
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Onee-chan" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233645873504840290. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Hello there! Let's have fun together :) We are recruiting players of all
experience levels with an aim to help out sprouts and returning adventurers!

Operates on Adamantoise, Aether, leaving tags "uwu" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Mi casa es tu casa" on plot 30 in ward 23 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Onee-chan's place! We love to help out new and returning adventurers of all kinds. Thea Waeth decorated our interior - you shoud see it!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
229 257 167
291 486 167
273 486 167
245 486 167
20 21 139
36 18 129
8 18 117
14 26 109

Current members:

Midnalot Twilight Onee-chan Midnalot Twilight Pierce Fleshbat Hisho (Jr.Ofcr) Pierce Fleshbat A'strah Tia Karigicho A'strah Tia Yomnee Bibo Goodest Gorl Yomnee Bibo Ink'a Goot Senpai Ink'a Goot Nefesha Mazzakim Senpai Nefesha Mazzakim Althaia Waeth Onii-chan Althaia Waeth Merrick Waeth Onii-chan Merrick Waeth Kanra Tanaka Gakkyu Iin Kanra Tanaka Leonhaer Kaine Gakkyu Iin Leonhaer Kaine Aylerin Caiven Kouhai (They) Aylerin Caiven Claire Ferryman Kouhai (They) Claire Ferryman Ectox Lights Kouhai (They) Ectox Lights Erina Saya Kouhai (They) Erina Saya Noodle Arms Kouhai (They) Noodle Arms Pren Caiven Kouhai (They) Pren Caiven Althea Kementari Aneue (She/Her) Althea Kementari Ambersun Anor'aran Aneue (She/Her) Ambersun Anor'aran Archer Super Aneue (She/Her) Archer Super Azaroth Rex Aneue (She/Her) Azaroth Rex Etro Slayer Aneue (She/Her) Etro Slayer Hot Cheeto Aneue (She/Her) Hot Cheeto Issa Rat Aneue (She/Her) Issa Rat Kazuma Kuwuabara Aneue (She/Her) Kazuma Kuwuabara Khalja Dazkar Aneue (She/Her) Khalja Dazkar Kristeva Brynhildr Aneue (She/Her) Kristeva Brynhildr Leeloo Dartrose Aneue (She/Her) Leeloo Dartrose Mai Melody Aneue (She/Her) Mai Melody Maple Miz Aneue (She/Her) Maple Miz Mario Sucks Aneue (She/Her) Mario Sucks Melo Via Aneue (She/Her) Melo Via Nahagliiv Vulthuryol Aneue (She/Her) Nahagliiv Vulthuryol Namira Takayama Aneue (She/Her) Namira Takayama Pink Peppa Aneue (She/Her) Pink Peppa Popoi Kantoo Aneue (She/Her) Popoi Kantoo Poru Pyon Aneue (She/Her) Poru Pyon Saige Aurora Aneue (She/Her) Saige Aurora Shiro Uzumaki Aneue (She/Her) Shiro Uzumaki Widda Gigante Aneue (She/Her) Widda Gigante Yuri Carlton Aneue (She/Her) Yuri Carlton Andaer Anor'aran Sprout Andaer Anor'aran Arfal Dugmore Sprout Arfal Dugmore Asmodeon Mazzakim Sprout Asmodeon Mazzakim Avereee Scaliebutt Sprout Avereee Scaliebutt Bachir Kushi Sprout Bachir Kushi Cats House Sprout Cats House Choco Cuplord Sprout Choco Cuplord Closer Thieve Sprout Closer Thieve Cth Uwu Sprout Cth Uwu Damndokkah Ttv Sprout Damndokkah Ttv Ecto Clove Sprout Ecto Clove Ekko Chronos Sprout Ekko Chronos Elise Collier Sprout Elise Collier Elward Sirrick Sprout Elward Sirrick Happy Ha Sprout Happy Ha Heal Sloot Sprout Heal Sloot Henya Hooter Sprout Henya Hooter Jaakko Gram Sprout Jaakko Gram Katnip Evermeow Sprout Katnip Evermeow Kenshin Himora Sprout Kenshin Himora Kinara Roda Sprout Kinara Roda L'ice Snow Sprout L'ice Snow Lavinya Aethryil Sprout Lavinya Aethryil Lord Strife Sprout Lord Strife Lorilae Qoet Sprout Lorilae Qoet Luna Evalina Sprout Luna Evalina Mage Tok Sprout Mage Tok Mana Yoshimura Sprout Mana Yoshimura Masatsuchi Akiudo Sprout Masatsuchi Akiudo Misago Sayuri Sprout Misago Sayuri Nemo Emobit Sprout Nemo Emobit Nxkil Lionheart Sprout Nxkil Lionheart Pacu Shidomi Sprout Pacu Shidomi Paxin Maxum Sprout Paxin Maxum Phara Softwind Sprout Phara Softwind Phoenix