
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Souls of Serenity

Rank 30 Free Company "Souls of Serenity" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233927348481453415. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Welcome to Souls of Serenity! We are an adult Free Company that enjoys having fun, helping others and exploring all types of content.

Operates on Malboro, Crystal, leaving tags "SoS" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Serenity Manor" on plot 3 in ward 2 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Serenity Manor, home of the Souls of Serenity.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
109 132 374
79 132 375
79 253 376
117 253 376
462 253 377
345 253 377
345 129 377
88 155 382
213 212 382
342 212 389
150 77 389
302 77 390
161 77 391
114 382 191
117 382 192
189 171 192
319 217 192
250 78 246
82 71 217

Current members:

Avagantamos Azrael The Harbinger Avagantamos Azrael Smells Funky Master of Coin Smells Funky Asuna' Kirito Funky Souls Asuna' Kirito Tall Black Funky Souls Tall Black Bitta Cray The Council Bitta Cray Bittah Cray The Council Bittah Cray Margaery Wyndthrumm The Council Margaery Wyndthrumm Moku Ku The Council Moku Ku Ashi Gata Serene Souls Ashi Gata Daiya Mondo Serene Souls Daiya Mondo Epona Stigandr Serene Souls Epona Stigandr Hishi Gata Serene Souls Hishi Gata Suhku'wo Fhetrari Serene Souls Suhku'wo Fhetrari Tip Milim Serene Souls Tip Milim Carmen White Ascending Souls Carmen White E'vinthile Evins Ascending Souls E'vinthile Evins Hades Blackscales Ascending Souls Hades Blackscales Hitman Knight Ascending Souls Hitman Knight Jessie Kat Ascending Souls Jessie Kat Kat Camaris Ascending Souls Kat Camaris L'wood Volsung Ascending Souls L'wood Volsung Luno Strife Ascending Souls Luno Strife Rue Dragonbane Ascending Souls Rue Dragonbane Trezly Snipes Ascending Souls Trezly Snipes Armeny Stromer Loyal Souls Armeny Stromer Bah Doh Loyal Souls Bah Doh Boobahlee Sur Loyal Souls Boobahlee Sur Bunny Babbit Loyal Souls Bunny Babbit Cassia Frost Loyal Souls Cassia Frost Geredge Dalost Loyal Souls Geredge Dalost Khuja Binbotajo Loyal Souls Khuja Binbotajo Ki'ro Wallace Loyal Souls Ki'ro Wallace Tanixs Anatalyasch Loyal Souls Tanixs Anatalyasch Trillun Trueshot Loyal Souls Trillun Trueshot Zeke Kagon Loyal Souls Zeke Kagon Abad One Initiate Abad One Abadon The-fallen Initiate Abadon The-fallen Abemarle Idlewild Initiate Abemarle Idlewild Aelaren Swiftblade Initiate Aelaren Swiftblade Aeryth Lutvald Initiate Aeryth Lutvald Aeter Althor Initiate Aeter Althor Agod Lucif Initiate Agod Lucif Ais Sun Initiate Ais Sun Aizen Fezalion Initiate Aizen Fezalion Akeira Habiki Initiate Akeira Habiki Akira Kiwi Initiate Akira Kiwi Alvin Coronado Initiate Alvin Coronado Alymere Rowen Initiate Alymere Rowen Anahit Laveau Initiate Anahit Laveau Andor Arjento Initiate Andor Arjento Anomali Truearrow Initiate Anomali Truearrow Arcadia Engrim Initiate Arcadia Engrim Artemis Fran Initiate Artemis Fran Arthur P'daegon Initiate Arthur P'daegon Asa Butterfield Initiate Asa Butterfield Ashen Zuzunasubringer Initiate Ashen Zuzunasubringer Atsonoa Majycka Initiate Atsonoa