
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "PandemoniuM" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233645873504837942. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Whats the best way to describe our fc? Complete PandemoniuM! Get in here and join the chaos! :) Regular Glam contests, Raiding, Maps, Hide n Seek!

Operates on Adamantoise, Aether, leaving tags "Panic" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder.

Has this message on its plot placard:

get in here and join the chaos!!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
177 124 130
192 164 125
205 243 127
100 243 168
39 59 148
45 71 147
151 71 126
63 44 126
29 24 117
38 24 112
22 24 109

Current members:

Aurum Rex FC Master Aurum Rex Zeena Vheo Pro Emet Simp Zeena Vheo Haldir Lothlorein Lead Officer Haldir Lothlorein Moonshot Starleer Lead Officer Moonshot Starleer Ceras Dazkar Mentor Ceras Dazkar Corbin Bragg Mentor Corbin Bragg Gilgex Gravitas Mentor Gilgex Gravitas James Delenher Mentor James Delenher Katia Managan Mentor Katia Managan Lucien Snowsong Mentor Lucien Snowsong Odette Lothlorein Mentor Odette Lothlorein Sarnai Himaa Mentor Sarnai Himaa Yuki Tamashi Mentor Yuki Tamashi Ashuar Blackthorn Officer Ashuar Blackthorn Desmond Grey Officer Desmond Grey Elysia Ejinn Officer Elysia Ejinn Mcds-icecream Machine Officer Mcds-icecream Machine Megumi Yamadera Officer Megumi Yamadera Monkey Law Officer Monkey Law Pinjia Storm Officer Pinjia Storm Silver Buns Officer Silver Buns Skydin Starleer Officer Skydin Starleer Sora Nightwyn Officer Sora Nightwyn Tyo Fordham Officer Tyo Fordham Zakfrin Aster Officer Zakfrin Aster Actual Frog Recruit Actual Frog Aeox Raen Recruit Aeox Raen Ahldanka Eyridaegsyn Recruit Ahldanka Eyridaegsyn Ahri Laqi Recruit Ahri Laqi Akitar Oshava Recruit Akitar Oshava Allyrru Bigglesdale Recruit Allyrru Bigglesdale Amelia Delenher Recruit Amelia Delenher Annuit Coeptis Recruit Annuit Coeptis Appropriate Name Recruit Appropriate Name Aruna Nox Recruit Aruna Nox Ashlyn Lavorre Recruit Ashlyn Lavorre Ashvinder Grey Recruit Ashvinder Grey Bennet Alistair Recruit Bennet Alistair Big Meech Recruit Big Meech Bionic Mureen Recruit Bionic Mureen Bounty-hunter Lani Recruit Bounty-hunter Lani Brace Cronus Recruit Brace Cronus Bret Zuke Recruit Bret Zuke Byregot Armorsmith Recruit Byregot Armorsmith Camilla Thorne Recruit Camilla Thorne Cyrus Softmire Recruit Cyrus Softmire Daniel Kappa Recruit Daniel Kappa Dante Ghoulsuke Recruit Dante Ghoulsuke Dienma Hel Recruit Dienma Hel Donna Martelli Recruit Donna Martelli Dr Zeus Recruit Dr Zeus Elnora Stone Recruit Elnora Stone Ethereal Sinner Recruit Ethereal Sinner Etu Kato Recruit Etu Kato Evelyn Moon Recruit Evelyn Moon Faye Valentinee Recruit Faye Valentinee Fortia Everfall Recruit Fortia Everfall Gei Borugu Recruit Gei Borugu Geminia Autum Recruit Geminia Autum Gingy Oshava Recruit Gingy Oshava Gobant Jenson Recruit Gobant Jenson Gummy Worm Recruit Gummy Worm H'elaina Shikhu Recruit H'elaina Shikhu Haeyun Jinseu Recruit Haeyun Jinseu Han Lee Recruit Han Lee Harkon Ironhide Recruit Harkon Ironhide Hashin Wheeler' Recruit Hashin Wheeler' Herald Achilles Recruit Herald Achilles Holdredge Godfist Recruit Holdredge Godfist Javen Barristan Recruit Javen Barristan Jay Oune Recruit Jay Oune Kadara La'voix Recruit Kadara La'voix Kaiserblade Karl Recruit Kaiserblade Karl Kalnak Runesgard Recruit Kalnak Runesgard Khabel Beckstrom Recruit Khabel Beckstrom Kimiko Miku Recruit Kimiko Miku Kiria Akigane Recruit Kiria Akigane Kobo Stormcrow Recruit Kobo Stormcrow Kope Acetic Recruit Kope Acetic Kurat Deathhollow Recruit Kurat Deathhollow Kya Kune Recruit Kya Kune Kyomei Jade Recruit Kyomei Jade Kyureto Highwind Recruit Kyureto Highwind Lionus Grimfur Recruit Lionus Grimfur Ljot Bysnoe Recruit Ljot Bysnoe Log Ride Recruit Log Ride Lux Nuggie Recruit Lux Nuggie Luxina Yew Recruit Luxina Yew Lynn Hazzeld Recruit Lynn Hazzeld Mainfroi Merci Recruit Mainfroi Merci Maureet Stellapucelle Recruit Maureet Stellapucelle Melvar Agnes Recruit Melvar Agnes Misuzu Kusakabe Recruit Misuzu Kusakabe Mitori Kitty Recruit Mitori Kitty Momogu Mogu Recruit Momogu Mogu Myrialuna Shaalvathir Recruit Myrialuna Shaalvathir Nalani Kaiyo Recruit Nalani Kaiyo Naomi Holley Recruit Naomi Holley Naya Saria Recruit Naya Saria Niavfe Sarash Recruit Niavfe Sarash Niko Bolas Recruit Niko Bolas Nostalgic Bluemage Recruit Nostalgic Bluemage Nyx Val-xi Recruit Nyx Val-xi Raven Hellborne Recruit Raven Hellborne Rhainny Dayz Recruit Rhainny Dayz Rolan Decker Recruit Rolan Decker Sahja Ganajai Recruit Sahja Ganajai Serenity Yukina Recruit Serenity Yukina Shadow Guy Recruit Shadow Guy Silverwolf Roselei Recruit Silverwolf Roselei Spencer Aulton Recruit Spencer Aulton Sylvi Angelis Recruit Sylvi Angelis Tacobell Geyser Recruit Tacobell Geyser Thuggg Shaker Recruit Thuggg Shaker Tinley Fianne Recruit Tinley Fianne Tiste Liosan Recruit Tiste Liosan Tomie Kawakamii Recruit Tomie Kawakamii Tyr Kamakura Recruit Tyr Kamakura Waken Baken Recruit Waken Baken Wilgrimoix Bartund Recruit Wilgrimoix Bartund Yukimura Matross Recruit Yukimura Matross Zeolia Lunaris Recruit Zeolia Lunaris Ziero Undersky Recruit Ziero Undersky Zion Lyonheart Recruit Zion Lyonheart Zucchini Noodle Recruit Zucchini Noodle