
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Electric Moogaloo

Rank 30 Free Company "Electric Moogaloo" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233786610993149112. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Just friends being friendly

Operates on Coeurl, Crystal, leaving tags "Break" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder.

Has this message on its plot placard:

How 'bout this weather?

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
462 316 110
155 333 108
195 165 52
136 165 52
117 175 53
107 112 23
181 112 19

Current members:

Oz Croire Cat Daddy Oz Croire Woodlin Deschain Brofu Woodlin Deschain Kal Regaar KeeperOfCatnip Kal Regaar Seren Itri Housing Items Seren Itri Lunia Star NaldThal Trader Lunia Star Udyr Lyehga NaldThal Trader Udyr Lyehga Jamei Lightbringer Rhalgr Breaker Jamei Lightbringer Kai Waiver Rhalgr Breaker Kai Waiver Fexmo Dumas Recruit Fexmo Dumas Juniper Arcane Recruit Juniper Arcane N'atasha Voltaire Recruit N'atasha Voltaire Avery Eremia Althyk Keeper Avery Eremia Baelgrun Virtaus Althyk Keeper Baelgrun Virtaus Kitty Savage Althyk Keeper Kitty Savage Dulcid Nvrhadn Nophica Sprout Dulcid Nvrhadn Philocypher Napier Nophica Sprout Philocypher Napier Khada Ular Thaliak Scholar Khada Ular Magitrek Infernorum Thaliak Scholar Magitrek Infernorum Sweet Disposition Thaliak Scholar Sweet Disposition Kame Ra Nymeia Fortune Kame Ra Lucia Star Nymeia Fortune Lucia Star Oda Suzuki Nymeia Fortune Oda Suzuki Rei Sweets Nymeia Fortune Rei Sweets Arkanaut Lothaire Azeyma Spark Arkanaut Lothaire Illithera Illidari Azeyma Spark Illithera Illidari Mazzie Meraki Azeyma Spark Mazzie Meraki Yawa Rakai Azeyma Spark Yawa Rakai Activelythinkin Dumb Afk 4 a hot sec Activelythinkin Dumb Aestheticgod Ttv Afk 4 a hot sec Aestheticgod Ttv Airi Kamahashi Afk 4 a hot sec Airi Kamahashi Alexandria Moonchild Afk 4 a hot sec Alexandria Moonchild Allie Winters Afk 4 a hot sec Allie Winters Aria Lothaire Afk 4 a hot sec Aria Lothaire Athael Obron Afk 4 a hot sec Athael Obron Atlantis Fallen Afk 4 a hot sec Atlantis Fallen Aziza Sanura Afk 4 a hot sec Aziza Sanura Bakaa San Afk 4 a hot sec Bakaa San Borno Urzhai Afk 4 a hot sec Borno Urzhai Cadet Envi Afk 4 a hot sec Cadet Envi Cherry Bruh Afk 4 a hot sec Cherry Bruh Cockus Strapped Afk 4 a hot sec Cockus Strapped Daisy D'nur Afk 4 a hot sec Daisy D'nur Denise Elmondi Afk 4 a hot sec Denise Elmondi Dragthgar Azora Afk 4 a hot sec Dragthgar Azora Draxis Darkmatter Afk 4 a hot sec Draxis Darkmatter Elkira Dasan Afk 4 a hot sec Elkira Dasan Esselc Nhoj Afk 4 a hot sec Esselc Nhoj Falsify Entity Afk 4 a hot sec Falsify Entity Finley Stormshade Afk 4 a hot sec Finley