Majycka Ayano Scarlet Initiate Ayano Scarlet Aydrina Quin Initiate Aydrina Quin Azalea Davis Initiate Azalea Davis Azaleairisia Sparkle Initiate Azaleairisia Sparkle Azral Spazral Initiate Azral Spazral Baden Erebus Initiate Baden Erebus Bai Fanser Initiate Bai Fanser Barry Mckockinner Initiate Barry Mckockinner Beatrixe Aurum Initiate Beatrixe Aurum Begentle Dawnfire Initiate Begentle Dawnfire Big Meech Initiate Big Meech Bigbaddorf Dorf Initiate Bigbaddorf Dorf Black Ka'kari Initiate Black Ka'kari Blargho Destroyer Initiate Blargho Destroyer Blissa Frostfyre Initiate Blissa Frostfyre Blue Green Initiate Blue Green Botha Bramstroker Initiate Botha Bramstroker Brad Lightfield Initiate Brad Lightfield Breezie Camaris Initiate Breezie Camaris Briestia Moon Initiate Briestia Moon Brogun Lightbringer Initiate Brogun Lightbringer Brynn Meno Initiate Brynn Meno Calcifer Octavian Initiate Calcifer Octavian Calen Tod Initiate Calen Tod Calfuray Wolf Initiate Calfuray Wolf Caliga Err Initiate Caliga Err Caneille Luvan Initiate Caneille Luvan Capt Redbeard Initiate Capt Redbeard Chad Thunderball Initiate Chad Thunderball Charmin Corwell Initiate Charmin Corwell Cipher Zero Initiate Cipher Zero Cleo Petrum Initiate Cleo Petrum Crimson Kingz Initiate Crimson Kingz Cristine Adair Initiate Cristine Adair Crokkon Silkpaw Initiate Crokkon Silkpaw Crush Darkblade Initiate Crush Darkblade Dak Arin Initiate Dak Arin Dalvin Kahn Initiate Dalvin Kahn Danrit Glaciel Initiate Danrit Glaciel Dante Aligheri Initiate Dante Aligheri Deadly Mark Initiate Deadly Mark Deadz Macleod Initiate Deadz Macleod Deepim Pact Initiate Deepim Pact Deltia Wurmslayer Initiate Deltia Wurmslayer Der Kaa- Initiate Der Kaa- Desames Windborn Initiate Desames Windborn Don'call Meh'short Initiate Don'call Meh'short Draco Kaguya Initiate Draco Kaguya Drakar Soth Initiate Drakar Soth Dsep Shun Initiate Dsep Shun Dunoreko Lanareko Initiate Dunoreko Lanareko Edwarda Squidwarda Initiate Edwarda Squidwarda Eirlys Yukimura Initiate Eirlys Yukimura Elda Bidina Initiate Elda Bidina Elena Bloodmoon Initiate Elena Bloodmoon Elodie Martel Initiate Elodie Martel Emanuel Frost Initiate Emanuel Frost Emeraldus Sureguard Initiate Emeraldus Sureguard Enadiz Labirt Initiate Enadiz Labirt Entoju Fujiwari Initiate Entoju Fujiwari Ereshkegail Delacor Initiate Ereshkegail Delacor Erys Thefallen Initiate Erys Thefallen Evol Ethics Initiate Evol Ethics Excolo Volo Initiate Excolo Volo Eydan Templeux Initiate Eydan Templeux Far'el Chralen Initiate Far'el Chralen Farriac Daereer Initiate Farriac Daereer Fearraic Oz Initiate Fearraic Oz Finigan Mcdoogle Initiate Finigan Mcdoogle Flippysan Slippysan Initiate Flippysan Slippysan Fornicating Miggie Initiate Fornicating Miggie Freyaa Nifflevar Initiate Freyaa Nifflevar Frostagician Ray Initiate Frostagician Ray Frosty Kush Initiate Frosty Kush Funbun Thebunbun Initiate Funbun Thebunbun Fusze Ward Initiate Fusze Ward Fuzzyfoot Aphria Initiate Fuzzyfoot Aphria Genevieve Fae Initiate Genevieve Fae Gosetsuu Akiudo Initiate Gosetsuu Akiudo Grand Magus Initiate Grand Magus Hadoo Kenn Initiate Hadoo Kenn Haruhi Rapture Initiate Haruhi Rapture Havok Legion