
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Frist Trading Co.

Rank 30 Free Company "Frist Trading Co." was formed on and registered on with ID 9233786610993104604. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:


Operates on Coeurl, Crystal, leaving tags "FTC" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Kupo Tavern" on plot 37 in ward 15 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the tavern and guild hall of the Frist Trading Company! Come in to conduct business, drink, socialize and be merry!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
273 254 107
461 472 106
123 191 107
114 191 107
178 191 107
333 292 104
262 292 102
345 155 87
319 155 87
319 181 87
159 181 87
190 181 87
190 224 87
329 197 84
121 191 84
267 191 84
178 191 84
230 191 84
311 236 81
269 392 80
254 398 110

Current members:

Serra Frist Guildmaster Serra Frist Allania Frist Master Allania Frist Lon Frist Master Lon Frist Azure Pixie Artisan Azure Pixie Keira Lystral Artisan Keira Lystral Marit Lage Artisan Marit Lage Icarus Ryuga Initiate Icarus Ryuga Kalec Crimsonfist Initiate Kalec Crimsonfist Ricky Ray Initiate Ricky Ray Serena Cobber Initiate Serena Cobber Altani Miral Specialist Altani Miral Jyusta Myuel Specialist Jyusta Myuel Khylsae Gaalin Specialist Khylsae Gaalin Prunus Serrulata Specialist Prunus Serrulata Urza Planeswalker Specialist Urza Planeswalker Cirion Cynin Novice Cirion Cynin Eleanor Brienne Novice Eleanor Brienne Haineko Bankai Novice Haineko Bankai Harlene Quinnzelle Novice Harlene Quinnzelle Illia Oren Novice Illia Oren Joey Bean Novice Joey Bean Kohboy Greenhardt Novice Kohboy Greenhardt Kveldulfr Mak'rova Novice Kveldulfr Mak'rova Nate Foxborough Novice Nate Foxborough Rowen Arboreneux Novice Rowen Arboreneux Saphiria Dreamweaver Novice Saphiria Dreamweaver Athena Kowka Amateur Athena Kowka Donorito Smith Amateur Donorito Smith Fraxinus Lanuginosa Amateur Fraxinus Lanuginosa Lynx Lightner Amateur Lynx Lightner Moonbeam Fields Amateur Moonbeam Fields Morloch Taralom Amateur Morloch Taralom Neko Jade Amateur Neko Jade Proditus Beoulve Amateur Proditus Beoulve Sulli O'silver Amateur Sulli O'silver Teru Mikami Amateur Teru Mikami Yamato King Amateur Yamato King Aurelia Knight Apprentice Aurelia Knight Bael Namor Apprentice Bael Namor Calonos Steelhands Apprentice Calonos Steelhands Crim Highwind Apprentice Crim Highwind Dart Felld Apprentice Dart Felld Dodge Challenger Apprentice Dodge Challenger Eidorian Iriamuzu Apprentice Eidorian Iriamuzu Fahe Shikhu Apprentice Fahe Shikhu Groot Raen Apprentice Groot Raen Hyo Soleis Apprentice Hyo Soleis Jyn Horntail Apprentice Jyn Horntail Kronos Umbra Apprentice Kronos Umbra L'koliwe Niasaga Apprentice L'koliwe Niasaga Leo Pilferson Apprentice Leo Pilferson Mal Faeles Apprentice Mal Faeles Mighty Tirade Apprentice Mighty Tirade Modoka Storms Apprentice Modoka Storms Monroe Wolfsangel Apprentice Monroe Wolfsangel Red Littledragon Apprentice Red Littledragon Rei Miyazaki Apprentice Rei Miyazaki Saphirius Nachthexen Apprentice Saphirius Nachthexen Vngsursh Nachthexen Apprentice Vngsursh Nachthexen Yune Hanesaki Apprentice Yune Hanesaki Aldain Surese Journeyman Aldain Surese Alisaie Lux Journeyman Alisaie Lux Alrekes Brikal Journeyman Alrekes Brikal Asura Godfist Journeyman Asura Godfist Aurial Moonsong Journeyman Aurial Moonsong Bael Frist Journeyman Bael Frist Baka Shura Journeyman Baka Shura Balh Cinder Journeyman Balh Cinder Beefy Might Journeyman Beefy Might Cemi Molkot Journeyman Cemi Molkot Colombian Arab Journeyman Colombian Arab Cuprous Addock Journeyman Cuprous Addock Dark Waters Journeyman Dark Waters Esta Ro'sa Journeyman Esta Ro'sa Evelyne Serentique Journeyman Evelyne Serentique Giovanni Parker Journeyman Giovanni Parker Grey Kitsune Journeyman Grey Kitsune Hexas Hexagon Journeyman Hexas Hexagon Ithil Scarlet Journeyman Ithil Scarlet Jho Suahe Journeyman Jho Suahe Khan Miyamoto Journeyman Khan Miyamoto Kianna Kisswillis Journeyman Kianna Kisswillis Kitty Rainbow Journeyman Kitty Rainbow Lazaru Beamu Journeyman Lazaru Beamu Lechon Carne Journeyman Lechon Carne Lewdgig Uchiha Journeyman Lewdgig Uchiha Lisette Delphina Journeyman Lisette Delphina Liyo Miyo Journeyman Liyo Miyo Luna Beast Journeyman Luna Beast Lyse Adylecia Journeyman Lyse Adylecia Moon Tree Journeyman Moon Tree Mox Bunny Journeyman Mox Bunny Nail Nandaba Journeyman Nail Nandaba Napoleon Bonappetit Journeyman Napoleon Bonappetit Pabu Raava Journeyman Pabu Raava Rayne Highwind Journeyman Rayne Highwind Rei Solari Journeyman Rei Solari Ruhia Erezai Journeyman Ruhia Erezai Rylen Snow Journeyman Rylen Snow Saber Piddles Journeyman Saber Piddles Salubri Shadowsong Journeyman Salubri Shadowsong Tiny Kitsune Journeyman Tiny Kitsune Urza Kerrick Journeyman Urza Kerrick Xena Addock Journeyman Xena Addock Yugon Git'hert Journeyman Yugon Git'hert Zan Frist Journeyman Zan Frist Zeton Dextris Journeyman Zeton Dextris