Leo Sprout Phoenix Leo Pivy Yoshimura Sprout Pivy Yoshimura Raphael Sothis Sprout Raphael Sothis Rhaq'a Garan Sprout Rhaq'a Garan Richard Caiven Sprout Richard Caiven Sage Tealeaf Sprout Sage Tealeaf Shea Nagumo Sprout Shea Nagumo Soggy Waffle Sprout Soggy Waffle Sophie Asano Sprout Sophie Asano Taayter Totts Sprout Taayter Totts Tae Sunh Sprout Tae Sunh Verad Cryo Sprout Verad Cryo Xerro Siphen Sprout Xerro Siphen Ankil Marris Aniue (He/him) Ankil Marris Aron Shield Aniue (He/him) Aron Shield Ash Tia Aniue (He/him) Ash Tia Ashrit Baras Aniue (He/him) Ashrit Baras Barthelon Leonix Aniue (He/him) Barthelon Leonix Bebeby Ono Aniue (He/him) Bebeby Ono Cain Dakule Aniue (He/him) Cain Dakule Callin Renfall Aniue (He/him) Callin Renfall Cheese Rage Aniue (He/him) Cheese Rage Chungus Mungus Aniue (He/him) Chungus Mungus Crimson Bloodbane Aniue (He/him) Crimson Bloodbane Curators Dream Aniue (He/him) Curators Dream Curgan Aries Aniue (He/him) Curgan Aries Dalyn Monarch Aniue (He/him) Dalyn Monarch Darth Carnage Aniue (He/him) Darth Carnage Dixie Venom Aniue (He/him) Dixie Venom Dox Mylan Aniue (He/him) Dox Mylan Elrohir Roversun Aniue (He/him) Elrohir Roversun Fatal Flaww Aniue (He/him) Fatal Flaww Felix Lawrence Aniue (He/him) Felix Lawrence Fodith Iyashi Aniue (He/him) Fodith Iyashi Goro Kha Aniue (He/him) Goro Kha Graham Bell Aniue (He/him) Graham Bell Gus Diamonds Aniue (He/him) Gus Diamonds Haagenti Demios Aniue (He/him) Haagenti Demios Hanzo Kementari Aniue (He/him) Hanzo Kementari Haru Bajhiri Aniue (He/him) Haru Bajhiri Jenna Haze Aniue (He/him) Jenna Haze Josh Beaukell Aniue (He/him) Josh Beaukell Jurian-poru Yamikage Aniue (He/him) Jurian-poru Yamikage K'kathy Jinh Aniue (He/him) K'kathy Jinh Kaien Yatsurugi Aniue (He/him) Kaien Yatsurugi Kaladin Stormguard Aniue (He/him) Kaladin Stormguard Katherine Gunther Aniue (He/him) Katherine Gunther Keep Smiling Aniue (He/him) Keep Smiling Kuro Shio Aniue (He/him) Kuro Shio Laeodrin Sunsprinter Aniue (He/him) Laeodrin Sunsprinter Lunar Presence Aniue (He/him) Lunar Presence Lunverviv Alfsey Aniue (He/him) Lunverviv Alfsey Lyric Memenen Aniue (He/him) Lyric Memenen Maahes Elsayed Aniue (He/him) Maahes Elsayed Master Kush Aniue (He/him) Master Kush Mechcanical- Love Aniue (He/him) Mechcanical- Love Milo Hanzo Aniue (He/him) Milo Hanzo Mishrah Moshroca Aniue (He/him) Mishrah Moshroca Moon Presence Aniue (He/him) Moon Presence Nitsew Sregor Aniue (He/him) Nitsew Sregor Nylyn Tundura Aniue (He/him) Nylyn Tundura Oboroi Mac Aniue (He/him) Oboroi Mac Papadomi Shishidomi Aniue (He/him) Papadomi Shishidomi Pime Fury Aniue (He/him) Pime Fury Raziel Fierlaine Aniue (He/him) Raziel Fierlaine Ren Ishikawa Aniue (He/him) Ren Ishikawa Rey Dragao Aniue (He/him) Rey Dragao Reyna Teary Aniue (He/him) Reyna Teary Riichard Rahl Aniue (He/him) Riichard Rahl Seralynn Hellfury Aniue (He/him) Seralynn Hellfury Sin Khan Aniue (He/him) Sin Khan Sleezus Thesinful Aniue (He/him) Sleezus Thesinful Slippery Noodles Aniue (He/him) Slippery Noodles Smol Hashim Aniue (He/him) Smol Hashim Spice Addict Aniue (He/him) Spice Addict Sriracha Sama Aniue (He/him) Sriracha Sama Suwa Sakura Aniue (He/him) Suwa Sakura Than Ooosssss Aniue (He/him) Than Ooosssss Tim Wabbit Aniue (He/him) Tim Wabbit Tiny Fleshbat Aniue (He/him) Tiny Fleshbat Trebor Mac Aniue (He/him) Trebor Mac Valentyne Desh Aniue (He/him) Valentyne Desh Veila Vixeni Aniue (He/him) Veila Vixeni Wakana Date Aniue (He/him) Wakana Date War Hammer Aniue (He/him) War Hammer Wascally Wabit Aniue (He/him) Wascally Wabit Yagjada Adrada Aniue (He/him) Yagjada Adrada Zaras Alwun Aniue (He/him) Zaras Alwun Zarella Mac Aniue (He/him) Zarella Mac Zayn Farron Aniue (He/him) Zayn Farron