Initiate Havok Legion Heisenburgh Sarabella Initiate Heisenburgh Sarabella Helfric Wolfsbane Initiate Helfric Wolfsbane Hitchademus Thegreat Initiate Hitchademus Thegreat Horkrux Hallows Initiate Horkrux Hallows Hormelia Chilena Initiate Hormelia Chilena Ico Lightsky Initiate Ico Lightsky Idun Smoke Initiate Idun Smoke Inept Ace Initiate Inept Ace Ipman Lee Initiate Ipman Lee Jack Lygar Initiate Jack Lygar Jaiyasad Serenity Initiate Jaiyasad Serenity Janther Panther Initiate Janther Panther Jaykle Washa Initiate Jaykle Washa Jenksho Ugund Initiate Jenksho Ugund Jeylor Simoor Initiate Jeylor Simoor Jinni Zutoni Initiate Jinni Zutoni John Strongarm Initiate John Strongarm Juliet Petit Initiate Juliet Petit Julija Ophella Initiate Julija Ophella K'via Jinh Initiate K'via Jinh Kaas Shendo Initiate Kaas Shendo Kaede Sakimuri Initiate Kaede Sakimuri Kai'nel Steelborne Initiate Kai'nel Steelborne Kanye Burrito Initiate Kanye Burrito Kasila Rekna Initiate Kasila Rekna Katana Frankauf Initiate Katana Frankauf Keiro Habiki Initiate Keiro Habiki Keren'thelia Zacharia Initiate Keren'thelia Zacharia Khyan Syis Initiate Khyan Syis Kil'tercaos Zavrin Initiate Kil'tercaos Zavrin Kirito Day Initiate Kirito Day Kiseri Dunorth Initiate Kiseri Dunorth Knalimasth Xurl Initiate Knalimasth Xurl Konkru Kush Initiate Konkru Kush Krimson Kara Initiate Krimson Kara Kyralus Tigerclaw Initiate Kyralus Tigerclaw Lenus Dartrose Initiate Lenus Dartrose Lindee Bean Initiate Lindee Bean Liones Tropet Initiate Liones Tropet Lioness Sekhmet Initiate Lioness Sekhmet Litl Shart Initiate Litl Shart Liza Rey Initiate Liza Rey Lorna Samedi Initiate Lorna Samedi Lotha Lina Initiate Lotha Lina Luciana Argeneau Initiate Luciana Argeneau Lucideus Dielhelm Initiate Lucideus Dielhelm Luli Lali Initiate Luli Lali Mad Pwny Initiate Mad Pwny Mae Strood Initiate Mae Strood Mam Bar Initiate Mam Bar Mambar Sucks Initiate Mambar Sucks Mare Kha Initiate Mare Kha Maryj Allday Initiate Maryj Allday Matthew Macleod Initiate Matthew Macleod Melia Galelirien Initiate Melia Galelirien Melodie Therrien Initiate Melodie Therrien Melodious Owl Initiate Melodious Owl Memedaddi Izukage Initiate Memedaddi Izukage Meridian Voss Initiate Meridian Voss Milton Bradley Initiate Milton Bradley Minnie Smalls Initiate Minnie Smalls Mirajane Sutorausu Initiate Mirajane Sutorausu Mitaine Nipo Initiate Mitaine Nipo Mizzik Jinh Initiate Mizzik Jinh Moha Thegreat Initiate Moha Thegreat Moonbeam Sparklesky Initiate Moonbeam Sparklesky Moxie Cross Initiate Moxie Cross Moxie Dos Initiate Moxie Dos Mugaaz Zaagum Initiate Mugaaz Zaagum Myria Mystica Initiate Myria Mystica Nagato Uzumakii Initiate Nagato Uzumakii Nala Sarafina Initiate Nala Sarafina Naletrae Hjordisch Initiate Naletrae Hjordisch Nashu Amary Initiate Nashu Amary Neko Heals Initiate Neko Heals Niomh Devinda Initiate Niomh Devinda Nitiri Resa Initiate Nitiri Resa Noc Lightsbane Initiate Noc Lightsbane Nossa Levene Initiate Nossa Levene Nyxie Stix Initiate Nyxie Stix Odinel Wynn Initiate Odinel Wynn Oh My Initiate Oh My Olivia Figaro Initiate Olivia Figaro Onji Kempachi Initiate Onji Kempachi Ophelia Rouge Initiate Ophelia Rouge Orion