Sathael Brightstar Leader Sathael Brightstar Yeet Biggly Leader Yeet Biggly Annie Malek Bloom Annie Malek Aria Sato Bloom Aria Sato Arturias Faulkner Bloom Arturias Faulkner Damaina O'kat Bloom Damaina O'kat Dawn Theodd Bloom Dawn Theodd Eyhaswys Hollhyrtwyn Bloom Eyhaswys Hollhyrtwyn Lil'ms Thunda'thighs Bloom Lil'ms Thunda'thighs Ma'ali'aka Mcfistee Bloom Ma'ali'aka Mcfistee Mama Prime Bloom Mama Prime Nixi Sinclair Bloom Nixi Sinclair Rengoku Ichigo Bloom Rengoku Ichigo Ruby Auriel Bloom Ruby Auriel Skum Licious Bloom Skum Licious Snikekt Blightfur Bloom Snikekt Blightfur Sonja Redblade Bloom Sonja Redblade Zaya Malaguld Bloom Zaya Malaguld Arik Olkund Alt Arik Olkund Bibi Banini Alt Bibi Banini Dwaynetherock Johnson Alt Dwaynetherock Johnson Karnak Vantrider Alt Karnak Vantrider Reyna Blackstone Alt Reyna Blackstone Shepard Commander Alt Shepard Commander Sredna Anders Alt Sredna Anders Sylvia Aishe Alt Sylvia Aishe Timothee Chalamete Alt Timothee Chalamete Wind-up Jack Alt Wind-up Jack Ahri Sabre Flower Ahri Sabre Aka'ya Xacsi Flower Aka'ya Xacsi Anders Sredna Flower Anders Sredna Asmir Amarya Flower Asmir Amarya Bahktosh Redclaw Flower Bahktosh Redclaw Blanche Leporidae Flower Blanche Leporidae Bolin Sukashii Flower Bolin Sukashii Coconut Caramel Flower Coconut Caramel Edite Darkmoon Flower Edite Darkmoon Froh Teloss Flower Froh Teloss I'zimizi Khah Flower I'zimizi Khah Jess Victorix Flower Jess Victorix Koi Mishin Flower Koi Mishin Lucky Grimrose Flower Lucky Grimrose Meni Kodrhi Flower Meni Kodrhi Ohri Tasqot Flower Ohri Tasqot Purple Everfrost Flower Purple Everfrost Rauffe Belmont Flower Rauffe Belmont Ray Venn Flower Ray Venn Rey Noodles Flower Rey Noodles Sylvia Etoile Flower Sylvia Etoile Tomori Ichika Flower Tomori Ichika Yuki Sakai Flower Yuki Sakai Yvelont Supaux Flower Yvelont Supaux Aqua Skxawng Seedling Aqua Skxawng Aravis Sivara Seedling Aravis Sivara Aurura Victorix Seedling Aurura Victorix Awoken Dragon Seedling Awoken Dragon Ducky Decoy Seedling Ducky Decoy Einon Sseir Seedling Einon Sseir Father Leechs Seedling Father Leechs Haha Haha Seedling Haha Haha Heavenly Strike Seedling Heavenly Strike Holly-jolly Xmas Seedling Holly-jolly Xmas Jake Pauler Seedling Jake Pauler Johnimus Prime Seedling Johnimus Prime Kana Tomi Seedling Kana Tomi Koko Urumet Seedling Koko Urumet Lady Kanroji Seedling Lady Kanroji Lead Soprano Seedling Lead Soprano Liquid Smooth Seedling Liquid Smooth Lumine Trevy Seedling Lumine Trevy Miu Mishin Seedling Miu Mishin Nicholas Catwood Seedling Nicholas Catwood Puten Arcanum Seedling Puten Arcanum R'reyo Tia Seedling R'reyo Tia Ryzom Isgud Seedling Ryzom Isgud Sara Jackson Seedling Sara Jackson Savanah Kalin Seedling Savanah Kalin Talon Tamzin Seedling Talon Tamzin Theo Deimos Seedling Theo Deimos