Stormshade Frost Midnight Afk 4 a hot sec Frost Midnight Grimnyr Skystriker Afk 4 a hot sec Grimnyr Skystriker Gungo Pewpew Afk 4 a hot sec Gungo Pewpew Higure Stillwind Afk 4 a hot sec Higure Stillwind Hirsi Ura Afk 4 a hot sec Hirsi Ura Iturgen Goro Afk 4 a hot sec Iturgen Goro Jaromir Tato Afk 4 a hot sec Jaromir Tato Jay Air Afk 4 a hot sec Jay Air Jimi King Afk 4 a hot sec Jimi King Jouhana Kujo Afk 4 a hot sec Jouhana Kujo Khloe's Friend Afk 4 a hot sec Khloe's Friend Kodiak Mikota Afk 4 a hot sec Kodiak Mikota Kraz Kiru Afk 4 a hot sec Kraz Kiru Kurumi Azuma Afk 4 a hot sec Kurumi Azuma Lady Zerotwo Afk 4 a hot sec Lady Zerotwo Leon Rin Afk 4 a hot sec Leon Rin Lillie Star Afk 4 a hot sec Lillie Star Lionel Acnologia Afk 4 a hot sec Lionel Acnologia Lo'gath Mul'bunak Afk 4 a hot sec Lo'gath Mul'bunak Lowell Vissar Afk 4 a hot sec Lowell Vissar Lucy Miya Afk 4 a hot sec Lucy Miya Lukia Star Afk 4 a hot sec Lukia Star Mager Domo Afk 4 a hot sec Mager Domo Magnolia Star Afk 4 a hot sec Magnolia Star Makishna Bear Afk 4 a hot sec Makishna Bear Malha Teddinator Afk 4 a hot sec Malha Teddinator Maxamillion Pegasus Afk 4 a hot sec Maxamillion Pegasus Messiah Ziim Afk 4 a hot sec Messiah Ziim Moldy Books Afk 4 a hot sec Moldy Books Mord Grimwald Afk 4 a hot sec Mord Grimwald Naurelle Brioche Afk 4 a hot sec Naurelle Brioche Nebulai Zulu Afk 4 a hot sec Nebulai Zulu Nes Koa'lat Afk 4 a hot sec Nes Koa'lat Nickel Coster Afk 4 a hot sec Nickel Coster Nickeli Stormcro Afk 4 a hot sec Nickeli Stormcro Niffa Chan Afk 4 a hot sec Niffa Chan Nil Riche Afk 4 a hot sec Nil Riche P'mienta Ai Afk 4 a hot sec P'mienta Ai Patunya Vengerberg Afk 4 a hot sec Patunya Vengerberg Phoenix Harsheye Afk 4 a hot sec Phoenix Harsheye Ragnarr Bloodmoon Afk 4 a hot sec Ragnarr Bloodmoon Renzini Fettuccine Afk 4 a hot sec Renzini Fettuccine Rex Kwondo Afk 4 a hot sec Rex Kwondo Ryuga Bloodwolf Afk 4 a hot sec Ryuga Bloodwolf Saiko Asashin Afk 4 a hot sec Saiko Asashin Sam Aerna Afk 4 a hot sec Sam Aerna Sasuga Bear Afk 4 a hot sec Sasuga Bear Sazanami Musa Afk 4 a hot sec Sazanami Musa Scythe Lord Afk 4 a hot sec Scythe Lord Seeray Jagan Afk 4 a hot sec Seeray Jagan Shane Rico Afk 4 a hot sec Shane Rico Silver Night Afk 4 a hot sec Silver Night Sir Dude Afk 4 a hot sec Sir Dude Sleepy Bedge Afk 4 a hot sec Sleepy Bedge Swole Sw Afk 4 a hot sec Swole Sw Tychicus Van-halen Afk 4 a hot sec Tychicus Van-halen Vault Dotharl Afk 4 a hot sec Vault Dotharl Viivii Bealcrest Afk 4 a hot sec Viivii Bealcrest Voyce Wards Afk 4 a hot sec Voyce Wards Xedane Lionhart Afk 4 a hot sec Xedane Lionhart Yakshani Kalima Afk 4 a hot sec Yakshani Kalima Zhyrkov Zacian Afk 4 a hot sec Zhyrkov Zacian