Astralborn Initiate Orion Astralborn Osiris Black Initiate Osiris Black Osiris Gray Initiate Osiris Gray Ozum Orenatow Initiate Ozum Orenatow Pappy J' Initiate Pappy J' Pappy Joe Initiate Pappy Joe Peppermint Nightmare Initiate Peppermint Nightmare Phoenix Fyre Initiate Phoenix Fyre Pillowpants Killer Initiate Pillowpants Killer Poko Miller Initiate Poko Miller Pro Ninja Initiate Pro Ninja Qui-qon Leonidas Initiate Qui-qon Leonidas Rajeesh Baelish Initiate Rajeesh Baelish Rasha Dali Initiate Rasha Dali Raspie Longknife Initiate Raspie Longknife Rattle Snek Initiate Rattle Snek Raven Camaris Initiate Raven Camaris Revan Bjj Initiate Revan Bjj Rhincodon Typhus Initiate Rhincodon Typhus Rick Fox Initiate Rick Fox Rivent Arkright Initiate Rivent Arkright Rixem Veldane Initiate Rixem Veldane Roman Goddrick Initiate Roman Goddrick Romtao Mar Initiate Romtao Mar Rue Bix'kyoob Initiate Rue Bix'kyoob Running Deer Initiate Running Deer Sabin Destin Initiate Sabin Destin Saint Chris Initiate Saint Chris Sakura Scarlet Initiate Sakura Scarlet Satyr Snipes Initiate Satyr Snipes Sea Sharp Initiate Sea Sharp Seirou Yama Initiate Seirou Yama Sekez Ray Initiate Sekez Ray Sephalia Laiche Initiate Sephalia Laiche Seraph Arkwright Initiate Seraph Arkwright Setsuna Gundam Initiate Setsuna Gundam Shanky Dank Initiate Shanky Dank Shaseer Tigerclaw Initiate Shaseer Tigerclaw Shayden O'hades Initiate Shayden O'hades Shifuku Yadoru Initiate Shifuku Yadoru Shiko Akujin Initiate Shiko Akujin Shoryo Nomizu Initiate Shoryo Nomizu Sir Dec Initiate Sir Dec Sir Mcpunchstuff Initiate Sir Mcpunchstuff Slamuwell Jackson Initiate Slamuwell Jackson Smoko Ono Initiate Smoko Ono Sniggle Wiffits Initiate Sniggle Wiffits Sno Cones Initiate Sno Cones Solara Blu Initiate Solara Blu Son Done Initiate Son Done Spectral Eye Initiate Spectral Eye Spooky Mulder Initiate Spooky Mulder Squal Okamiblade Initiate Squal Okamiblade Startear Sintol Initiate Startear Sintol Storm Ki-ela Initiate Storm Ki-ela Swerve Togawd Initiate Swerve Togawd Sykal Zodi Initiate Sykal Zodi Tall Folk Initiate Tall Folk Terho V'chetu Initiate Terho V'chetu This It Initiate This It Titania Sumer Initiate Titania Sumer Titanius Englesmith Initiate Titanius Englesmith Tizo Tarcy Initiate Tizo Tarcy Toky Loren Initiate Toky Loren Toshiro Zaraki Initiate Toshiro Zaraki Trinity Scarlet Initiate Trinity Scarlet Tris Evergolden Initiate Tris Evergolden Tutulao Bubulao Initiate Tutulao Bubulao Ty Kun Initiate Ty Kun Valar Mor'ghulis Initiate Valar Mor'ghulis Valroth Darkhart Initiate Valroth Darkhart Vin Kholinar Initiate Vin Kholinar Vivi Jinx Initiate Vivi Jinx Vorgoth Gorehand Initiate Vorgoth Gorehand Waffof Changwu Initiate Waffof Changwu Weeble Thelopen Initiate Weeble Thelopen Wibd Wab Initiate Wibd Wab Wildgrave Tain Initiate Wildgrave Tain Willem Ashdale Initiate Willem Ashdale William Petersen Initiate William Petersen Xihon Siegeblood Initiate Xihon Siegeblood Yuma Ljanta Initiate Yuma Ljanta Yvette Vaeryl Initiate Yvette Vaeryl Yzzgol Ironside Initiate Yzzgol Ironside Zabimaru Zanpoktu Initiate Zabimaru Zanpoktu Zashy Zashy Initiate Zashy Zashy Zodly Frostfyre Initiate Zodly Frostfyre